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Posts by ner vegas

  1. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator

  2. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The demonic creeps are going to start another world war to bring in their New World Order.

    US is talking about 'holding Iran accountable', might be what israel's been waiting for to kick off the northern front with Hez

    in which case, could potentially be fabricated or some kind of false flag
  3. ner vegas African Astronaut
    looks like Jordanian officials might be retarded, appears to be a base 500m inside Jordan°18'48.9"N+38°42'03.7"E/@33.3062808,38.7062646,41602m
  4. ner vegas African Astronaut
    3 killed, ~30 wounded in a drone strike on a US base near Jordan and Syria.

    actual base is unclear - US is claiming it was a base on the Jordanian side of the border, Jordan has said no, it was the Al-Tanf base in Syria
  5. ner vegas African Astronaut
    ok sure
  6. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost

    lol wut
  7. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE because the "friends" i have are cunts and wont leave me alone

    sounds like you need less friends then, not more
  8. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock The missiles the Russians claim are hypersonics haven't been demonstrated to actually be hypersonics when used. The x37 can be over any point on the planet and drop an expensive care package into someone's lap.

    point of the kinzhals and zircons, the aeroballistic ones, is essentially that they fly so fast that they generate a plasma envelope, but cannot actually hit their targets at max speed because they'd burn up due to friction in the atmosphere at ground level. they boost to directly above the target, brake and spam decoys then hammer down - to a radar it looks like they teleport directly above the target; when they (kinzhals) were used in Ukraine they didn't even show up on radar until after they'd hit.

    avangard HSGVs, yeah fair enough they're extremely secretive, have only publicly shown the deployment vehicle being launched, not the glide bombs themselves, but they've been delivered to the strategic missile forces.

    Originally posted by infinityshock Not seeing the point of that video. And…pantsirs keep dying for ridiculous reasons.

    "PATRIOT not so tough after being stabbed with DAGGER"

    PANTSIRs are relatively cheap and effective, specifically designed to create uncertainty and intercept cheap weapons like drones. of course some are going to get rekt in a serious conflict. only confirmed footage I've seen of one being killed was in Syria though, an israeli anti-radiation missile/drone hitting it while it was reloading.

    Originally posted by infinityshock Like you mean when the us navy wiped out essentially the entire Iranian navy…

    There are very few navy's the US navy isn't at least equal to.

    I don't disagree, US navy is still #1, especially the submarine component. point is they haven't actually had to face anything they couldn't outrange and outgun with a massive advantage in a long time, so it's not really a fair comparison.

    the MOSKVA in particular though is a weird case, I don't think it was the standard Ukrainian NEPTUNE missiles that killed it considering the range, defenses etc. Russia's not said a lot about it but there have been a lot of rumours that it was NATO NSM missiles or limpet mines. would make sense considering not just the value of the ship, but until a month or so later when land stations were set up in the Crimea, the MOSKVA had the only long-range X-band radar in the theatre.
  9. ner vegas African Astronaut
    why do you want to make friends?

    not a facetious question
  10. ner vegas African Astronaut
    an idiot
  11. ner vegas African Astronaut
    point isn't even whether they're effective or not, the US just isn't leading edge anymore since the MIC was turned into a massive grift machine manned by diversity hires
  12. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock Hypersonics have been around for decades and it's just now that the media is making a big deal about them.

    Besides..the us has the x37…they don't need hypersonics. And they have hypersonics in the works anyway. And the hypersonics the Russians claim are hypersonics…aren't.

    you can play with definitions if you want since all missiles that fly in high enough can be deemed 'hypersonic', but Russia has hypersonic anti-shipping missiles, aeroballistic missiles and glide vehicles in the field today, and the US only has failed test platforms. hell, India and Iran have working hypersonics.

    Originally posted by infinityshock The US has plenty of air-defense missiles that demonstrably work at effectiveness levels high enough to do their jobs.


    Originally posted by infinityshock When was the last time the US lost a capital ship to a drone…

    When was the last time a US carrier broke down and had to be towed back to port…

    when was the last time the US tried to use its navy on someone who could do more than throw sticks at it?

    coincidentally, we might actually see considering the US has been COMPLETELY silent about the exchange in the Bab al-Mandab strait the other day where Yemenis claimed hits on both container ships and the US destroyers attempting to protect them (the container ships were confirmed, nothing about the navy).
  13. ner vegas African Astronaut
    it's for pest control
  14. ner vegas African Astronaut
    why would he, he's not tariq nasheed
  15. ner vegas African Astronaut
    lol, I thought you were talking about the LNG contracts but that's texas

    the guy that they took almost an hour to execute and then blamed the food they gave him?
  16. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by pass the cheese please You're falling off. You used to be spot-on with your Socio/Economic/Military foreign country predictions. Now? You're a horrible failure.

    You didn't even report on the gassing in Alabama. You've changed, man. AuschwitzNaziDisneyland my ass.

    my onsite investigator is being insubordinate

    PM frala and see if you can get her to stop fucking around, she doesn't listen to me anymore
  17. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost wats curt

  18. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny japaneses have always been subconsciously white supremacist eversince they got niked but now finally they've decided to come out, publicly and announce their white supremacy for all to see while the west is mired in negroe supremacy.


    is that a japanese girl who got cosmetic surgery to try to look like julia roberts
  19. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock its already established the US has the most sophisticated ordnance on the planet

    can't into hypersonics
    can't into anti-missile system that competes with the S-300 from 50 years ago
  20. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ok, lets try this one more time.

    out of 10 men you interacted with, how many of them actually tried to cut you off to one-up you in some retarded ways.

    ok, go back to your remedial ESL class:

    men usually try to cut you off to one-up you in some retarded way, women do it just because something else popped into their heads and they can't just wait.

    the reason that men usually cut you off is to one up you, the reason women normally do it is because they think of something else and can't stand to shut up for a moment before changing the subject. it has nothing to do with how common being interrupted is.

    last time I'm responding to you on this.
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