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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny y r u so insecure ?

    Hard Core Virtue Signaling and forces us to Normalize his Perversion of his Male counterpart suffering from Stokhomes syndrome.

    HTS , Cut the cord now. OMG just cut it.
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost fucking pandering retard oversocialized kike americans, fuck you, kill yourself along with all your faggot actors that make shit movies for fat losers like you

    It's okay, Joe Brandon hates energy and trade so we sold it to the Chinese, XHUI HUI!!! I hope they fucking nuke your asses!!! GO GET EM CHINA!!! I WILL HELP AND LEARN MANDARIN!!!


    Please dont mock the music though. it's very enjoyable actually.

    but yeah, Fuck Communism. She's pretty hawt!
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    also they found out that ADD people can read CC and read better with a back-light but a book will cause blur and mental distractions. often thinking of something. brain going off topic.

    its not as bad with computers.

    however at work they don't always have a screen to read but old school manuals. have to re-read shit dozens of times over.

    there is a trick. you just absorb shit by speed-read which isn't really reading word for word but your brain captures main key points and if you're quized on it your subconscious gets above the 90% of accuracy most of the time. sometimes 100

    and it's real but not enjoyable and not practical to remember later

    You're a fagtard
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost because i already know the answer lol xDDDD


    Gigi and I have watched many movies with subtitles. and sometimes I would go online to places like Tinychat (not tiny,,, Stickam, Yahoo Chat) decades back even where the main window has a movie streaming but because the mic cuts in and out, they run the CC along with it so you can read it

    and people would quote funny or obscure lines from the movie throughout it. it used to be funny as hell especially when I drank back then and my home was my new Bar. safer, didn't go out and drive drunk around 2010. stayed home and interacted with people like you. Degenerate fuckers with slightly higher than 100 IQ but still fucking retarded in many ways
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I thought I was going to die of fright, woke up calling for help through sleep paralysis. It was the people from the O.E.C centre talking about what they’d just seen. Red eyes they all explained it away before giving an instructor the chance to say what he’d seen. I was dared to go into the church, there was a room off to the side where someone was waiting for me, through glass doors but I couldn’t go in there, instead I had to go up to this curtain area, it’s fading now but I knew a nun was behind it so I freaked out and ran to the other room, I could hear this moaning/humming getting louder. Too late I went to the table and it was four nuns sitting around it humming, one grabbed my arm and her eyes were white, I thought I was going to die of fright. Woke up and the sounds are some dog moaning and a lawnmower?

    I had that and my eyes opened and I saw this cat-alien thing and I couldn't move but I wanted to grab it and kill it so bad. it was so real. I broke out of my peralysis and lunged for it from the bed I was on and it ran under it and portal away somewhere. I couldn't find the fucker

    they say it was wake/sleep syndrome caused by sleep apnea.

    felt so real :(

    i was like 20-21 at the time. I had it on a plane coming back from NYC over Vegas. hot and I started having convulsions trying to wake up. trying to kick my leg which is what I do when I have it on my bed to kick me out of the paralysis. usually you can focus on a leg and move it. For me it's my right leg. and if I kick hard enough it breaks free.

    try it. dehydration and heat does it. the plane has air blowing through it and is dry as fuck in the plane.

    send me Photos of you naked and completely covered in post-its
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that sounds extremely gay

    I know I cringed myself but "Keep it up, pal" is my borrowed tagline for now
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Doesn't slide22 live in the bay area, he needs to get all dolled up and get some of that fag bux.

    I'll smash yo ass, Racecar Jerry.

    but not in a faggot kind of way, with a plunger. KEEP IT UP, PAL
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra nuke it now

    nuke it indiscriminately

    You know what, I was gonna post a pretty Sunset and the Golden Gate Bridge i took tonight. a bit pixly because I digi zoomed in but pretty non-the-less

    what the hell does the land have to do with any of this? it's happening everywhere now

    Why not just do the right thing and honestly give California (cept my 2.3 acres) back to Mexico and I'll pay Mexico taxes and try harder to learn Spanish (hard af for people over 50)

    I think I need rosetta stone and a pretty Latina tutor.

    Reason is Latin people are more conservative than liberal and they will squash this BUllshit real fast
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    You heard me Jigaboo. The Celts you oppressed are coming for Winsor.

    prolly. and they're going to take Grylls home away from him too. Go back to Gryllsburg you dum gay bastard
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Nuke cali and start over imho

    Ahmmmmm I still live here.

