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England (LEEDS) outside of Manchester is on Fire!

  1. #61
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood once again this confirms Canada is the most utopian society on earth (besides Japan)

    Conflicting between shocked and not shocked that Oakland, Detroit and NOLA is on there. hard to believe it's got this bad.

    of course Detroit and Oakland have been bad for 70 years or more. Chicago since it was created
  2. #62
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny I'm going by his words. he said he was stupid shy and retarded growing up and Dr Dre created him in a lab and taught him to act and be a thug-ass-wigga

    had to dress him too. You leave my saint of a mother out of this, you buck tooth Beyatch

    I bet she was a saint to put up with you
  3. #63
    His mouth was washed out with soap too many times. Now he's resentful and bitter.
  4. #64
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bradley Instigator and other British Pussies why are you not engaging with them? Do you like a bedsheet you can fold as a triangle and wear as a standard shemagh?

    I can't speak for other british cunts on this website, I know one is like 60 years old so he gets a pass I guess. But the point I"m trying to make is, as a degenerate member of our society and poor you have a moral responsibility to engage in whatever lawlessness is occuring.

    Now I'm not telling you what you should or shouldn't do, but I am directly telling you that you should go there, see the looting, see the fireworks being shot at cops, see the buildings on fire and think "Hmm how could I Make this situation worse?"

    YOu ikonw I went to several black lives matter protests/rallies? Not because I care about police shooting unarmed black people but because when they hurl that brick through a store window I like to be one of the first people to respond to that situation.

    Tsk tsk

    iol pussy ass motherfuckers "They're rioting and looting." ok go join in

    "No i just want to sit on my unemployed ass with the telly on and criticize non british immigrants." k fag

    Just step aCross_theline kid

  5. #65
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Conflicting between shocked and not shocked that Oakland, Detroit and NOLA is on there. hard to believe it's got this bad.

    of course Detroit and Oakland have been bad for 70 years or more. Chicago since it was created

    Did BradleyB go out rioting when they happened?

  6. #66
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Instigator

    Interview with a guy explaining the social services taking the kid away.

    Them Pikey's don't deserve kids, they just bring em up to be more Pikey's.

  7. #67
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    lol @ 1:10 he said "6x rate of crime" when it actually said 6x rate of care. Then used that to say its already a "no-go zone".

    Also first 30 seconds thought I was watching a lotus eaters video

  8. #68
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Muslims Rioting in UK town of Leeds (Apparently a predominate J'ewish community)

    I noticed the rioters were all speaking perfectly good English in the last video

  9. #69
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Crazy times. Host them and they treat their host nation in such a manner. "You owe them"
  10. #70
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Crazy times. Host them and they treat their host nation in such a manner. "You owe them"

    They put them up in $250/night luxury motel rooms, with free hotel room meals three times a day, then hand them a prepaid VISA every month loaded with $3,000 on it. And you're paying for it all. How does that make you feel?
  11. #71
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They put them up in $250/night luxury motel rooms, with free hotel room meals three times a day, then hand them a prepaid VISA every month loaded with $3,000 on it. And you're paying for it all. How does that make you feel?

    fucking hell I dont even get that much a month let alone paid rent
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #72
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny fucking hell I dont even get that much a month let alone paid rent

    You are being slowly replaced, using your own money to do it.
  13. #73
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You are being slowly replaced, using your own money to do it.

    I sensed that when I found myself homeless 12 years ago for 3 fucking years. calling 311 as I was told to by the State and the guy telling me "We don't give apartments to single men" only families. I told him we paid a fuckload of taxes over the years. So thats when I found out how it was blatenly corrupt. then I went to collect Social Security and the lady telling me I dressed really nice and that I didn't look like someone who needed assistance and threw my paper in the bin and I said "Just like that" and she said, No thats for processing. but right across from me was a hispanic lady who the lady was speaking in spanish and rubbing her hand and when I left, that lady left right afterwards. and she was dropped off in a piece of shit old Station Wagon that rolled up to the front door but when she left, some dude rolled up in a nice Mercedes Benz and her laughing like she got the money in the bag.
    of course I never heard back from them, went back and the lady never processed it. she threw it in the garbage. it took me forever to get assistance.

    white men are expected to work. it's reverse racism. and i never was racist growing up. And Im still not but I resent the Left so fucking much right now for being hypocrites to working class whites. We have no Privs and we're not Elitist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #74
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny I sensed that when I found myself homeless 12 years ago for 3 fucking years. calling 311 as I was told to by the State and the guy telling me "We don't give apartments to single men" only families. I told him we paid a fuckload of taxes over the years. So thats when I found out how it was blatenly corrupt. then I went to collect Social Security and the lady telling me I dressed really nice and that I didn't look like someone who needed assistance and threw my paper in the bin and I said "Just like that" and she said, No thats for processing. but right across from me was a hispanic lady who the lady was speaking in spanish and rubbing her hand and when I left, that lady left right afterwards. and she was dropped off in a piece of shit old Station Wagon that rolled up to the front door but when she left, some dude rolled up in a nice Mercedes Benz and her laughing like she got the money in the bag.
    of course I never heard back from them, went back and the lady never processed it. she threw it in the garbage. it took me forever to get assistance.

    white men are expected to work. it's reverse racism. and i never was racist growing up. And Im still not but I resent the Left so fucking much right now for being hypocrites to working class whites. We have no Privs and we're not Elitist


  15. #75
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    It is what it is.

    I'm supposed to feel guilty about shit "Whites did to other races" but at the same time the working class white grunts had it nearly as bad.

    so some how it's ok to take a big shit on us while the wealthy white elitist are still in power and still living in their gated white communities manipulating everyone
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #76
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny It is what it is.

    I'm supposed to feel guilty about shit "Whites did to other races" but at the same time the working class white grunts had it nearly as bad.

    so some how it's ok to take a big shit on us while the wealthy white elitist are still in power and still living in their gated white communities manipulating everyone

    You're just a peon to them, bud.
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