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  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey also not the original UI. header literally GLOWED

    Originally posted by Ghost bullshit, you lying faggot mentally ill making shit up to support your own lies and lying to yourself. Fuck you and and the FBI.

    You are nothing but a parrot repeating the same shit that has been repeated on TV and internet for 20 years bouncing it around in your head. I thought I was out of touch because I don't care about PUTLER and ukraine and I still remember stuff like the Gulf War era invading the middle east and terrorism and Bin Laden being "buried at sea" and I feel like an out of touch boomer but you are completely out to lunch with this shit.

    Jeff Hunter was a bitch, 9/11 was a fake hologram and Lanny fortnite dances on the FBI

    this is the most mentally ill thing I have ever read in my life. I've seen people tripping from meth awake for a week screaming on demons that have more sense of reality than remembering GLOWING FUCKING INTERNET POSTS you are like Terry Davis except you remember digital glowing posts that predicated 9/11 before it happened LMRAO!

    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney this guy seems like a fed


    2018 sounds about ilke the most likely time an agent would make a sleeper account on a potential terrorism site

    hurrr it growed it growed!! Fuys fuys!!! I saw the glow niggers!!!
  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    It gets even weirder. A programmer named Terry Davis, who died in a train accident in 2018, exposed the plot. He called the glowing mutants “glow in the dark CIA niggers”. He said he had killed some of them with his car.
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey loki 9/3 to 9/16

    stripped out the rest of it.

    the forum started in 1999-2000 you dumb nigger everyone joined "right before 9/11" either months before or close enough that it would seem suspicious if you just took your screenshot out of context without knowing the entire operation history of totse so once again you are so wrong literally nothing you posted has any basis in factual reality just circling peoeples posts taking dates and names doesn't mean shit especially when you take every false positive as CLEAR EVIDENCE JEFF HUNTER AND DICK CHENEY DID NINE ONE ONE hurr durr or whatever

    another case solved by the bleatnicks folx #pocketchangefilm

    dewtard more like ur a retard
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 hurrr it growed it growed!! Fuys fuys!!! I saw the glow niggers!!!

    what do you hope to gain from doing meth all of the time and acting like a fucking 12 year old on here. You proved nothing.

    the UI isn't the original in the menu. this one glowed over the others. standing out.

    the member Dewtard or his friend showed up at my House you fucking dipshit and trashed property. you're only seeing part of the story. youre posting what? What is your point you're too fucking mental to form a cohesive statement. "OH MY GAWD I SEE HIS NAME THIS PROVES SOMETHING"

    what are you saying here? what the fuck does that have to do with anything you fucking brain dead meth-head
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    "the forum started in 1999-2000 you dumb nig everyone joined "right before 9/11" either months before or close enough that it would seem suspicious if you just took"

    Thats my point. The page was redacted. they removed replies in that thread between September 3 by Loki and returned September 16

    I joined in 2000. I actually came on as Greenspam in 1999 and was asked by enigma to come back. he was still transferring files.

    the Mario gif I layed over Loki post to show the last part posted and regarding to 9/11 when it cuts most of the post out. it was redacted out.

    You're just rehashing nothing into the facts. I stated these in the past. when I joined. I showed up and everyone was lik e"Kick Greenspam off' so I came back on under another name.

    you're not proving anything with this scramble egg logic of your own.
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    If you were on there back in 2000 you would have known that enigma was using a pop up window of asking random questions. it was his little AI chat box he was working on. he used that on September 11th to tell me Not to harass him about the pre-warning thread. that the FBI was there at that moment taking away files and hardware and threaten to blacklist me you fucking dope.
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 the forum started in 1999-2000 you dumb nigger everyone joined "right before 9/11" either months before or close enough that it would seem suspicious if you just took your screenshot out of context without knowing the entire operation history of totse so once again you are so wrong literally nothing you posted has any basis in factual reality just circling peoeples posts taking dates and names doesn't mean shit especially when you take every false positive as CLEAR EVIDENCE JEFF HUNTER AND DICK CHENEY DID NINE ONE ONE hurr durr or whatever

    another case solved by the bleatnicks folx #pocketchangefilm

    OK You're fucking confusing the GIF

    It was from a flash video and ToiletDuk converted it to a GIF file.

    the reason I attached that photo to the post was its the cut off date between September 3rd with Loki and when it picks back up on the 16th on

    this is the link to the flash video that Toiletduck posted. This is also his alt name. the misanthropic one. Notice the locked date and when he posted it. On the same day. Now why would they do that. they saw shit way worse. and 9/11 didn't happen when it was posted. it was posted 10 days before 9/11 occured. On the first of September 2001

    what isnt suspect as fuck about "FUNNY ASS MOVIE" and it being locked by the admin on the same day?

