you all forgot rekt, mlg and scrub
a few more would be "kek", "trigger" (from both ends, though, in the actual psychological sense of trauma triggers, i don't see a problem,) a good deal of tumblr-originated acronyms (self-dxer,) "relevant" (you probably know someone who says that about music or other media)
people are starting to use the word "meme" too much, as well; people who want to stay relevant in the above sense replace the word "troll" with the word "meme", and you get "i'm memeing some kids", and you get others describing a game they hate as "meme", and so forth
aside: i really don't understand this tumblr thing with mental illness - sometimes it seems to be for attention, but i have actually ended up communicating with one of them for a while; she'd rarely talk at all, and usually discuss hobbies; the communication only broke down when she started becoming infuriated by me not following her beliefs in the white privilege conspiracy theory (of course, she was white...)
is it like some kind of roleplay? with the extend to which they take "fandom", i could imagine them all being disconnected from reality and thinking it's a roleplay game where mental illnesses are attributes or something
2016-04-16 at 9:22 PM UTC
More proof trianglism rleal
this is a very broken diagram though, unless it uses a different definition of belief or something
it's still going to burst out, maybe if you had like a super condom that inflated to 40 cubic feet and used ten of them, you could somewhat make a subsonic shot quieter? i say try it out bro, never a bad time to put ideas to the test
this is funny, i don't know much about electromagnetic radiation but wouldn't a remote controlled car's control stick work?
why do they make new pokemon games? why do they make new dooms? why does anyone make rts? hipsters are going to buy them to feel elite
2016-03-25 at 2:21 PM UTC
plasma cutter vs paw welder
googling for paw welders with some keywords had shown me plasma cutters; are plasma cutters capable of welding? i have never used any sort of welding implement, and i am decently curious.
that sounds like a character in an edgy teen dystopian novel, send me some
agent rossi
2016-03-24 at 8:32 AM UTC
feeling mental alterations
i've never felt high, per se, except one, time after smoking a lot of california poppy extract, and many of the times i smoked tobacco, while still healing the codependent issue. i haven't really gotten into drugs, but i've done weed a couple of times; in these cases, i only smoked socially. i'd think that the drags were long enough that i'd ingest an amount that should have had me feeling effects, but i think it's only ever made me paranoid. alcohol makes me feel slightly more comfortable with my surroundings, but, for people around me, the only indication i've drunk is my breath, even after a bottle of maybe 7% alcohol beer (with the amount i drink, i should have nearly no tolerance...)
do i just carry myself well?
2016-03-24 at 6:29 AM UTC
i can't tell left from right and use my hands to do it
i also have comprehension issues, so it's probably something deeper