    I don't understand this explosion of transgender and identity yet with forced to accept or be fired from jobs. especially Union and Government is HORSESHIT CRAZY

    I think everyone will have a relatively close relative (outside of a distant one) that will shift what they identify with including gender modification or kind of sit idle before doing so or choosing to accept themselves as they are.

    Would you hate a brother, offspring of your own or sibling or a cousin one day shocking everyone (or not) what they chose to do. would you stop loving them? No

    I don't understand why but it isn't going away. I just cringe at this special treatment and it's starting to piss a lot of people off and they will lose their vote popularity in a future burnout. it's clear they play the guilt trip.

    It's like with Jews. if they're orthodox or Sephardic hardliners then I understand their struggle. if they're atheist and or dont follow their laws but claim Israel and expect to just grab a Palestinian home then they can go fuck themselves. but by saying this they will pull the anti-semitic card right away. and in my Goybie Humble Opinion they're atheist, then No God, No Noah, No Moses, No Abraham, No Shem (Shemite/Semite) then Jacob who God renamed Israel. So its nothing more than an old Monarch to these people that they don't Have to believe in the God of Abraham or Abraham himself but they can take the land?

    I say the Celtic people take back the Royal Castle or Windsor and rename it back to their ancient surname and get Charlie and his already balding son the fuck out based on this rule. TAKE IT BACK
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Looks like a real traffic ham

    traitor much? :/
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost didnt ask if you knew how to read
    over 50% of Americans are unable to watch foreign movies or anime because they can't "follow along with the subtitles" they need tucker carlson to yell at gay people during commercial break or they feel uneasy

  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley k

    Shut up youse

    Originally posted by Ghost why are you so obsesed with people here,


    Wall of didnt read
    Just STFU
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Has a cane
    This is the persons car and if you look at the square dash reflection you can maybe zoom in and crop & enlarge that shit

    Du wut

    I'm bizerklay rite now

  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Food for a new Fridge. The bottom Freezer forces the Fridge at eye level. So fucking cool. the milk and juices go into the door because it won't fit on any shelf is kind of annoying because the door is usually a few degrees warmer than the center of the fridge no matter how advanced it is unless it's like a 10k fridge.

    we researched and their claims dont match up with some of the star ratings. but outside of that, it's so much nicer not to have to bend down to get shit out of the crisper drawer that leaked from condensation on every fucking setting since day one.

    our last new fridge lasted like 3.8 years.
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls I’m not Indian but I am A TOTSEAN


    Show tits or gtfo
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats She's such the entrepreneur kitty kitty.

    Have you killed anyone in a mass pileup yet?
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Cheshire Cat Afraid I did not post on any other sites after Zoklet. After going through two major shut downs, I felt it was best to try and move on and live a little bit outside of the Temple. Though it was a hard experience, I think I made the right choice. The only thing I wish I would have done a little differently, was attempt to keep in touch with all the wonderful people that made that place great.

    there was someone with your name on totse
    did you remember Digital Avatar? was that an Alt of yours?
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    I had Octopus or Squid over a bed of rice with a sunny side up egg and veggies and 20 minutes after I got it home, the fucking thing's tentacles started moving on its own. I don't think they killed the fucker

    I was chewing on his tentacles and it was really tuff. I ate maybe 4 bites and moved it to the side of the plate. fucker was moving and making a weird crackly sound.

    I got the most violent stomach flu in over a decade. wet shits for over a week. never eating from a fast-college food place again.
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley great i eat oysters, squid, sardines, and fish fillets all from a can, usually one or two of each a week. Been doing this for a very long time.

    You're not supposed to eat more than 2 helpings of Fish in a week because these days it is known to cause skin cancer in fair skin white folx

    especially tuna. I been getting pre-cancers removed left and right over the past 20 years. was once a year now I have to do it every 6 months.

    I love fresh tuna if made right but I eat can tuna all the time.
    I can't eat Salmon though. it's not that it taste bad but it fucks my stomach up. Prolly the Iodine. Can Tuna a little bit but Salmon is the worst. I stick to white fish.

    Squid is yum. Calamari is great but steamed squid slices with a zesty sauce is good.

    I hate Crab, Lobster and most shellfish. I'll have a bowl of Oyster or Clam Chowder once in a while at a seafood restaurant but never crab or lobster. shits gross af

    anyways cut back on all of that fish. Mercury poisoning and being in the sun and eating fish in todays environment leads to skin cancers

    look that shit up
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