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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Balloon Man Damn she has nice tits

    Serious cones
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Central Intelligence Service.

    Central Intel Service Canada

  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Fucker I've lived here 55 years of my 61 years. I think I know what a fucking hillbilly is. No bay area faggot is a hillbilly. You have claimed ancestors from everywhere on here.

    Your fucking car breaking down here doesn't give you insight to an old culture, probably the last sub-culture in the country.

    Your the one that watches to many jedi movies. Hillbillies are nothing like the movies dumb ass.

    Holy shit, You must be dyslexic

    My car was broken into here in the bay area

    My family is traced to the 16 year French War before the revolution took place

    There is an art exibet in (of all places) in DOYLE-town Pennsylvania and were some of the first family to homestead your county

    Deal with that
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost says the person that keeps voting for them and crying about weed being too accessible… fuck you communist!!!!

    You already crossed the line. Heads up but in your own case ' your Head up your own ass'
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley so the republicans won the house but didn't win the senate right?

    ah duh ah dee duh der duh
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Jesus Christ is Real and Lord and Savior and these Ultra Alt-LGBTxyz whatever have become a cult of degenerates.

    I'm not putting down people who are simply Gay. but its become a little bit of push and more push to normalize a sin and say it's OK and God accepts this and "God is also a Homosexual" and It's ok to encourage 5-year-olds to change the sex that God gave them. and Gays now run the church and so now the Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist and all other Protestant churches have become fully corrupted because the failing church of the 1980s and 1990s were Angel Funded by secret groups to confuse Christians. slowly indoctrinating "God is Gay" into the scriptures.

    Listen to these fools corrupt everything. they kicked God out of School and the pledge of allegiance and School Prayer and then they wiggled into the Churches trying to end Christian Practice with a false form of it just like they did in the State of Israel by saying the Holyland is theirs and 1/3rd of them openly Gay with Mental issues

    This WORLD is FUCKED UP!

    and I honestly hope to see a Nuclear War come soon. I didn't really want this but it's time to cleanse and die or fight and clean things up for those who live. or leave them to live in a off-grid of suffering and hopefully the rest of us can die in a quick first strike
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I like fireworks laws because I like lighting off fireworks and I like breaking laws. More Ovaltine please!

    you're being watched
    Just keep it up, Pal
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I woke up late around 7pm.

    You fucking piece of shit.

    naw just kidding. do you feel crisp, now? or that "I slept to long and I'm oddly tired from over sleeping"
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost lol y ou're a dog and a fraid of fireowkr sscared lil bitch , die

    Are you scared of thunderstorms too? xD

    you've fallen into the vat and cant get out and the gears grind you into sausage meat
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ever read "And Then There Were None" (originally called, "Ten Little Niggers") by Agatha Christie?


    Now called 10 little indians. and now thats been banned
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Stupid fuck there are Athens all over the US, Athens Ga for example, If I meant Athens Greece I would have put it.

    Hold on. This is troll country. they're gonna really lean into you more and more here.

    with Bradly it's beyond troll. he's a true angry and manipulative homosexual who has that weird far-leftist disease. Like I said, I was fairly liberal in my youth towards gays until the past 10 years where they are now a cult of degenerate scum. at least most of them.

    by showing emotion they will only come at you even harder.
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Tn stands for tor nado


    However isn't Kansas Dorthy country? I thought you guys had the highest amount of Tornados. I saw a few funnel clouds in my life but have never seen one touchdown. however I heard one rotating over my house stirring up leaves, and it touched down in the Oakland Hills and damaged a guy's roof. it made our house rock a bit. I could feel the vibrations.

    Would love to witness a waterspout out in the middle of the bay sometime. People have reported them but no one has taken a video of one yet. it's only a matter of time.
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Is this a reference to the song by the coasters "along came Jones" or am I scitzerland?

    I forgot most of you are barely 30s.

    I think the movie came out in 1999

    "Dude wheres my car"?
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb I have Norwegian, one of the boys did a DNA test and it came up with a little Norwegian. Probably from some Viking raping and pillaging in Scotland.

    and Larry David is 1/3rd Native American.

    No one is 100% anything in this country. it's fucking hilarious to see Hollywood Joo Larry act on about how he was 100% Sephardic Joo because he too made fun of the false Ashkanazi Edomites

    only to find out by George Lopez he was 1/3rd Native (yet no tribe mentioned)

    my guess is he is Cherokee like the rest of us have. so many Amerimutts will find out they have Chiktaw or Cherokee or some shit in their bloodline.

    no one is "GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE" amymore. fucking Whaaaaaa "You're an Anti-Semite.. Whaaaaaa"

    destroy every fucking far leftist cunt there is with the AIDS
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Beto Obama and harper bin laden killed Doug Gunderson


    No And-Then
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S thats a load-off

    hold on, hold this cum rag. I'm not finished just yet
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb I live in Southeast Tennessee, born and raised here. I've been to all parts of this country and half the world. You couldn't pay me enough to live in the bay area bro.

    Yes I speak english and hillbilly. About the only place I could think to live besides here is maybe Wyoming.

    Hows your life there, I never lock my doors, leave the keys in my car and can carry a weapon without a permit.

    So never try to put down hillbillies or I'll be all over your ass.

    Had my car broken into in my own double security building.

    hillbilly is nothing but a lexicon. it's not a language
    my family are true hillbilly which were scot-irish and not the Hollywood version that seem to have caught on with people in the south that think they should act like drunken fools and "Tark funny". many of them in the old days were very educated. the drunken truck driver with a beer in his hand all the time is just a Hollywood version and for some reason it caught on with the people down there as "This is acceptable". the False Joo running the False Israel Hollywood types create an image and brainwash people into thinking this is the way they should truly exist. No one should be proud or impressed by such brainwashing. People were not simps in the old country.

    California sucks more now than ever before. its just a constant flow of outsiders and assholes like Gov Newsom finding something new to ban or put a sur-tax on.

    So many locals I grew up with left. more than 1/3rd in the last 20 years alone.

    It took 2 months to fix an electrical problem under 2 blocks of street out here recently. When the big massive Earthquake hits this place like it did in 1906, its not going to take 9 years to get things back to what they were but rather 30-40 if that. red tape in modern times will make it unlikely any kind of civilization can exist in San Francisco if we ever have a massive quake. it took 22 fucking years to rebuild 3 miles of the Cypress freeway. it took 3 months For LA to fix a collapse overpass and and miles of the buckled highway but it took the bay area years just to figure out what to settle on.

    oversize government with their fucking heads up their fucking asses.
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley wow wozny it's unsurprising you only date women with little boy butts.

    Still have your mind on little boy butts huh?

    You are a fag. you are on and off about being one but you have been in the past and my guess, it will call you back to getting rammed by gay guys which apparently you must like the smell of shit on your mouth when you suck them off afterwards.

    I used to be open-minded about homosexuality in the past and not judging but now that I have seen how wreckless the majority of the Gay Community is and them taking over the democratic party and forcing their bullshit in our public schools of the filthy brainwashing of their unclean lifestyle and seeing the typical bullshit artist people like Brad are. just a typical manipulating homosexual looking for drama.

    You're a punk more than you are a playful troll. you're just a fucking filthy ungodly heathen faggot. DROP DEAD, Projectionist
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley ya i'm familiar with how they use soybeans to stabilize nitrogen i think that's what phytomediate meant

    OK, so you clearly missed a big final. When exactly are you going to be attending this university?
    is it quarterly or semester?
    Did you register just before this holiday week?
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Energy systems

    Go on. is this a buzz word for you or can you expand on your use of it?
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