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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock No…pilots are smarter than the average automobile driver

    not anymore.

    with the kind of diversity theyre hiring now that illusion of competence will very soon be shattered.
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump Patience: Allow time to know them. I mean, really take time. If you are aware, it will save you a lot of heart ache, time and grief. And if they won’t take the time, you know your answer. Nothing good comes to anything rushed.

    Respect: This is # uno! They respect you. You respect them. Respect isn’t given, it’s earned, on both ends. Once disrespect is shown, very rarely is it able to be repaired.

    Trust: Same with respect. It takes time. Please don’t freely give it away. You will set yourself up to be with some of the most toxic assholes known to man kind.

    Similarities: Be careful of those that tag you the “perfect” partner. Have some similarities, but have your own hobbies and friends too. Look for someone that helps introduce you to new experiences, places and things. As you will do for them also.

    Non-Judgemental: there’s a fine line between judging, and constructive criticism. Either accept the person as they are, “total package” or set them free. Remember, we can’t change anyone no matter what we think. But those willing to take criticism from those they love, is hard to find without taking things personally.

    Honesty: I’m talking about the type of honesty the partner would risk losing you, for the truth. The truth is better than a heart felt lie that shows they never respected you to begin with.

    Energy: You guys need to have the same energy. I know, I know. Sometimes you aren’t full of “pep”and she won’t be either. But overall, have the same “vibe.” Be careful, many can mirror yours, when in the end, they will deaden your spirit.

    Caring: Not someone that just says it. But someone that has true emotions. Not someone that will manipulate you into believing they care for you, only to pull the rug out when “push comes to shove.” There is nothing more painful than truly needing the person you thought loved you, but they never gave a shit.

    Independence: I get it! Lean on one another in bad times, because they will happen. But have a partner that doesn’t need you, but wants you. You two add to each-others life. You should never complete one another, but add to their awesomeness. Being perfectly “ok” alone is ideal! And if they can’t support themselves, well…

    Drama: The world is filled with it. Find a partner that doesn’t thrive on it. I get it, we all have/create our own drama at times. But having someone that recognizes something that will serve no purpose is awesome!

    Awareness: Almost seems impossible to find. I have talked to many people now. Once you do the same, you will realize you pick up on those that are “some what” aware and are willing to grow. Stay away from those that think everyone else is the problem and they’ve had a “bad” hand dealt their entire life.

    no human females i known have these characteristic outside of tv and anime.

    unless you loosen your definition of 'girl' to include those with penises.

    or used to have.
  3. Originally posted by Donald Trump When any good is that much in demand, it's proof that the good is mispriced.

    he will suck and swallow for a rupee
  4. not if its stagnoed.
  5. Originally posted by Ghost actually she goes into the woman restroom, finds a fat homely bitch and says GET THE FUCK OUT YOU TRANNY MAN FREAK!!! RAPE!!!

    thats why you need to explain to her that penis looking organ is not a penis.
  6. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You don't think it's strange for a woman to have an Adam's Apple, a hairy back, and a penis.

    sir, thats a clitory.

    maybe you have an archaic, patriarchial interpretation of what a clitory should look like but ....
  7. Originally posted by ner vegas I would like to live on a derelict aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean somewhere

    and what aircraft do you plan to fill it with.
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas "if they're willing to try to dictate the price at which Russia is allowed to sell oil…"

    that was only part of the reason.

    remember the saudys were this || close to get on the US's bad side with the murder of khasoggy,
  9. when you least want it
  10. that was what triggered petroyuan in the middle east.
  11. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina when you came to the US, how long did it take for you to master english.
  12. dont be shy.
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock Until you pull the wrong lever in a hanger and eject yourself into the roof

    It's happened

    Several times

    lol. airbags have better safety features than ejextor seats.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock No one wants to hear about your fetishes

    affraid of competition ?
  15. inspired by FGM
  16. Originally posted by ner vegas unsurprising, I very much doubt it's been Ukrainians controlling modern NATO gear like the PATRIOT batteries, radars and anti-artillery complexes I forget the name of.

    it came out recently that the Ukrainian SAM crew that shot down a plane full of their own prisoners was pressured to shoot the plane down immediately rather than confirm with command by British 'advisors'.

    and I still think it's likely that it was a NATO crew that killed the MOSKVA with Norwegian NSMs.

    either way its a secret both side will be uncomfortable to reveal.
  17. Originally posted by Donald Trump Chelsea was able to dump files directly onto a USB hard drive from her work systems, wasn't she?

    I'm sure they've put data loss controls in place by now, although that's a difficult thing to manage.

    or maybe they mutilated all the ports on their computer.
  18. Originally posted by DUSM Raylan Givens indeed

    i c
  19. Originally posted by DUSM Raylan Givens ChildsEx Machina

    when you came to the US, how long did it take for you to master english.
  20. niaggerfalls
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