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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock Boys have penises

    Girls have vaginas

    and yet you think asian boys look like girls.
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock I never believ kikes. They always lie

    age of consent is a kiken construct
  3. Originally posted by Donald Trump
    Clint Eastwood is 93.

    the last movie i saw of his was somethjng about flags
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock Wrong


    As always.

    jedis had been evicted from Europe due to their kike bullshit

    and as soon as that happened europe descended into an era of darkness.
  5. theres another thing about him that made me distrusts him but i forgot which
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock Kikes have literally never contributed anything beneficial to society in the entirety of their existence. If it weren't for kikes and the fiscal manipulation they've 'contributed' humanity would be casually traveling the stars and cured most diseases.

    the "europeans" only came out of their self-imposed dark age due to the presence of jéws.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock It is literally impossible to differentiate between getting dicked in the ass and 'normal' medical 'abnormalities'…

    Stupid niggers

    ^ sounds like aggresive denial
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas from an ex-CIA analyst, if you can read

    i no longer have respect for dat guy.

    he said hes never gonna used youtube again and idk what happened but i notice hes back on youtube.

    what eh disgrace.
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock too much soy in their diets and not enough testosterone in their blood stream

    manliness so fragile that little soy can erase it.

    also this is the 21st century, war no longer involves half-naked, testosterone charged men in short skirt charging into each other at fast and furious rate of speed.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein I can’t imagine anyone thinking they have an active brain cell posting the same chit 24/7 for months

    dont encourage him
  11. Originally posted by Solstice The sooner Israel gets reduced to glass the closer we get to Utopia

    how do we turn 6 million judes into glass.
  12. Originally posted by ner vegas


    the machina translator confused the star for the character "women".
  13. Originally posted by Meikai you're a child molester, so yeah, no: girls like that probably terrify you.

    little girls have always been attracted to older men until the jéws decided to memory hole this fact

    there are more/
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock Kikes lie. They literally are genetically unable to speak the truth

    but you still believe them
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein I can’t break into my own threads/house

    You can’t save your boyfriend this time ..

    dis hoe be did done breakin' n' enterin' muh head offcer
  16. Originally posted by infinityshock Wrong


    As always

    citations needed

    Originally posted by Iron Ree or they just zero you out and make it illegal to miss work

  17. Originally posted by infinityshock Wrong


    As always

    citations needed
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock Roofies and duct tape are more efficient

    not everyone plays easy to get victim like you
  19. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You'll wake up one morning and find out in the news that all paper and coin currency is immediately banned for use. You'll be given the option to trade your worthless money in for 2 cents on the dollar in your new digital wallet, which will be strictly controlled. Think the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing and you will be eating people eventually.

    thats silly.

    if anything, theyre gonna incentivize you to trade in your hard currency, polymer notes included, at the rate of 1.50 to the dollar.

    that is to say theyre gonna credit you a 1.5Cr for every dollar you hand over to the central bank.

    tyranny always rule thru the path of the least resistence and since digital money costs nothing to "print", theyre gonna give you more on the dollar than less.
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