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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock Amateur.

    Professionals get their boosters more often than diabeetus victums take their insulin.

    we're talking about "vaccines" here, not semens from bbc.
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump They may have left, but they're absentee landlords. Like in Kiev I was looking at flats, and they all seemed to be owned by people who lived abroad, places like Switzerland. Maybe it's just who was showing me around.

    You want to being a landlord to heel, threaten his property.

    the russians arent going to sully themselves to the level of israelians.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock The chinee.

    They bought the Riga carrier from russia

    the shyneses dont like bent shaft,
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock In the Korean War the US pilots literally ran out of targets so on the way back to base, in order to avoid bringing back ordnance, they'd blow up cows


    and they never win another war again.

    the end.
  5. Originally posted by ner vegas guy was in an intelligence unit, was claiming on discord (lol) that he'd seen evidence US soldiers were fighting on the ground in Gaza the night before

    and he torched himself instead of chealsea-ing out ?

    has the US airforce became that good that no leaks are possible since that texiera guy ?


    How Ah discovered
    muh inner ninner strength
    while chimpin' out n sheittt.

    By DeShaun De'Boir III
  7. as maruta
  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sure, he's happy.. but gay?

    not the classical gay.

    the vintage gay.

    the kind of gay where one man let another man insert his penis into his asshole and withdraw, and they repeat this process until the man that enters another man ejaculates, and then the man that was entered upon turn around, get on his knees followed by him slurping the emulsion of semen, feceses and seminal fluid off the genital of the man that have entered him.

    that kind of gay.
  9. Originally posted by Ghost that will no longer exist when central bank digital currencies take complete control, there will be zero illegal economy anywhere on the planet, exchanging value will be made so illegal, expensive, difficult and life ruining that nobody will risk access to basic necessities of life. Even if you could sell something "under the table" the government tracks every purchase and sees everything, you will get caught eventually. There is no running away

    they will always exist as freebies and on a pro bono basis.

    men will always want to graphically share their exploits, eversince the first cave man went into a cave his first instinct after he have had his meal was to document his exploits on the walls of the cave he dwells,

    for posterity.
  10. Originally posted by ner vegas they've been using a lot of artillery on Gaza and the Shebaa Farms in Lebanon lately

    really ?

  11. Originally posted by infinityshock You're an idiot

    your gay if you dont find her attractive
  12. Originally posted by Warcry

    ask her if shes virgin
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock Not when the kikes need the ammo

    different weapon for different war,

    the kikes have the luxury of remote bombing from airplane, they dont do artillery duels.
  14. negrofalls
  15. Originally posted by ner vegas I really like this guy

    do paleolithic architecture

    you mean homeless encampment
  16. on one hand they claim to have a fentanyl crisis and on the other they have difficulties administering lethal jabs /???
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein Perfect or correct?

    first the later, then the former.
  18. when did i do name callin' ?
  19. indeed ah can, but ah WONT.

    because using "perfect" english is White Supremacy.
  20. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The moral of the story: if you can throw a tree, you can play with your kids.

    by throwing them around like trees ?
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