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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    No Gonads and Strife. Always a popular meme video on totse.


    Albino Sheep borrowed it so I thought he was the original creator.

  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 the forum started in 1999-2000 you dumb nigger everyone joined "right before 9/11" either months before or close enough that it would seem suspicious if you just took your screenshot out of context without knowing the entire operation history of totse so once again you are so wrong literally nothing you posted has any basis in factual reality just circling peoeples posts taking dates and names doesn't mean shit especially when you take every false positive as CLEAR EVIDENCE JEFF HUNTER AND DICK CHENEY DID NINE ONE ONE hurr durr or whatever

    another case solved by the bleatnicks folx #pocketchangefilm

    OK You're fucking confusing the GIF

    It was from a flash video and ToiletDuk converted it to a GIF file.

    the reason I attached that photo to the post was its the cut off date between September 3rd with Loki and when it picks back up on the 16th on

    this is the link to the flash video that Toiletduck posted. This is also his alt name. the misanthropic one. Notice the locked date and when he posted it. On the same day. Now why would they do that. they saw shit way worse. and 9/11 didn't happen when it was posted. it was posted 10 days before 9/11 occured. On the first of September 2001

    what isnt suspect as fuck about "FUNNY ASS MOVIE" and it being locked by the admin on the same day?

  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    If you were on there back in 2000 you would have known that enigma was using a pop up window of asking random questions. it was his little AI chat box he was working on. he used that on September 11th to tell me Not to harass him about the pre-warning thread. that the FBI was there at that moment taking away files and hardware and threaten to blacklist me you fucking dope.
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    "the forum started in 1999-2000 you dumb nig everyone joined "right before 9/11" either months before or close enough that it would seem suspicious if you just took"

    Thats my point. The page was redacted. they removed replies in that thread between September 3 by Loki and returned September 16

    I joined in 2000. I actually came on as Greenspam in 1999 and was asked by enigma to come back. he was still transferring files.

    the Mario gif I layed over Loki post to show the last part posted and regarding to 9/11 when it cuts most of the post out. it was redacted out.

    You're just rehashing nothing into the facts. I stated these in the past. when I joined. I showed up and everyone was lik e"Kick Greenspam off' so I came back on under another name.

    you're not proving anything with this scramble egg logic of your own.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 hurrr it growed it growed!! Fuys fuys!!! I saw the glow niggers!!!

    what do you hope to gain from doing meth all of the time and acting like a fucking 12 year old on here. You proved nothing.

    the UI isn't the original in the menu. this one glowed over the others. standing out.

    the member Dewtard or his friend showed up at my House you fucking dipshit and trashed property. you're only seeing part of the story. youre posting what? What is your point you're too fucking mental to form a cohesive statement. "OH MY GAWD I SEE HIS NAME THIS PROVES SOMETHING"

    what are you saying here? what the fuck does that have to do with anything you fucking brain dead meth-head
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Alex Jones runs a fucking ad on totse
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Unrelated but gross and funny showing how fucked up TOTSE was irw

    Alex Ad Add 7

  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 the truth is easy to figure out if you aren't blinded and tricked by whatever, but I agree that when governments engage in obvious cover-ups, war mongering, backroom dealing all which have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to the point where they admit it but justify it now.

    and it's not just Bush, Obama said just trust him that they took pictures of Bin Ladens body, bullshit. Release the pictures, buried at sea my ass, obviously fake.

    just like covid hype

    ur an idiot

    cards.gif muh monty python

    linked to somethingaweful site while the URL is linked on another forum September 1st 2001 and LOCKED The same day of Mario GIF blowing up the WTC with a TNT Plunger. but this one was a flash video with sound

    people suspected it. Alex Jone's "INSIDE INFO OF THE FBI"

    Alex Jones also ran ads on
  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    i read up on that to see why. Lead smells sweet. it has a sweet texture. so it attracts toddlers and small children and entices them to "Give me a taste..what harm could come from it." and thats why when parents come in and freak out.. the child freezes up like"Oh fuck, I got caught tasting something sweet without adult supervision"

    Good parenting. Let the walls peel and leave the kid unattended in front of the TV all day while you Yada Yada Yada with your friends smoking in the kitchen
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I can't prove anything because they control the information by redacting it out just like how Bush and Cheney got away with asking the report of 9-11 to have 28 fucking pages redacted which spoke of Fahd and his cousin writing checks for SAUDI ARAB TERRORIST TRAINING and not IRAQI TERRORIST.

    3 Card Monte

    Which Muhummed Ata?
    Which Jeff Hunter
    Which Russian Blue

    see thats what that means. its not nonsensical. sometimes its coincidence and sometimes it's apart of the setup to deflect any future investigations by having the same name confuse direction of its outcome.
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Chios Honey you seem to keep accusing me of being a Glow.

    seems you're nervous about shit.

    and this again shows how archive redacted and was removing pages in real time back around 2018. just redacting and removing pages. they were there and then not there. and members on here were commenting about it.

    they just snipped and place the pieces together. why would do such a thing? because perhaps a former NirvanaNet member works there?

    loki 9/3 to 9/16

    stripped out the rest of it.

    also not the original UI. header literally GLOWED
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Shut up nigger

    Make me tough guy
  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    typical Star Trek Theme

  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    not sure if its the same dude. Tom Nardi

  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 wrong, skitzo, faggot, dead, don't know shit you fail yet again but keep trtying though maybe one day yule figure it out AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    lol your theories are so gay and dumb and faggoty like any1 you know matters fuckken faggit you don't know anyone high up into anything except a bunch of sad sacks and "hurr durr im popular in real life" this is real life you bitch and there's no difference a punk ass is a punk ass no matter the age or OG totsean or not real recognize real etc

    you seem to keep accusing me of being a Glow.

    seems you're nervous about shit.

    and this again shows how archive redacted and was removing pages in real time back around 2018. just redacting and removing pages. they were there and then not there. and members on here were commenting about it.

    they just snipped and place the pieces together. why would do such a thing? because perhaps a former NirvanaNet member works there?

  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I think I had a mini-stroke.

    "Word-retrieval problems for adults can have several causes, such as: Typical age-related changes to the brain. Neurological conditions, such as dementia, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or long COVID. Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety."

    You were Marked as FVEY by a member that got removed by Lanny a few months after you showed up. Keep playing your character, Shill.
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Suzy, Zok and Panny all related to collusion.

  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    This is obvious as fuck now. Libtards pretending to be 1 and 2A supporters when you're just bating people. Panthrax apparently being visted by Meta and marrying into an FBI (according to red)

    shouldn't have pissed off red and he wouldn't have broke down and told me, Panny
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster High as balls off this Mike Tyson vape

    oh fuck you're one of those believe what they trained us kind of spooks

    Mike Tyson Investigator

  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Metro PC was in the papers regarding this. Corrupted organizations involved. they set up phones so peoples bank accounts could be compromised. Corrupt cops involved too. former gang members becoming cops.

    this is well known. I knew about this shit years back when I worked at Radio Shack.
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