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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Also it would make sense how you treat me about my experience with Jeff and his threat of black-listing me along with everyone else on here who fucking worships his cawk.

    I never said he was apart of the Conspiracy of 9/11

    Bush's family and Haliburtan Cheney (former CEO and Stock holder) got all the security company contracts and the contract for Haliburtan to fix the pipelines busted up during the very war they started. that is so beyond conflict of interest

    and they hired Blackwater originally before Blackwater went solo but already gathered enough clientel through their original contract through the US Government paid for by Tax Payer before being cut off. they already had aquired enough business to keep it going. I am not putting down Blackwater as it is but the corruption tied in at least by proxy of.

    also they own American Systems which is the software BG checker thats used to vet Government agents being brought on board as well as large civilian Box Stores like Walmart, Best Buys, Sams Club etc etc.

    American Systems is the background check company that Jeff Hunter wrote his Alpha Application ap into.
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yeah, you got me, I'm a CIA/Blackrock/Vanguard double top secret super spy running a restaurant.

    No Someone said you offered them a job with triple-can which used to be or broken off from Blackrock

    I wouldn't doubt it at this point. You have all the shedding behaviors of one of them.
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 YES they did that legendary shit real underground media. I wonder what happened to that guy lol he pissed off more people in a month than Bill Krozby did in his short life. He got banned from every bar by all the local merchants and the antifa was on his ass

    Some say ANRIFA even tried to murder ip2'ers later by firebombing their caravan

    Proving Antifa did this is proving they're a terrorist group

    but the question is can you prove it really was members and members directed from the top

    Also I think that dude moved to San Diego (The live feed guy)
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker In this case you used a word (terraforming), which you didn't fully understand the meaning of, in an incorrect fashion.

    its used generically to transform a planet into a livable host planet for those who transform and not just for us on PLANET EARTH

    Earth as in Soil to sustain life.

    by adjusting the planets gases it might harbor different alien plant life while killing off our own
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 aka you don't understand anything about politics beyond what the media tells you is good/bad and you are just calling anyone you don't like or agree with a leftist/communist

    wow đź‘Ť if anything you should both be best friends

    They clearly show they' have stepped in to stop Republicans from voting properly and acting like naughty teens getting ahold of the cable box code and changing the code on it to restrict them (Their Parents) back.

    why did Obama hand over power of the Internet which was once property of the US Military?

    lets just let shit get memoryholed.
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I think someone posted it before Gen Nakie did and he was following up on his own discovery. I think there might have been one farther back.

    because I remember someone going on about him pulling the video in real time. so that's two confirmations it's him.
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 wasn't 4chan either. Ip2 hates 4chan

    I didn't say that one was. I saw the IP2 and laughed. isn't that in Kr0z ol backyard? I remember the dude who showed the place was right across the alleyway where he was live feeding the drug dealings in Austin Texas.
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker take more meds…

    all of them…

    at once…

    Translation *SPOT ON-HE'S ONTO ME*
  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 leftist aka anyone I don't like/agree with

    pretty much. this isn't the left. it's "Far Leftist" doesn't mean liberal or left. it's a radicalist group using the Left Platform for their seedy shit.

    then they get people like speedy to talk shit about democrats when this isn't real democracy. they're actually trying to control the narrative and even restrict vote counts themselves. they're FAR LEFT" or "NEW LEFT" communist Bolshevism You stupid mother fucker JSW
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    leftist fuck
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Glow for money

    Leftist pretending to be a hard line Republican.

    Would do anything for money including ratting out Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs.

    One thing I will say about Sonny Barger is he spoke in several interviews of wanting to take out Weather Ground Organization leaders. it's what is fucking up our Government with Clintons and Obama clearly being members themselves. regardless of Obama being 8 years old during the Chicago 7. his parents groomed his fucking ass into that radicalist shit.

    Pardoning a FALN member (Arm of WUO) and Clinton and Gov Cuomo pardoning Weather Underground.

    I never imagined how much of this shit is right out in the open now that the Far Left has taken over our Government for good. there is no fucking way to end this. you might as well be comfortable about it SPEEDY BEAVER because you're clearly one of them.

    You fucking treasonous mother fucker.
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker take more meds…

    all of them…

    at once…

    Why did that stir you up, Pal?

    Communist pretending to be a 2A supporter with guns for show. You're just running that joint to rat out outlaw MC and to get insight and inside of things with trust.

    I know your game. you already admitted to having 0 friends but parents and would do anything for money.

    You just exposed yourself as part of the Far Left club that Chicago-7 is/was and its splinter cell Weather Underground that was praised so much on Totse including Che Guevara

    everyone knows Wisconsin, Northern Il, Indiana and Ohio and part of Mich are all Big Leftist States with their communist unions. you fit the mold.
  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I just dumped one and grabbed another in less than 2 days Skippy.

    Hookers don't count
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He admitted to sitting beside his nephew who fired the shots.

    so how's that going to work out for him?

    what does this mean. his nephew says "wasn't even there, you're using me" or something. then comes him getting blamed or what

    at least you know you have part of the group involved
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    also ran out of the same "Server location" as Lanny's seems to connect to (Florida). But I thought lanny was ruuning this off of his own server off apache. Mystery thickens
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    I was driving home from SFO doing uber and cutting out early to beat traffic. got stuck in traffic entering the bridge. I got a strange call with Caller ID showing "Godlikeproductions" and I answered and asked what's up (because I couldn't remember where I saw it from) and the dude saying "Oh I must have called the wrong number. How did you know I was GLP" and I said Because of called ID. he said thats weird because that's not his company and hung up but spoke about his video sales.

    seems to add to the mystery of totse and I always suspected it because of activity prior.

    people on reddit says the owner Lucas has ties to NSA
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 i know another community on the internet that did that recently

    Good point. Spot on

    4chan has one of the totse road sign hacks in its /pol Rules stickies.

    in real time while on Godlikeproductions posting totse and zoklet got me perma IP banned (all range ban)

    Going on 4chan to talk about totse/zok ban on GLP I get a 3 day ban on there.
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 this dude is some Atlanta black activist, if he is a former totsean he has long distanced himself from this community probably for being counter revolutionary I mean the guy says the communist party of the USA isn't real communist (and he's right)

    why are you in such defense mode? he took down his video when several years later it was posted on here. the moment it was posted on here he suddenly took down his videos. showing he was watching in real time.

    that's what made it more suspect you dumb fucking shithead
  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator trying to distract myself by watching shit youtube

    his body language is funny as fuck, he knows within the first 2 minutes hes messed his life up

    12 years for 20 plus counts?

    less than 6 months per count. some people would spend 20-30 years for 1 count.
    he's a cop. he should get double punishment if not triple. this shows how fucked up the court system is. 12 years for 20 counts with as many as 41 girls as young as 9 years old. "Ill give you money if you get me young friends"

    Oakland PD. 9-1-1 daughter, 16 years old. All cops cleared except the one who committed suicide after his wife did.

    and it's amazing who was apart of that. so much fucking corruption.
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's how the elite clear out property, so they can then buy it for pennies on the dollar and rebuild.

    I doubt the elite had Space Lazer like they "did recently in Hawaii"

    but hey, perhaps Tesla was in cahoots with the lizerd peeps back then
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