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Posts by Vox

  1. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Who said it was working?

    Maybe not in so many words
  2. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Who knows when he's on a charm offensive.

    You think I’m charming?! 😳🥰
  3. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by frala Is this your cat?

    Yes I adopted him. He’s 3 years old his previous owner became a homeless opiate addict and could no longer care for him, but he had a loving home before that and is very well socialized. He is sassy and affectionate. Force lanny to make him into an emoji
  4. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by frala Why do you want me to have had a baby so badly? This is weird.

    Jealous projection, she wants what you have and if she was in your position she’d want to have children. Sadly she cannot, because no one wants her enough to sire a child with her
  5. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Who are you trying to convince? You've just demonstrated your dependency on a group. Its easy to make people like you if you flatter them, says nothing about you.

    Flattery implies dishonesty, I’ve never paid someone a compliment I didn’t believe was true. And I don’t say it to make them like me, it’s just an honest observation. But that’s not why people like me
  6. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Anyway I'm not trying to ruin you Fox bcus you haven't done me wrong. Ik you a malicious type bcus of the fake flattery toward women and grooming that child, so you can stay away from me, but you're not on my target list so fuck off.

    Really, I thought I was in the curse book! Glad to know I’m off it, I could not stop worrying about how capable and dangerous you are!

    We could be friends if you wanted, just PM me
  7. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Says a lot about your dependency on people you don't even like to band together nd tell lies about someone. Like who are you trying to convince?If you want to be on a higher plane you have to stop lying and trying to be part of a group.

    Another failed assessment, I actively avoid groups. People who defend me just happen to know me and like me.
  8. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag That you're a petty twat and nothing you say about me is true. Everyone knows.

    I’m not saying anything so much “about” you as I’m saying it “to” you. But you don’t listen. We never have a conversation you just ramble your insane stream of consciousness and then fuck off when you’re sober to listen to hypnosis.
  9. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Your lack of self-awareness makes me wonder who has the disability. I just wish neurotypicals knew their methods of trying to hurt me don't work on someone who's wired differently, but says a lot but what can hurt them.

    Exactly what is it about my self I’m meant to be aware of, please enlighten me
  10. Vox Houston
    @Lanny please immortalize this cat as an emoticon on the website niggas in dot space forever using

    Thank you

  11. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I have aspie memory for things people say.

    Then link it aspie, my memory is better than yours
  12. Vox Houston
    You really do live in a complete fantasy world don’t you?
  13. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I know you had a baby and are trying to cover it up because it's a girl and there's pedos here who may know where you live/one day target it if you ever cross them. You said last year you were pregnant.

    She never said that and has been drinking pretty steadily this whole time and has openly stated she doesn’t want kids
  14. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Akira claws at my door then speeds down the stairs when I open it bcus she wants me to follow her. She's really like a two year old it's so cute.

    Shut the FUCK up about your stupid cat and look at Ronan:

  15. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Ig satire would sum it up. It was like emos vs chavs back then regarding street fights. We were considered emo but we weren't really.

  16. Vox Houston
    I could do with a cig about now
  17. Vox Houston
    Those aren’t flashbacks they’re delusions. Easy mistake when you’re extremely hammered in a dissociative state
  18. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag This girl tormented me throughout primary and some of secondary school. She was a compulsive liar with a vendetta against me, always trying to get me in trouble. And I mean every day.

    One day when I was 14, I got a phonecall from my friend in another school. They said she had lied to some chav that was known for fighting everyone, she'd told her I wanted to fight her. Then in the park the chav came up to me along with 20 people told me I knew she could beat me or w.e. I don't think she ever would have bcus of my scary sister she was friends with. But yeah that was the line, her lying to someone to try and get me beat up. So I jumped her, and the next day at school everyone was high-fiving me because they all hated her, and I hate liars with a passion.

    You’re lying right now
  19. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by frala Women are some of the most vindictive creatures and this is foolish.

    I base my opinions on peer reviewed studies I’ve read. My inclination is that women lie more often and tell more hurtful lies than men, but I am biased.
  20. Vox Houston
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 All bs besides pastries. You can drink hard liquor on keto.

    Kinkou used to talk about how it was good for your kidneys if you never ate anything.

    She still says that lmao
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