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Posts by Vox

  1. Vox Houston
    There’s two kinds of rape I call them Casting Couch rapes and Blood Rapes.

    You can guess the differences between them via context clues. OP sounds like a Blood Raper.
  2. Vox Houston
    Yeah he’s a CandyKein. I just coined that. Real stalker weirdo he was nice until she spurned his advances cuz she has a boyfriend. Now he’s like all passive aggressive to her it’s very unmanly and gross.
  3. Vox Houston
    Where am I gonna get my colloidal silver enema now
  4. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In Noah's day, people lived to be over 900 years old, having children right up to the age of 700-800 years old.

    That’s actually a misconception! In Noah’s day the calendar year was much shorter, earth’s orbit has simply been slowed over many eons due to the gravitational effects of the mysterious Planet X, Nibiru.

    This is what “they” don’t want you to know!
  5. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The Communist Chinese, people like Avi Moshenberg, have finally won.

    Also people like:

    David Cohen
    Jacob Levy
    Aaron Kaplan
    Samuel Goldberg
    Isaac Friedman
    Joshua Schwartz
    Daniel Katz
    Eli Rosenberg
    Michael Cohen
    Jonathan Levy
    Benjamin Kaplan
    Nathan Goldberg
    Joseph Friedman
    Noah Schwartz
    Adam Katz
    David Rosenberg
    Ethan Cohen
    Gabriel Levy
    Samuel Kaplan
    Elijah Goldberg
    Matthew Friedman
    Lucas Schwartz
    Joshua Katz
    Isaiah Rosenberg
  6. Vox Houston
  7. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson People can't be faithful now.

    Marriage is also obsolete now anyway.

    What the fuck, this guy is back?
  8. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Instigator Will there be self harm en ouragment and possible grooming of minors on this channel aswell?

    Or is that a given?

    Idk you tell me, you’re the only one I’ve seen encouraging it
  9. Vox Houston
    Everybody dies, Irma.
  10. Vox Houston
    On second read, you must be talking about Brad. None of this applies to me but I do know maddie didn’t appreciate his dick spam lol.
  11. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Maddie messaged me as well saying she was leaving because you were sending her weird messages. Scaring of the females isn't good for the community and you know that and still do it, so don't act like you care about nis.

    Maddie and I are very good friends, nice try.
  12. Vox Houston
    Who, me? Or Brad? I never stir up drama, I just respond to it then fuck off for a while. And last time you said I was some kind of psychopath but now im “acting” crazy? You really suck at this don’t you?
  13. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Someone who needs time to plot, and stall others from plotting.

    You’re not in a thriller novel you dumb bitch.
  14. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Have you ever considered that you make nis a worse place with all your compulsive lies, exaggerations and pettiness?

    So we’ll see you there?
  15. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Who the fuck pretends to be dead users and talks to themselves on alt accounts because no one pays attention to them.

    Who the fuck pretends to suicide only to continue posting on alts such as Packet and Dirtbag, then come back on main after months to slander an upstanding member of this community!
  16. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm curious about what I project and other things.

    You’ve already started off wrong. It’s not about what you “project”, it’s about who you are. Which I think you know already, the new name is very fitting.

    A little humility and self accountability would do wonders for you.

    Now do me.
  17. Vox Houston
    Yeah no shit everyone has hated him for a long time. Except creeps like Kafka/dirtbag.
  18. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Elbow I mean, it's not like he's being particularly subtle with the name. He literally just changed which fricative his name started with.

    someone's finally catching on.

    also look at ms fuckin.. linguistics major over here. wtf even is a fricative. nerd!
  19. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Kinks I RLY must not be his type then

    Naw wait I might have PM's from Piles of Crack acct. but dude doesn't hate on me.

    You're everyone's type ;)
  20. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Bradley You must be new here, we can tell who the alt account is just by posting style.

    Yes I am an old totse lurker and just found this site through a reddit post. Do you guys remember HTS sticking a hi-lighter up his ass? That was a real classic! Looking forward to making new friends and getting back into some good old forum hijinks. For example, when that guy prank called Bill Keller's tv show! That's right I remember all of the old totse things because I was a lurker on totse.
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