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Posts by Lanny Lanny

  1. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    and 900 I dont even take the full dose anymore. I'm down to 300-600 recently because I been doing Wall Situps (Place your feet flat on the wall and its less strenuous on the back)
  2. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Gabapentin and bundy was the autopsy report, also another drug I can't remember.

    Gabapentin mixed with Opioids are dangerous. I dont know about the Bundy stuff (Benydril?)

    But thats how Anna Nicole Smith's son died just before she did. He went to see her in the hospital and the kid died. Gabapentin can fuck with your breathing if you take high doses all at once. I took 1200 of the 1500 in a 2 hour period and had a hard time breathing. I'm down to 900mg now
  3. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood These zoomers are rediscovering oldje abandoned big pharma patents from liek 1940 and making some killer grey market shit that you aren't gonna see on your faggot clearnet darknet chinese suppliers for 5 years and by the time it's banned they will have invented 500 new ones you never heard of

    I dont even know how to get on the fucking darknet. all I hear is TOR onion but HOW?

    I dont plan on buying shit just researching shit you can't do on the rugular search engine. forget deep searching Conspiracy related shit
  4. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Im a Centrist. I'd vote for RFK Jr but maybe Speedy is right and this dude is fake as shit.
  5. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And yet you support and vote for them. Go figure.

    I havn't voted for a democrat since Clinton's first run. I gave money to Obama but didn't even bother voting and then I found out about Harper Reed and all of the Weather Underground Shit. but that being said, Bush was never a true Republican and I did vote the first time for him as well as a Neo-Con which was just "The New Con". conned us all. Fucking cunt. Also Dick Cheney was said to have been secretly a democrat the entire time and didn't want to work for Bush because of his part affiliation. he taught his daughter Liz that trick. running under the Republican Platform only to be a leak for the DNC
  6. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    I fucked around before I got married in the early 80s at clubs so many times Im surprised I never got HIV or Hep or Genital warts. Even bareback with women I never called back.

    thats when Sex was destroyed. Scarey times before there was HIV treatment. come in, wait 2 weeks for what was then a 2 year death sentence. then told its Non-Reactive now, but come back in 6 months. then another 6 months. meantime you did it all over again. and it is said to take as much as 6 months (with older retro test) to show positive. even up to a year
    Rinse, Repeat, go to a club, meet someone, same same.
  7. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Yes, honey, I got arrested by an undercover hooker. Can you come get me?"

    I'm just having fun with this. I dont need a young hooker let alone the condom breaks and Im a Baby Daddy or even worse HIV positiv with HepC and some new genital frenz growing on me.

    but it's always good to note for later if I become fully single again and too old to give a fuck about HIV
  8. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You are being slowly replaced, using your own money to do it.

    I sensed that when I found myself homeless 12 years ago for 3 fucking years. calling 311 as I was told to by the State and the guy telling me "We don't give apartments to single men" only families. I told him we paid a fuckload of taxes over the years. So thats when I found out how it was blatenly corrupt. then I went to collect Social Security and the lady telling me I dressed really nice and that I didn't look like someone who needed assistance and threw my paper in the bin and I said "Just like that" and she said, No thats for processing. but right across from me was a hispanic lady who the lady was speaking in spanish and rubbing her hand and when I left, that lady left right afterwards. and she was dropped off in a piece of shit old Station Wagon that rolled up to the front door but when she left, some dude rolled up in a nice Mercedes Benz and her laughing like she got the money in the bag.
    of course I never heard back from them, went back and the lady never processed it. she threw it in the garbage. it took me forever to get assistance.

    white men are expected to work. it's reverse racism. and i never was racist growing up. And Im still not but I resent the Left so fucking much right now for being hypocrites to working class whites. We have no Privs and we're not Elitist
  9. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    You have to click the youtube account to see the header referencing J'ew and J'ew CEO

    it doesn't mention it in the video itself I guess
  10. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    Look at this crazy shit. Youtube used to pull people for refencing J'ews or Blacks to a specific stereotype or claim you were being racist.

    now because of the Left openly speaking out against Israel, Youtube doesn't shut it down anymore

    Its all about politics and money and not what is right or wrong. People of color or Hollywood can wish death on Whites or say White Males need to be bred out but say the same thing about another race and Youtube would end your account.

    if it wasn't for all the great hard to find music posted for the past 15 years, I wouldn't have a youtube paid account let alone a free one.

  11. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Lanny got caught eating a banana


  12. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist I bet when he dresses as a girl he stuffs one up his ass and pretends he's being fucked like a girl lolha


    Did you know womens panties have a pocket for Kotex and I bet Lanny wear's frala's panties and stuffs a secondary sausage to suck on later when he finishes the first one with his butt
  13. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    over the counter meds for a high. thats pretty sad not to mention way more expensive than a gram of weed you can legally buy in most states.

    fuck would anyone fuck with those for? I bought Benadryl once to take because I ran out of xanax when I was still scripted them and it didn't work that well. just made me irritable and sleepy at work.
  14. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Street CredZ!
  15. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Probably Gaza

    wait what? He's russian not Arab.. or is he?
  16. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Wasn't Jerry from Chatanooga?
  17. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump You need to head out to the plains and find you a native woman, have you some hapa cutie daughters.

    I have Native American on my Father's side. Chicsaw Chockma or something like that. I think they're an off shoot of Cherokee. Scot-Irish settling in Tennessee in the day. so my Grandma was a Hapa

    I'm also related to Sarah M. (Ni Day) Parks. there was a news article written in Chattanooga about my family being some of the first white settlers originating out of Boston then New Jersey then Va.
  18. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I hate Russians. If there were any Russians around here I'd tell them exactly what I think of them.

    even Misguided? :(

    where is our friend. I miss his cooking photos with gun
  19. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry that looks like my place right now bro minus the lgtb flags and the women I have hog-tied in zip ties and duct tape

    I believe it.
  20. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Jazz mags found laying around on the streets as a kid before the internet.

    do you remember those news paper bins of Strip Joints? We had them in San Francisco and Berkeley when I was a teen in the late 70s and 80s. some of them ran ads for escorts. and they would have women fully nude and spread

    nasty looking women too
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