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Posts by Lanny Lanny

  1. in 6 months we're 1/4th the way through this century.

    back to back it will be 2000-2025 is the same as 1975-2000.

    what the fuck happen. how did time move so fucking fast?
  2. Originally posted by Dirtbag I threw up last night from information overload, feel like it isn't over yet. Today I slept a lot and don't know why I've almost been in a coma for a week. Rn I impulse buying a level 3 online course in counselling and CBT. Idk if its to help myself or others. I feel like resting again tbh. I need to find out what's making me tired quickly.

    You said a tornado happened near you? it's stress overload. I just wanna sleep when I get pissed off now. I didn't experience that until my mid 40s. its a cope mechanism is my guess. the body just says "Think about yourself" for once. its in moments like this its no longer a "Selfish" thing. its just a short period of saying Fukital and come back to it at another time or put it in a low priority of concern.
  3. Originally posted by blackbird If all you felt was pins and needles you didn’t do enough. That stuff blasts you into another reality if you do it right.

    Stop pushing your poisons on others
  4. fifth iteration.

    why will humans even need to exist
  5. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Why the plastic food handler gloves?

    You didn't answer the fucking question. also what model is your doogeee
  6. Donald is Donald. let Donald be Donald
  7. I was listening to Triumph Fight the Good Fight which is one of the best Progressive Rock songs ever written but their Spellbound kind of sucks. kind of too commercial sounding. or Pop music'esque.

    to each their own.
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas Gold is for the mistress - Silver for the maid,
    Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade!
    "Good!" said the Baron, sitting in his hall,
    But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all"

    "Cold Iron" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling published as the introduction to Rewards and Fairies in 1910. Not to be confused with Cold Iron (The Tale).

    In 1983, Leslie Fish set the poem to music and recorded it as the title track on her fifth cassette-tape album. In 1996, the song was nominated for a Pegasus Award for "Best Spiritual Song" by a ballot of science fiction and fantasy fans, conducted by the committee of the annual Ohio Valley Filk Fest (OVFF), a filk music convention.[1]
  9. Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Maybe poisoning yourself with Datura seeds?

    I would say benadryl is more pleasant lol

    Pot is good if you sip a beer with it.

    they should have ale infused with THC/CBD. just one. one 20oz or Pint of it. 1:1 2.5 or 5mg

    then just chill. I'd recommend never wake n bake. it's kind of weird trying to get high first thing in the morning but 2-3 hours before bedtime I mean what's the harm?

    eat a healthy veggie and fruit with all your meals. get at least 45 minutes to an hour walk time or if you can do a 10 thousand steps which I think is like 4 miles. 2 miles this way, 2 miles back.

    you should be good. morning stretch, drink a pint of beer weed and get a good night sleep.

    benadryl wasn't design to take daily. it was for severe allergies. like maybe 1-2 weeks during the worst pollen days of the year and not to get high on. it's probably pretty tough on the kidneys or liver.
  10. Originally posted by ner vegas

    even if they did cost $60k each (they don't) that's a huge price difference with the Katyushas (some of which are actual WWII stock) they're meant to intercept

    The Iron dome is pretty bad ass. seems to be getting more accurate. its amazing you can't even see (or at least on camera) the incoming rockets but the dome is hitting most of them
  11. Originally posted by DontTellEm Ur so basic

    Nothing basic bout me, baby cow
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Looks more like Peter Gabriel

    A little bit. He died too didn't he?
  13. Originally posted by Broseph Stalin I’m beginning to think you aren’t at all autistic….just retarded

  14. Originally posted by frala You gon suck a dick too bitch!

    Don't talk to my Irish slag wench like that you hoity toity poofa
  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker The truth seldom is.

    How's business Dougie boi
  16. Originally posted by DontTellEm I’ll be ur worst poster 😄

    What has happened to the female species in the 21st much sauce.. see how women's power works out for you ladies when we slide off the grid and you're hungry, cold, and being chased by animal predators.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i fuck rare spotted femboys for sport

    Is that a photo of DTE
  18. Dial up speeds 300bps?
  19. Originally posted by DontTellEm My god. Why are u always popping up bro. Ur fricking old, bye Gigi hates u already…what type of conspiracy is there …for real tho?

    Conspiracies aren't lies or dellusions.. at worst they're a runaway of facts and at best A CRIME ON A FEDERSL TIER LEVEL OF FELONY. The Roman's and Joos Comspired against Christ. It doesn't mean "Bearing False Info" or Sssskistskitzo
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