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Posts by ArmsMerchant

  1. Not sure what it's about but I think it has something to do with getting rid of the mud people that started flooding in.
  2. Eh its not really like that one guy (forgot his name, tip of tongue) who made those totse/zoklet comics, just used the name cause it fit. I'm planning on putting different users as different characters, some gimmies some dims.

    Yeah I remember that guy. I think his name was Anter or Onter or something like that.

  3. My grandpa won a few darkies in an auction a few years back. He said they sometimes farted when he whipped them.
  4. Sneaking into my sister's room and rubbing her cherokee underwear on my face while I stroked my giant eleven year old totem pole.
  5. Step 1:

    Become black.

    Step 2:

    Make up a fake story about how you walk 21 miles to work every day.

    Step 3:

    Get a liberal news agency to do a report on it, and make sure they don't question or investigate the legitimacy of your story

    Step 4:

    Open up a Gofundme account after the story and have stupid liberals raise over $300,000 for you.
  6. Happy birthday. These are for you!
  7. 1) A black person breaking their back at work
    2) A black person offering professional advice
    3) A black scientist
    4) A white college boy lusting over a black girl
    5) A black hero, especially one fighting against a white "villain"

  8. Because it's much more difficult for men to get laid. If an average looking woman wants to fuck, she can just put a cleavage pic up on a dating website and get 20 responses in less than an hour, followed by 100 likes. If an average man does the same with a shirtless pic, he'll get only one or two responses within a week if he's lucky(and they'll be from fat women), followed by 5 or 6 likes. Women are spoiled whores and have it too easy in life.
  9. Post naked pics of jerome.
  10. I regret clicking this thread. Splew's soggy earthworm is something that no one should have to see.


    i'd close my eyes and tell her to keep talking and calling me onii chan.
  12. Right before you cum, try to imagine §m£ÂgØL rubbing his oiled up ass on your chest while giving you a cleveland steamer. Thats what I do.
  13. Record it this time or at least post a transcript.
  14. You could make one hell of a youtube channel if you made those about SJWs, shills and cucks and put them in an animation or slideshow. Or do that voiceover mouth thing like Murdoch Murdoch does.

    Or something like this
  15. It's obvious that your sister is trying to arrange a threesome. She's going to serve you both drinks and the party will start after a few minutes.
  16. I've called and talked to him on the phone twice before. He's a decent guy. I still have his number, but it's probably best not to bother him. Not sure if the latest rumors about him are true.

    Don't ever ring my phone again or I will fucking gut you with a 440 surgical stainless steel tanto. Guaranteed to pierce through a car door. And your rectum.
  17. Just when I thought Link couldn't look more feminine...

    Start it at 6:40 - he's wearing female long shorts, female hair style, and Unwyred's blouse.

  18. I don't want to be best friends with a guy, unless they are edgy and don't start getting whiny if I make a joke about niggers, midgets, fat people, retards, lolis, or old people with weird conditions. There's nothing worse than hanging around a pc fag and walking on eggshells when talking to him.

    And Zelda OOT and MM were the best Zelda games. The ones for NES were pretty good but were hard as fuck. It became less enjoyable when they emasculated Link and made him look like justin bieber and replaced Navi with some ugly black and white slut and then some dumb water nymph that talks like a robot.
  19. feel bad my ass. any one of those scenarios would have given me a case of priapism. I almost got a nigger in the street a few months ago but he jumped out of the way

    I almost hit a nigger while it was taking a selfie video near a street sign. It was funny as fuck. I didn't even try to maneuver around him.
  20. The real ArmsMerchant was 9000x better than this loli loving fraud. I'm embarrassed to read anything he posts.

    Your ancestors raped my Cherokee people, you fucking white devil.
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