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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Have you tried spraying perfume on your dick
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    What if life is... like... really, really abundant in the universe. So abundant that even sentient, sapient creatures like us are commonplace. More abundant than the most fantastical and silly sci-fi would portray. What if it only looks as though nothing exists "like us" elsewhere in the universe? Or here, for that matter. What if the limiting factor in the detection of another species and their civilization(s) (even ones in our own planet's history) is that, while intelligence is ~always an evolutionarily valuable trait to possess¹; opposable thumbs are not².

    Like... whales, man. What if whales are just... down there, appreciating the golden ratio in shells and speaking to each other about what it means for one to be a virtuous cetacean? You can't refine metal under water. You can't cook. Stuff doesn't burn, saltwater is corrosive af, and even if you somehow managed to heat something to the point it melted;⁴ water is way better at conducting heat than air. Which means you'd need way more energy. Massive disadvantage.

    What if your cat knows more than you? What if cows are sapient? They certainly have mouths, and they are screaming.³ Imagine: wolves and deer are both sapient and of ~equal intelligence, with the main disparity resulting in the current predator-prey dynamics simply being the body plans they were left with by evolution. (Which, hell, may have in turn been shaped by their intelligence! Both working hand in hand all the way, as creatures became capable of making infinitesimally incremental better use of themselves. There are probably a ton of potential beneficial traits which could have arisen randomly as a result of genetic mutation but would be bottlenecked by a creature not yet being intelligent enough to capitalize on good fortune.)

    Maybe sapient aliens really don't visit us, and maybe it's not because 'life is exceedingly rare' and 'they all die(d)' in some 'great filtеr' event, but just because they have it a lot harder than us? Maybe they're sentient orbs of fat with infrared vision who float around the ocean on another planet, staring at the stars sagely and doing hella astronomy but physically incapable of doing much else. Maybe evolution left them with both the intelligence and the physical capacity to create civilizations, but their planet and its wildlife are unimaginably more murderous than ours - ie they're struggling against a Mother Nature who is even more murderously hateful than the one who presides over the lovely charnel grounds we inhabit, their existences torturous and progress toward civilization torturously slow.

    What you fink, Star Trek? Folx?

    ¹ It confers an immense advantage, and if we assume an incremental growth it requires nothing from an organism beyond a slight increase in energy consumption.

    ² Unless you're smart enough to realize "the funny way your stubbiest digits bend" can be used to bang rocks together anyway.

    ³ You have a moral obligation to not eat meat. (⚈ ᴗ ⚈)

    ⁴ Damn. Two semi-colons? And I think I used them both right, too.
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  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    That's not a situation I'd ever be in, that's not my kind of party or crowd
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  4. the best are from persia or some White afghans. white afghans are the descendents of alexander's army.
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  5. Originally posted by jerryb LOL I'm 62 and Wariat hitting up women older than my wife (50). The teenyboppers may look better Wariat but the older ones will treat ya better.

    12 years gap ?

    definitely pædo.
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  6. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Pete Green taking their women away from them and converting them to Christianity would be more based

    It goes without saying we should take the women of every other group.

    We could make it an annual tribute of 100 million fertile young women per year.

    If they don't submit then wipe them out.
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  8. Bradders...just a bit of friendly advice,

    Putting yourself on the interdweebs (aka photos/PI/life story/identifying material) isn't smart in this day and age (or any for that matter)...when in 20yrs you are running for US president your images and stories of gay butt secks isn't going to serve you well.
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  9. I chased experience and excitement when I was a young-fella-me-lad-son-of-a-bitch...that does eventually get old though and now I'm happy if I can experience a "fucking nap" once in a while. A midweek 3 in the afternoon lay down is such a dream compared with traveling on the shit train through India where your seatmate is holding a chicken the whole trip.
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  10. It's fine...I know how he feels in his heart and it warms mine to know that I'm a role model for someone on the other side of the world...what an amazing time we live in that makes that possible.
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  11. Originally posted by jerryb Vinny knows perfectly well what these words mean. But it's more fun calling you a stupid Englishman.

    I understand his in poverty and squalor and having to watch me daily (well mon-fri) regale him with stories of food and products he'll never be able to get his hands on...let alone afford.

    My story of international rags to riches whilst maintaining handsomeness, wit and charm and having dual citizenship to England and the US...obviously rubs him the wrong way.

    I sympathize and if it was possible to buy him a fridge while remaining anon and ensuring the fridge was kept and used (Rather than sold) then I'd do it if only to bring him a small taste of western life.
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  12. Bradley Black Hole
    No one on this fucking forum wants me to be successful or happy, unfortunately I"m happily success, i just spotted my boy on his deposit for his rental in Wisconsin 4,000 miles away, I bailed my boy out of jail for attempted murder, I don't give a fuck as long as the gang straight
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  13. Originally posted by jerryb Takes sperm to make a babby Mr. Vinny and nobody made him stick his little willy in crazy so yeah he responsible.

    I'm a live and let live kinda guy but when you start brainwashing kids because of your crazy ass shit I draw the line there. If that bitch was in my family I'd probably smack the fuck out of her and tell the kid that his mom is crazy and not listen to her.

    ok, gun factories are liable for every gun crimes and homicides because nobody forced them to produce guns.

    got it.
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  14. Originally posted by jerryb She wasn't so afraid when she decided she didn't want to work there and quit.

    thats after she gained confidence in you.

    also i see you have mastered
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  15. Originally posted by jerryb Always tried to get the wife to just set it next to the dumpster and call me but she was to chickenshit, afraid she'd get fired.

    i'm sorry to inform you that married women being affraid of getting fired is a sign that they lacked confidence in their men's ability to support them and their family.
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  16. Originally posted by jerryb Does it hurt you that Jiggaboo isn't a retard? He's probably smarter than me but it doesn't bother me to admit it, lots of people smarter, stronger and better looking than me.

    not really but im just presenting alternative ways of seeing things and interpreting life.

    thats kind of what edison meant ehen he said he only found thousands of ways to not make a light bulb.
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  17. Originally posted by jerryb He has posted repairing electronics, refurbishing old PCs, fishing, raising quail and that's just what I remember. Oh yeah sometimes cooks some tasty meals. Hell I'm to lazy to do 1/4 of that.

    all those can be achieved by utilizing experiences as a cheaper substitute for intelligence.
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  18. Originally posted by jerryb They killed his family members during the revolution so he had a life long hate toward the British. His troops called him Ole Hickory because he was a hard ass.

    They called my grampa lazy twat...because he was a lazy twat.
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  19. Originally posted by jerryb Helps they own most of the industry.

    Big cocks and $$$

    Where do I sign up to be a jedi?
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  20. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Pickled cabbage always makes me gassy

    She said the same, that's her favorite part when I analyze her.
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