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Posts by Industrial

  1. Industrial Houston
    i tried using flash and it looks ridiculously redundant
    that's the biggest joke
  2. Industrial Houston
    this is why people get pissed off at junkies; give yourself a chance without all of that (i don't even want to list it all, too many of them)
  3. Industrial Houston
    did the totse mr happy have a personality? from what i read, he just kind of did one liners, like vizier, but vizier was also a mexican computer scientist, and this was just mr happy
  4. Industrial Houston
    even legends may fall
  5. Industrial Houston
    voted triangle party
  6. Industrial Houston
    [greentext]>implying I dont just know that mixing lye and sulphuric is a bad idea[/greentext]
    [greentext]>implying I dont know mixing bleach and ammonia is fucking stupid[/greentext]

    Just because you dont understand what the 2 in H2O or have any basic (kek get it basic?) chemistry knowledge doesnt mean no one else does.

    wait what does the basic mean in that context, i feel like i missed out on something funny
  7. Industrial Houston
    what is a Bill Krozby
  8. Industrial Houston
    can there be an option that's just a triangle? id pick it
  9. Industrial Houston
    one reason multiculturalism is healthy is that it prevents both the majority and minority from ending up racist
    many who've lived in a region with one predominant race or skin color will end up hating them, unless they really give that a second thought; i know some people who were very rational, but lived in a majority asian neighborhood, and they never wanted to see another asian again... i went to school there, despite living two miles out, and i have to say, when i went to school there, i ended up equating being spoiled with being asian; after school, i realized that was a quite literally autistic idea, and now it's not a problem
    if you live in a neighborhood you don't like, it's difficult not to make generalizations about it; those that are made can be affected
  10. Industrial Houston
    if they list the chemicals, people will be emboldened to learn how to use them in that manner
    or maybe that's just what they're concerned
  11. Industrial Houston
  12. Industrial Houston
    reason for op's factual errors - op is a liar
  13. Industrial Houston
    dude, print out a flag with our emblem and play our emblem, then shoot her a bunch of times and plant the flag in her chest broski

    absolutely unrelated but we have to design an emblem and anthem-like song before sploo opens up
  14. Industrial Houston
    that's because the people who would be forced to face life and become strong enough to face failure long enough to discover those things now become insecure as fuck, get coddled and end up on 4chan/tumblr/x hugbox website
  15. Industrial Houston
    you have no idea why the government isn't funding the creation of new drugs for you to get high off of? and haven't considered that, maybe, there isn't a need for new opiates, since the existing ones do their job well enough..? i think any new developments would be against addictiveness
  16. Industrial Houston
    i wouldn't be surprised if the stuff you looked up has been doctored; lying about effects is something every industry does
  17. Industrial Houston
    i think my posting excellence gives people high expectations that are downtrodden quickly
  18. Industrial Houston
    do you even know what falcon looks like
  19. Industrial Houston
    every post in this thread is better than the op
    stop buying drugs for attention lol
  20. Industrial Houston
    i did a kundalini awakening once, and got attacked by a ukranian ghost
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