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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Due to they are parasitic pieces of worthless shit.

    hear says
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock Stfu and post nude selfies

    how does it feel to fail at masterin' yer own native language
  3. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also in the quotes.

    dat wuz kinda obvious
  4. Originally posted by RIPtotse God damn you are knowledgeable

    What age did he touch u bro?


    not my dad but i accidentally incessted my sister so i know things like this could happen
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein Just because I said I was here since the first page.. it made Vinny go looking through the thread 😭😂


    Originally posted by CandyRein No but I like to commit race treason….👅

    ja. this was pretty funny.
  6. Originally posted by RIPtotse Oh is that how it works? Thank God I'm not gay or named vinny and love children.


    most father-son molestation happen by accident.
  7. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I'd have them all rounded up and executed.

    due to your physiology ?
  8. Originally posted by Ghost

    it TSTMed.

    every user that TSTMed still have their names in the member list with 0 post.
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein You’re addicted to whatever name you decide to call me …know that and get lost

    knee girl is the best thing ive called anyone.
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock No one needs a dictionary

    are you sayimg anti depressants make your arm grow fingers.
  11. your son can only be gay because you mollest him.
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein Ive always heard and have said “season” food..

    That’s literally the first time I’ve seen someone use “spice” chicken

    I like that I should say that sometimes

    chicken is native to every continent except africa.
  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you took one full dad on your first try

    didnt you


    spectral took his 5th
  14. oreo promotes race mixing
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein No nigga..the school system I was in, taught us the difference between you’re and your and where to put a question mark.. and a period….

    a period is usually put between the first and the last day of the month.

    and they come out between your legs.
  16. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    One of those "I'm moving to Thailand and going to support myself by going full time on YouTube accounts" people.

    reminds me of this guy.
  17. Originally posted by infinityshock 112.424459% of statistics are made up

    lets see the satatistics on this,
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock Their effects on human physiology are not even understood.

    physiology /fĭz″ē-ŏl′ə-jē/

    The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts. All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts. The science which treats of the phenomena of living organisms; the study of the processes incidental to, and characteristic of, life.
  19. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I've seen warm whites in spelling bees.

    non-whites for White Supremacy
  20. Originally posted by WellHung Studying for the Spelling Bee

    spelling bee is the legacy of White Supremacy.
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