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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Beeno has been training everyone on Push Pull methods of dialing into someones cell phone. apparently even if the phone is off they can listen into conversation and possibly even switch call to a shill. he learned this while station at Fort Hood. No doubt illegally using military experience and hardware for his criminal behavior. which makes the US Army responsible for that. Law Suit pending
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Sonny Barger was sent to Prison by the same corrupt cops in Antioch California. but now the FBI is going after them for "Racist Texting" and allowed Murderers to walk because they were black and so TaDa! you get to walk because of racist cops.

    And no doubt the Mayor gets to walk for his DUI. he's really playing on that card right now too. beating his "Im a black man" drum instead of owning up to his DUI like the rest of the people had to pay. Including me

    Fuck this political game shit. FUCK YOU SHILLS
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 false ive proven this false 100 times

    i believe the 9/11 official story as much as I believe the covid hype bullshit it's all fake as fuck you are cleaely brainwashed by the mediUHHHHHH #freedumb

    MORON. "WATER IS WET". WHat have you posted that doesn't prove shit

    Where is the post of the threat on here? its not here. you're just gathering bits of nothing. Your'e a dumb fucking cunt. the one thread in which instead of being this basic bitch archvie version which didn't even use the default UI. the original UI was not this theme. and the one thread stood out because it literally had a glow code put into the thread's header so people would be entice to click on it.

    You didn't disprove jack shit. you only prove what archive had manipulated by redacting out other posts.
    Imgur had redacted shitloads of my photos.

    Was going to prove the this by posting my one page left from the original September post. it had like 9.6.01 and then jumped to 9.16.01 with "Why did they remove Bad Ideas its not like anyone posted "Fly planes into the buildings"

    that guy who posted that made one post in the entire year from the time he joined in 2000. 1 post and that was his 1 post.

    Obviously Bidens people getting nervous since I hired this attorney. I have 1 out of 5 pages now. everything that is 9/11 related is missing. I have one page. fucking laughable Fuck IMGUR too.

    People started getting cocky on here once Trump was out and biden came in. it's obviously controlled. the internet peeps of silicon valley love these libtarded fucks for some stupid reason.

    And as I mentioned. People like Speedy are really Leftist Shills pretending to be a Guy 2A guy. but he really is gatheting intel of all the people who hang out in his Arizona bar. he's taking photos like and posting it of outlaw gangs and then acting like he's one of them

    the late Sonny Barger posted about his pure hate for the Weather Underground. he joined the US Army at age 16 and got an honorable when they found out his age. he then wanted to round up his Club friends to go after these fucking radicalism leftist cunts.
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    They always made it look like the Republicans were the ones pushing the New World Order agenda. and that democtrats protect freedom and shit like 1A but they fucked up when they went after Gun Owners and exposed who they really were.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox They should be in prison for war crimes not for failing to live up to the ideals of the Republican Party…

    The point they ran falsely was to do just this kind of shit. the New World Order is a leftist fantasy. the Globalist movement of a one world power which George Bush Sr made in his speech was proof people wanted who suspected him running during the Reagan years. Reagan didn't like him but was encouraged to allow him to be his running mate. and look what happened to Ronald Reagan. he was shot just a few months in his first term.

    its more than running falsely. it's apart of the whole takeover of not just America but all free nations.
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT getting ready to go to my next job, I have 3 jobs this week I gotta remove popcorn from the ceiling then mud the joints cuz they slapped a coat of mud on and textured the ceiling without perfecting the mud so its a clusterfuk at this point and I'll have to mud and sand all joints before painting it then I have to prime the wood walls before painting them. the other job is facia and soffit sand, prime and paint and the 3rd job is cutting and hauling 5 loads of wood in my one ton so I have fire wood for the winter. all to be done by next sunday

    does that shit really have asbestos in it? i heard it does. it was supposed to suppress sound. acoustic spray was bullshit. and its the ugliest shit to look at.
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 tyhats an expensive tumble weed

    funny because tumble weeds are an invasive species out of Russia. the Russian Blue-Sage Weed. thats like one of those coincidence like a 3 Card Monte
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Bush was never a Republican and Cheney and his daughter Liz are not Republicans either. they ran falsely on the Republican Platform.

    this is a form of Treason and collusion and should be met with serious Prison time.
  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 9/11 was fake like the holocaust

    IN a way it was. Though unlike you Im not a holocaust denier. it is fueled not by the Republican that leftist blamed but one of their own groups. the very group who help form and empower Antifa. the WUO and George fucking Soros. Oddly you play the game of switch real good. because Soros was a Bolshevik Jew not a real child of God Jew.