  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    No Gonads and Strife. Always a popular meme video on totse.


    Albino Sheep borrowed it so I thought he was the original creator.

  9. WellHung Black Hole
  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey what are you saying here? what the fuck does that have to do with anything you fucking brain dead meth-head
    im more sober than u druggie

    Originally posted by Chios Honey If you were on there back in 2000 you would have known that enigma was using a pop up window of asking random questions. it was his little AI chat box he was working on. he used that on September 11th to tell me Not to harass him about the pre-warning thread. that the FBI was there at that moment taking away files and hardware and threaten to blacklist me you fucking dope.

    nope ur wrong sorry not sorry wrongson

    Originally posted by Chios Honey you're not proving anything with this scramble egg logic of your own.

    and you are? lmrao

    Originally posted by Chios Honey Thats my point. The page was redacted. they removed replies in that thread between September 3 by Loki and returned September 16
    the Mario gif I layed over Loki post to show the last part posted and regarding to 9/11 when it cuts most of the post out. it was redacted out.

    muh redacted muh redacted yeah sure well actually I saw a waybackmachine that says your a lying bitch but that was redacted too
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey OK You're fucking confusing the GIF

    It was from a flash video and ToiletDuk converted it to a GIF file.

    the reason I attached that photo to the post was its the cut off date between September 3rd with Loki and when it picks back up on the 16th on

    this is the link to the flash video that Toiletduck posted. This is also his alt name. the misanthropic one. Notice the locked date and when he posted it. On the same day. Now why would they do that. they saw shit way worse. and 9/11 didn't happen when it was posted. it was posted 10 days before 9/11 occured. On the first of September 2001

    what isnt suspect as fuck about "FUNNY ASS MOVIE" and it being locked by the admin on the same day?

    mario.swf was something else he made mario gifs idiot allah.swf was the file name or allahackbar
  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Chios Honey If you were on there back in 2000 you would have known that enigma was using a pop up window of asking random questions.
    nobody knows that except you therefore its a lie/skitzo
    actually you mentioned popup windows MONTHs before so its an obvious skitz

  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Also, I remember everyone saying this was Jeff Hunter and another user in the photo on timeline 0:50 in Gonads and Strife. Does kind of look like him. Left side of the photo with the hands up

  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 nobody knows that except you therefore its a lie/skitzo
    actually you mentioned popup windows MONTHs before so its an obvious skitz

    months before

    month before

    Moron. He was working on an AI Bot to see how long it would take to figure out its not real. the Turing Test.
  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    this is jeff

  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Scron your brain is going to freeze up if you keep overclocking it on meth. you're making no sense in your challenging facts. BSOD if you dont cut back on that shit
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 this is jeff

    apparently thats Wellhung but I'v seen it before and other photos. the fat one of him was popular. I think Wellhung is just an alt.

    I've seen the name Tom associated. Its probably AI and stands for tom foolery.
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Also Frala is apparently friends with Lostcause

    I screen cap a message we had reciprocated on Reddit
    She goes by Zoklett on there. and she admited to seeing the thread but was "living in Florida at the time" We were researching her and she may be hanging out with ToiletDuk aka Victor upin the Portland Oregon area. Band called Cartoon Violence and there is a photo of what looks like an older her. and someone posting Lala and Lostcause from about 20 plus years back.

    Also Red stated Panthrax was visted by Meta because Panthrax was related to Jeff. or that was their belief. Meta would visit Panny/Panthrax at prison

    Im wondering if MetaPhys is teaching Poetry and Association to its use in exercising strenth in cognitive Ability.

    at a University in PA. looks like him too.

    Do you still want to stab me with a Katana?
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Someone has a friend at imgur I was going to post the photo

    I am moving photos over to a different server. clearly they're cock blocking me. some photos on there but 4 pages removed.

    anyways its clearly Lostcause because one of the photos in that is used in the Poster of totse collage

    Showing her singing in a punk band.
  20. Originally posted by Kafka I hate my cousin she's so entitled. She stole a real pig's head off a buffet, staff tried to stop her, she started eating the flesh off its face then someone shoved a bottle of beer in its neck then started drinking out of its mouth. She thinks she can do anything like buy a church etc.

    She sounds like a serial killer, too.
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