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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. "in the navy, every men fight shoulder-to-shoulder"
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock In the prisons you're in its more popular to partake of 'shouldering'

    a prison is not like a navy vessel.
  3. i get op, it must be very frustrating having to explain to everyone at the restroom why your girlfriend have a penis-like organ despite being a woman.
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock some tiny nipples:

    these are definitely silicone in mens skin.
  5. fisting isnt a popular activity amongst the inmate population
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock Wrong.


    As always

    that word doesmt mean what you think it means
  7. thats it.

    im going to adopt a black name and start publishing on amazon.

    my nom de noir is DaShaun Du'Boir III
  8. Originally posted by Instigator Essxxscuse me if im wrongo doesn't the copper taste come from the fluoride.

    im pretty sure flouride tastes like .... flouride.
  9. ghost in the shell - innocence is 20 years old.
  10. orange tint is more like it.
  11. Originally posted by Donald Trump Looks so Ghost in the Shell.

    ghost in the shell actually took place in hongkong
  12. Originally posted by Donald Trump That's how you know he was a leftist. True leftists (not the bullshit fake jedi kind) are always seeking to protest in the masochistic ways. Lying in the road in front of lorries, or jumping in front of jedi bulldozers, or holding "die-ins" or hunger-striking.

    Normal people are generally more lively when they protest.

    its like natural selection has hardcoded leftists to self destruct
  13. methematics is better
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump Yeah, gluten is horrible.

    and the asssorted unnatural chemicals
  15. as always
  16. Originally posted by Donald Trump I wonder if he could have stolen a jet?

    of course he can.

    even a nigger can do that and done it.

    (go watch the flight channel about that incident)
  17. Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE "is a component of" means "has something"

    Does a car have a passenger window? Is the passenger window a component of a car? It's the same question unless youre going to try to say you have some weird alternate meaning behind when you ask if something has something, in which case youd better explain because I think ur full of it

    ok, go ahead, shove fuel nozzles up your car.
  18. Originally posted by ner vegas yeah, j'ewish groups are chimping out hard about that.

    "why did he kill himself over a conflict on the other side of the world that we have nothing to do with?"

    completely ignoring that billions of dollars worth of weapons and munitions are being given to them for free to enact an actual genocide

    yea well, he had access to not just M-16s, but also to fully loaded F-16s and the only way he think he can make the loudest statement is by setting himself up on fire ?
  19. Originally posted by Donald Trump 0.01 crore.

    not 1/100 crore ?
  20. Originally posted by ner vegas last time was a disaster, hookers drugged me

    were you unable to perform
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