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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock describe for everyone how excited its making you

    it used to excite me but now its become grown up and hairy,
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock you are totally and completely clueless

    ok, lets see you cluing the fuck outta me.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Living an abundant life ..full of loving energy ..while miserable people thirst for my attention and stalk me like a fly to a lump of feces โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‡

    color corrected
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock youre an idiot

    soo succinct.
  5. Originally posted by ner vegas cobalt and rare earth metals mining for weapons manufacture

    thats like saying every country that was involved in iron ore mining and steel smelting for peaceful and not so peaceful purposes are involved in world wars.

    like, not really.

    those rare earths have peaceful purposes that arent exclusively for war.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock its been on the board since about 2010, give or take a few years

    was that where the chinaman touched u

    domald trumpf paved the way for all these to happen.

    he pissed all leversge the US had with china to the point china went sll in with russia.

    he went balls deep with israel to the point it enboldened all the judes with their juden shenaniggens that triggered 10-7.

    he checked out of afghan without packing up leaving biden with insufficient time to pack up and vacate the room.

    make america gay again
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock the entire planet is involved at this point

    o ryl ?

    what role does Congo play in this alleged world war.
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock irrelevant. theyre siting ducks, so to speak, to fighters

    how many sitting ducks can a fighter engage at any one time.
  10. this is borderline pathetic unless its a bot doing all these.
  11. Originally posted by Iron Ree lol the third world

    true, in the west virgin assholes dont worth that much.
  12. ja, the fight for a second sloppy for your over-used, extended Ring.
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock iran has enough sleeper cells in the US to make october 7th look like an amateur hour party.

    n u been sleeping with them
  14. romeo n' djuliet ubuntu orbakwamba

  15. Originally posted by โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ € Ever hear of something called a vacuum cleaner?

    it onky works in a vac-cum
  16. Originally posted by infinityshock And giving him his prostate exam with the other hand

    what did they fiund in your anus
  17. Originally posted by BummyMofo Ill tell you where you incel faggotmen belong.

    ok ?
  18. Originally posted by โ €โ €โ €โ €โ €โ € Please, no. TMI.

    too much insemination ?
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock Show us how you 69 your dad frequently

    we dont do that sick shit here
  20. Originally posted by RIPtotse I legit just told you the only partially gay experience I've had is when I robbed dude for trying to suck my dick

    Stop trying to lump us all in with your gay chomo shit you fucking cook

    i had a classmate that alledged that he got a sports bike from his "step dad" for allowing him to suck his dick but we all knew while it might be true that it started with having his teenage dick sucked, it didnt end there.
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