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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Did he admit to killing TuPac?
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    ChatGPT lies a lot. its programmed or had someone come in and started spitting out bullshit where I got it to give lots of info before it now tells you personal data.

    I think who ever was monitoring output noticed it was giving PI of people and they had to stop that for legal reasons? or just to hide facts.

    at least the free version of it is doing this. the 3.5
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Damn son, step forward like 20 feet and get the power lines out of the photo lol. Then you could try and make it look less hazy in post.

    Love dat bridge tho

    I should go up on the roof. I hate those fucking things. all of these old houses in El Cerrito and Richmond (4 cities come together, Berkeley and Albany too) with these old shitty power lines. just run them all underground. they bring down property value too in most cities but not here because of high demand for housing
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    "it was posted Jan 2021"
    but that wasn't the original air date let alone the uploaded date.

    523,727 views  Jul 25, 2016  #DrPhil #DrPhilShow #PhilMcGraw
    A couple claims their neighbors detonated an explosive under their kids’ swing set. But one of the accused neighbors denies involvement and claims the couple is trying to defame him.

    no way was he 21 years old when this was uploaded. "21 year old Christopher"
    wondering how much of Dr Phil is Hackery (acted out.. scripted)

    ^ Is when it was originally uploaded.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 you are a cult

    The reason we know it's not a doppleganger of Tacho is that dozens of people on his BlackRedGuard youtube channel were pointing out he showed up on Dr Phil.

    So even they believe this is the same dude as their BlackRed Guard guy. and he removed his video the very moment someone posted 'Tacho was on Dr Phil" but the date of NIS reporting it was well after the Original Uploaded Dr Phil 7 years ago. so why on that very day did he start pulling his videos from his BlackRedGuard channel?
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut

    "Typical communist.." -Ghost

  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    That moment we spoke of him ..

    he removed his videos apparently. he removed them with in one hour of the original post. so he's watching us in real time on NIS
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Tacho is black red guard and his first name is that of the lead singer of an indie rock band that inspired nirvana and many of their songs are either about the Bible or aliens. I'm giving too much away.

    Tacho likes Ska tho as TheRascalKing is actually a Ska song. It's funny because Ska is the whitest music possible

    according to the Dr Phil show his name was Christopher. unless they changed their names to protect them. He also lived in Ohio during that show. and that Show I guess aired originally 2016 or was uploaded 7 years ago.
  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I been looking at Maine but heard New England is blue as shit. Really really White but White LIberals. how's that working for them. what if a bunch of Far leftist moved hood-rats up into Maine and other New England states.
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I might split again. this place is becoming ghetto af. it was such a wonderful place growing up (for the most part) and truth be told the forces of destruction keep chipping away here. of course this is coming to a neighborhood near you and globally as well.

    Guilt trip playing card and money for far left attorneys afforded by tax payers for the lunacy of what their "local police and politicians" have done to their victims.

    but this place is lost. I hear San Diego is the only half way decent place left in California. but I can't afford to own or live there. all the wealthy are driving up prices there.

    Texas, Arizona, New Mexico are becoming Blue states too. enjoy that new blue in control. it will effect your marriage and family relationships.
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung 🤣

    Same at you. loser. I hope a security guard tazes your boys and you go into cardiac arrest and the resuscitated by Candy only to have to retaze your bro's all over again cause you got rapey rapey fingers with her after waking up.
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Ours? Do you mean you and the dried turd in the seat of your drawers? Because you live alone pal.

    Jealous because no actual female would hook up with your crooked nose ugly ass face. its good you found marriage in your new business.

    enjoy that
  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox

    well almost 152 anniversary isn't it?

    I doubt a cow did this. It is believed there was a comet tail passing over the area. another village not far from Chicago also caught fire unrelated the very same night and killed nearly every inhabitant that lived there.

    the cow story was just easy to place blame and move on,
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Terra aka Earth, not Saturnforming or Uranusforming, Terraforming dumbass.

    …and to make it habitable for Earth life

    in this case Earth is not just the name of Our planet tp which, its namesake, but named after Soil of life. Earth/Soil not Name of Planet we come from. It's not just to make it inhabital for this planets life. I'm using it as what is more host like for them and less hellish for them which is Hellish for Us.

    our soil or plant life might be toxic to them and what is toxic to us is their form of Earth or Paradise.
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra because that's a TV news segment you turbo retard

    that guy didn't actually die either, he recovered and went back to doing shitty prank videos

    saw that after I posted. as much as he went into panic mode you would of thunk he would have learned.

    how many more times will it happen before he learns?
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra hack it

  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Millennial tower (arrow and leaning 26 inches to the side) and Sales Force (Tallest Building being handed over to homeless to live in because San Francisco= BAD)

  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Alcatraz with SF in the background

    they're about 1.2 mile apart but the focal range makes it look like they're right next to one another
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Also the Bridge is about 11-12 miles away

    San Francisco is about 8-10

    the tip of Angel Island with people walking around

    (Angle Island was a Japanese Internment camp during WWII and before that was our Ellis Island during the 1800s. Its the largest Island in the bay)

  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    trying out a new telephoto (refurb Sigma brand) 800mm Astro Lens by using an old Canon T5. I might buy a bridge camera at this point. I got this lens for 150 bucks but it was like 1900 brand new. some Sigma's go for like $4500 and up in price.

    Also I got it cheap because it doesn't have an auto focus. its all manual and my eyes are far-sighted.

    but I got some decent photos.

    South span of the GG bridge and Fort Point (under that arch) Army base built in 1860 pre- Civil War. (North) protecting Gold being mine in California.

    its hot so a lot of solar distortion but it's clear today too. usually foggy.

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