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Posts by ner vegas

  1. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by YouMotherFuckers

    > reads child protection group's reports on worst places for child exploitation in order to plan his next holiday
  2. ner vegas Space Nigga
  3. ner vegas Space Nigga
  4. ner vegas Space Nigga
    get deleted
  5. ner vegas Space Nigga
    or spectral
  6. ner vegas Space Nigga
    yeah probably just stuck fan
  7. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Being treated better than other groups doesn't equate to being treated like a person. White women aren't treated like people.

    lol, lmao
  8. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina thry dont actually send any money to the ukraine tho,

    they pay "american" companies that send stuffs over to the ukraine.

    you cant be that stupid, can yiu.

    they actually do. primarily it's weapons shipments sure but they also drop off literal pallets of cash to keep the government and services running
  9. ner vegas Space Nigga
    what you need to do is get some quartz tetrahedrons and place them around your speakers, then light some black (have to be black) candles

    then you can start playing your music but it needs to be at an ear-shattering volume because crystals don't hear so well

    then when you open yourself to the universe you should be able to feel the crystals smile (city morgue) or cry (culture club) based on the vibrational frequency of the music
  10. ner vegas Space Nigga
    I think they're talking about it in a metaphysical wank sense
  11. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan gender arbitrage

    this is the most J*wish thing I've ever heard

    did you mean to type this?
  12. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Elbow

    oh lol, that reminds me, there's a primarily (Shia) Muslim chat I'm in on Telegram, and when I first joined there was a Finnish white racist mod with the tag Mr. AG. he was kind of like Bradley; he'd constantly be drunk and send me nonsense voice messages talking about how he wished he was a Muslim because Jihad seemed like a lot of fun, how the Old Testament wasn't J*wish and that I was J*wish for suggesting it etc. he'd regularly threaten to kill himself when he was blackout, never did it but nuked his tg account one day.

    a year later someone sends me a news article:

    the guy's half black and eventually went to jail for terrorism and hate crimes because he was running a tg chat supporting the UK riots at the time, posting documents on arson and improvised weapons.

  13. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I can't be a nazi. I'm brown.

  14. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Instigator

    Good morning.

  15. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Alright, weird for that portion of fascist governing methods to be bottom up but there's a first time for anything.

    oh yeah there's always been a correlation between physical fitness and right-wing individualist ideology; there have been a lot of articles over the last 10 years or so talking about how gyms are hotbeds for 'right wing extremism' and as far back as the Greeks and Romans slaves and plebs were banned from the gyms in case they started getting ideas about their station in life.

    something about becoming physically strong enough to feasibly defend yourself makes you want to move into the woods and start setting boobytraps
  16. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I was gender confused once and had a positive experience. People treated me better. But at the end of the day I knew it was wrong to give men credit for my mind, so I chose the trials that come with being a woman. I'd rather be me and be hated.

    we've seen photos of you, nobody genuinely thought you were male, they were being nice because they thought you were having an episode
  17. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes They don't really improve the individual, they just push the individual to base their identity around the nation state. But yeah the state is pretty much your second family and your fellow citizens that are your ethnicity or speak your language are your 3rd.

    what I mean by that is that they try to improve (or, if you want to be less favourable, to control the development of) the smallest components of society, then work on progressively larger groups in a sort of soft eugenic process.

    for the individual they specifically prioritise health and physical fitness, often using propaganda to encourage exercise and healthy diet, as well as social pressure to stigmatise idleness and gluttony. they then encourage people to marry and have large families young, again with propaganda and pressure but also with state funding for new families, subsidies on homes etc.

    the entire point is that they want strong individuals forming strong communities as a basis for a strong state, and they utilise the natural, common male drives (desiring status, sovereignty and control over a large family - genetic destiny) in order to do that without having to directly micromanage it for the most part.
  18. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina make others clean up after him ?

    very irresponsible.

    they have to clean up after him while he's alive
  19. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Are you saying you're talking from experience aldra? You've already gone FTM?

    yeah you caught me, I was born a girl and have to stuff a bunch of bananas down the front of my pants before leaving the house or I have panic attacks and leak gender fluid
  20. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Why don't you? The implication here is that I don't know until I've done it, so neither can you. Go ahead.

    no, the 'implication' is that that is the experience of a significant number of FTMs given how commonly it's expressed on reddit and other messageboards, and that if you deny it then perhaps you should see if your experience is any different
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