    Classic. Turned on his own people (Jews) by becoming a nazi youth. look at what this fucking cunt is doing now to the USA. Biden, Clinton and clearly Obama's ghost writer (who was head of WUO)
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Blunt Wrap Supreme How would you know this?
    Got information from Fort Hood?

    Ohhhhh BEENo much
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Why did you make that thread pretending you don’t know who Wariat is lol? You make a new account every couple months but after a few posts it’s obvious who you are. What’s the point?

    maybe if I was peedy that it would start focusing on Wariat since everyone is desensitized to him being what the fuck he really is and Lanny should super duper ISP-Wildcard ban his ass
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai No shit.

    He is.

    No you are. Beige is Pen Cap Lucy and I Love Trains.
  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Ewwww nigga you got aids? Gross. How’d you get it, drugs?

    CIA over 9/11 reports because Alice is a well respected Doctor
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Are you Beige Warlock?

    ARE YOU >:[
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Cloth masks. N95 or nothing baybee.

    95 isn't a measurement of size. it catches 95%. it's still 2.5 nano in woven length. only 95% of particle are caught.
    it was designed for drywall which has gypsum and the gypsum and talcum which often has bits of asbestos mixed within it.
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 you're telling me they have had a mask control plan since the Maoist times?????? no way , chinks just wear them unlike Indians it's a chink feature of their high density living I think it's more cultural than political but it might be political now. I've never heard of anything like that from the CCCCCCP

    minus the "Chink" part this is true.

    I started noticing the Chinese mainlanders in this neighborhood that have been moving in swarms over the past 7 years of wearing them around summer of 2019. this was already known way before December.

    it also has to do with china's air quality. but they're now in the USA. Even in LA the air isn't that bad as it used to be. You can see the snow covered peaks and the hills you couldn't see 30 years ago.

    something was up. they knew it ahead of time. not as a conspiracy but just they would hear from family members of mysterious deaths and a mysterious flu. and it corresponds to the Harvard Professor and his 2 Chinese PLA students in March or May of 2001.

    links to who? Obama's admin? Biden perhaps?
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse i mean they did 9/11 and covid i mean honestly, if you can pull off some shit like that i mean, you do basically run the world i guess

    its just fucked idk but im hard sold 9/11 was already pre planned for cuba then castro pooped and then boom alla akbar mai nigga

    covids same sheeit but global i guess they figured out how to do a global 9/11 thats pretty fucked, next its aliens, waiting to see how this whole 'steven grush' shit plays out, i mean phil schneider got smoked, bob lazar didnt, john lear seemed so survive it and know some shit

    wot if they try to say aliens brought covid lul

    What sadly is the real fact is that they did blame a Saud family member (Bin Laden) and it started off going to the right country of Afghanistan to find him yet it ends up in Iraq.

    Saudi Wahabbist fucked one of their own family members and blames him and then blames Iraq. half a million civilians dead. Wrong People targeted because thy had all of the OIL. So fucking what. Sauds eventually cut us off anyways. or cut back production.

    Hand the oil and power over to the Sufi and take a portion as a spoil of war and restitution and cheap gas for the USA forever once you give power to the Sufi in exchange for that as spoil of war.

    the Sufi would probably of given it to us for next to free
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra read the post

    the M'RNA shots flood a person's system with spikes to the point where it desensitises the immune response and causes it to tolerate similar threats rather than attempt to fight them

    which would explain the reports of people with cold/flu symptoms that either don't go away or just keep coming back

    the body heals itself with nearly everything out there except the HIV (which too has protein spikes designed and sticking out of the cell wall). So its that one brand of Vax that is going to fuck up everyone because they tweaked a weaken HIV cell?
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Dumbass

    No I have Pulminary Fibrosis you fucking nitwit. I went 3 years believing in that conspiracy-shit and ended up in the hospital on the third year for a week with pneumonia. never got it that bad ever since I went back to getting the shots. for me its needed. for the average healthy fuck it's not.

    I mean I get shit for saying 9-11 post was made 6 months prior to it happening (I call it the 9-11 even though it wasn't 9-11 yet and no exact date given)

    You people call me a nutter. but you believe in this anti-vax shit?
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Must be double lined distanced and a minimum of 3 lines.



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