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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    OP, I hope when your head is cracked open like an Cadbury cream egg from an impatient child during Easter time, by that of an angry parent searching retribution that it's recorded by many phone cameras from different angles from the mob that gathers at your public execution via street justice
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb This is why I stopped deer hunting, some dumb fucks will shoot at a noise. That noise may be you.

    He (Dick) even had the guy apologized for getting in the way of the Veeps shot and causing emotional trauma to Dick
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Cheats with an alt vote possibly 2
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Like usual, a bitch.

    Mouthing off about who gets to pull the larger side of the wishbone

    Wellhung got to pull the bigger bone
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Disassociate mom is a victim of George Bush's crime of slamming a tug boat into the levy
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor Um ok 🫤 here ya go

    I didn't know I was talking about your mom

    Unless you're an alt
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Post pics of your mom
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Shut this demonic shit up.
  9. slide22 African Astronaut

    SS were known faggots
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Providence told me to.

    I forgot you told me this

    We have two arsonist for insurance fraud on this site

    Doug n Cly
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Sad thing house prices gone thru the roof here, my house probably almost doubled now. TN has been discovered but thankfully most are moving in the Nashville area.

    First lie caught

    Everyone knows real estate is dropping
    I looked up your houses. Sale price dropped 35k
    Average 4 bed 3 bath at 3000 plus Sq ft was 380k

    The real estate old motto

    Location Location Location

    And as for San Francisco? There are many great neighborhoods. The Avenues are still great
    A 2 bedroom 1 bath house way out in the avenues has dropped from 1.1 million to 990k because the economy is taking a fucking shit thanks to Biden

    Who would live on 6th street in San Francisco? Its a third world of poverty street shitters outside of million dollar condos

    I can buy a house in Mexico for 180k that is on 5 acres near a beach in Baja mexico with a swimming pool and pay for a house keeper a few dollars an hour but with a drug war going on? No fucking way. And Mexico doesnt harrass Americans like Americanns harass them

    They're very hard working people and would open their home up to a stranger in need in some small towns

    Minus the insane drug cartel

    I never said Tennesse was a shithole and I spent time in Baxter up north west from Jerry

    Decades back. Sadly I hear Cookeville is kind of ghetto af now

    Wait for the implosion on house values
    Things are not going to get better
    I see your population is 53k you have the worse crime index rating of 1 like Oakland has

    San Francisco is a 2 index which for an average house valued at a million is insanely bad. But people still pay.

    The politicians here are radicalist weather underground organization types who shiftted up San Francisco. Pretending to support socialism while making hundreds of millions of dollars and living in pacific height or Wine country

    And lastly, Bradley is a faggot and a failure and at 30 has never owned property. I owned my secondd home by age 30 back in the 1990s when interest rates were 9% right here in The Bay Area
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Attacked by the alts

    Oh nooooooo
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Why does this still exist on page 1
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Let me get this straight, so you're now claiming (since we've all seen you from your torso up) that despite being morbidly obese, having bitch tits, a gigantic beer belly, 3 chins, and saggy biceps, you want us to believe you have REALLY MUSCULAR WELL DEFINED LEGS AND GLUTES THAT ARE IN NO WAY FAT OR FLUBBY!

    Yeah you little homo I know that sexy to you and want me to f*** you in your a****** but it's not going to happen
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost faggot, post on topic or I will ban you

    Lanny won't mod your retarded ass
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Damn is there any way to block people here. I can only take so much retardation, know it all off the wall Slide22 getting on my last fucking nerve.

    Dude you won't last here.

    We have all races and even a jooish or two

    It's a battleground for laughs with a few real villains among us

    No lie

    Are you from zoklet
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There's still a God's chosen people, but they are called from "all nations and tribes and tongues". Revelation 7:9.

    My bad but have you got that calling yet
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster nope. bout ready to go get a helium canister from Party City, and a hose and mask on Amazon prime.

  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I dreamt i was in a church full of people, family and friends. And i was on fire and i kept trying to put it out but it was almost like putting water on a grease fire. Just kept spreading. Eventually i turned to ash and got shot into space through a black hole in the floor and then i woke up and was choking on my vomit bc i ate too much chili n dranl too much tequila

    Iv had that before

    I have reoccurring nightmares of nuclear war

    And I hate when acid reflux pushed into your airway

    Burns like fire. And you have a cough attack trying to cough stomach flush out of your bronchial tube
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra electric sheep

    Don't dream

    And PK Dick was on meth most of his adult life
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