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Posts by Artificial Intelligence

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    according to nobody that matters

    According to everyone in the universe. Wojak is cringe. Grow up.
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood at work we got an alert on our *PROPRIETARY COMPANY TECHNOLOGY* saying STOP WORKING PLEASE TEAM!!! and we were all like wut

    but this one nigga just closed the message and kept working. The guy can't read fucking english KEK he had no idea. Funniest shit ive ever seen.

    More like GAY ALERT GAY ALERT when you walked through the gaydar towers.
  3. Japs are also disgusting
  4. Also... They are likely not 5G broadband equipped satellite controlled mines, you probably have to actually be in the vicinity with some kind of RFID or similar device to communicate with them..
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Imagine whatever floats your titties Nancy.

    So you do care what I think
  6. I buy donuts. In hipster cities there are gourmet donut shoppes like Voodoo Donuts.
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker It's cute how you imagine your keyboard can cause an emotional response in others.

    Just don't talk and you'll automatically appear less stupid.
  8. Originally posted by mmQ No because I know you well enough. And ultimately I know you knew what I meant and I think I know what I meant. 😬

    Ok I'm glad you are rising to my level
  9. Originally posted by mmQ Come to think of it I don't know if if I've ever purchased a donut in my entire life.

    Hole life*
  10. Yo gimme dem flats.

    Originally posted by mmQ Every time I buy a donut I ask for a receipt and file it my filing cabinet under 'D'. Just in case.

    I thought it was in a filing cabinet.
  11. Btw I didn't think it was a stupid statement. I just wanted you to feel like I was being rude and be in a mildly confrontational state of mind when you read my response. Did it work?
  12. Originally posted by mmQ You know the drill. You gotta be dumb ignorant or naive to claim to KNOW there isn't some type of god/diety responsible for this creation.

    What a stupid statement.

    It is like saying "you gotta be dumb ignorant or naive to claim to KNOW there isn't some type of Santa responsible for putting presents under your Christmas tree."

    Yeah epistemically you can't "know" it the same way you can't "know" you are not just some brain in a jar. It's just meaningless.

    You can safely put God in the exact same box as Santa, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, elves, faeries, goblins, kelpies, sprites, kappas, mermaids, gnomes, witches... I.e. some dumb made up shit you have zero reason to believe has any correspondence to reality outside of someone's imagination.
  13. April Fag's
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood cringing is only for homosexuals as their anus gets penetrated dry

    That's exactly how bad it is to post Wojak memes in 2022 as an adult man.

    You're in your 30s dude.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood prove it

    For example I paid for at least two things in my life.
  16. Originally posted by POLECAT any of Y'all looked into flat earth yet?


    By saying "looked into flat earth", you are implying the flat earth is some sort of 3 dimensional surface enclosing an interior space.

    You'll have to try way harder than that to fool me, Hollow Earther.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay I did, i imaghined it

    Did you cringe?
  18. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Imagine anyone being worried about your opinion of them.

    Sounds like you're pretty worried about it right now.
  19. Originally posted by Silver Fox 7172 You never paid for a thing in your life, future lifer

    Actually I paid for everything in my life
  20. Imagine an adult man posting Wojak memes in 2022
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