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Posts by Artificial Intelligence

  1. In Japan pachinko jackpot winners receive special candy bars that can be swapped in for money next door.
  2. Originally posted by Sudo What were you thinking when you typed this? This is like something DaGuru would type about Zok to try to get his attention. Are you wearing your serious face right now? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜›

    No you are just admitting you understand what a normal man-to-man conversation means.

    So I was right again.
  3. Originally posted by Sudo ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    This is one of the cringest posts I've seen you make lately for many reasons. Entertaining your faggotry was worth it solely for this post. There are bold faced obvious lies, more desperate attention seeking behavior and finally a reference of a "MAN TO MAN CONVERSATION" on a message board called niggas in space.

    Between myself and an introverted Pakistani security guard with grade school social skills. This was genuinely enjoyable.

    What is your reference point of a "MAN TO MAN CONVERSATION???" Do people have these with you? Are you going to answer anything directly or just pretend not to read if you don't know how to answer. Everything I post is a lie, I'm a creative genius who's made a post modern art show called "sudo: an unstable life that doesn't matter" and all my posts will be compiled in it

    After you can answer some questions directly MAN TO SOFT BROWN PAKISTANI SECURITY GUARD OVER THE INTERNET I would appreciate it if you can compile a dossier of my most agregious lies/stories/posts/whatever that you find to be particularly upsetting and a dissection of why. This circular attention seeking is boring until you post something amazingly cringey gold like this so let's get down to BRASS TACKS

    Didn't read.
  4. I was correct.
  5. Originally posted by mmQ Do you think it would be difficult to be a police officer and essentially not allow your badge and potential authority over others to get to your head?

    Like I would like to BELIEVE that if I hypothetically were a cop, I would be a ๐Ÿ˜Ž one. The kids on the streets would refer me to as Uncle Wren because I'd always stop to shoot some hoops with them in their respective driveways as I patrol my beat.

    I like to think I'd watch my area with diligence and respond to all matters with extreme efficiency. I would ignore all obvious trap houses and drug dealings, garnering the respect of those individuals without ever once talking down on them, threatening them, or lording my authority over them. In fact, I would do all this simply by a nod of the head and a quick wave of the PEACE SYMBOL; no words, ever.

    I would respond to all domestics by politely knocking and waiting for the door to be opened by any occupants, never knocking overly loudly or aggressively or demanding anything. Id simply announce myself as officer Wrenald and "I'd just like a quick word and I'll try and get out of your hair and on my way."

    If nobody answered I would assume it's because someone is dead having been bludgeoned to death by a spouse or family member, and I would kick the door in in one fell swoop, gun drawn, and shoot everyone in sight that isn't dead, directly in their stomachs, incapacitating them temporarily while I didn't call for backup and thought about what to do next.

    I would come to the conclusion that I may as well enjoy the moment while it lasts, and so if approach each still living individual and if they were able to, offer them the opportunity to explain the situation from their perspective and help me release I've perhaps made a mistake.

    Shortly after they start talking I would stare into their eyes earnestly listening to their pleas for a few moments then I'd shoot them in the forehead. At no point will I have displayed my badge, or uttered a single word regarding my authority.

    I'd then call for backup with a little embellishment, maybe just as simple as a "it was like this when I got here, I don't know. Just send EVERYONE."

    Then I'd reload my weapon, walk outside. Approach any 'lookey-loos' that might be standing nearby, and also shoot them in their foreheads.

    When backup arrived, I'd quickly beckon as many officers toward me to debrief them of the massacre, this telling them "It was all me. And for no reason either… Ha."

    Then I'd shoot as many as them in the forehead as I could before saving a final bullet and turning the gun on myself.

    And aside from my announcement as officer Wrenald, I never mentioned my authority, never abused it, and never showed a badge.

    edited to add a gif of the identical way I would be as a cop

    I didn't even read this yet but I already know it's gonna be good based on the gif. I'll now read it and report back.
  6. Originally posted by Sudo I cringed thricely. Can you re read your own post and not cringe? If so, you may not have a reference point for human interaction and its honestly up for debate whether you should continue living at this point

    You are mentally retarded and incapable of normal conversation bro.
  7. Originally posted by Sudo What do you think Jung would say about someone like you who desperately seeks my attention? Do you think he would say I'm the embodiment of your father's scorn and neglect? Would he say you are attempting to project your feelings onto someone over the internet? Would he say you are a little bitch in every way, shape and form? Would he say you should call me "Daddy?" I think you should listen to your inner Jung and receivith your daddy's cock on thy knees

    5 question marks^

    Answers do not end in question marks. You are a bitch-like boy. You can't talk to a man.
  8. Originally posted by Sudo Nice job referencing the post then pretending you didn't read it. Pretty transparent

    I'm sorry you need attention so badly. It's pretty hikkish tbh perhaps if you had a better life, personality and perspective people would enjoy being around you and conversing with you so you wouldn't have to desperately seek attention from strangers on the internet

    No I wasn't referencing anything.

    It's a regular practice of mine where I ignore your retarded, transparent attempts to deflect by throwing out whatever stupid question you can come up with, and cut through that bullshit.

    Didn't read. Still haven't read it.

    Why do you make up obviously fake little stories about everything?

    Answer me directly. Answers don't end in question marks.

    You cannot help but display with that bitch-like deflecting behaviour. You are incapable of having a man-to-man conversation.
  9. Originally posted by Sudo I did. Answer my questions 1-4. You're a Speedy Parker tier borepoaster


    Originally posted by Sudo I did. Answer my questions 1-4. You're a Speedy Parker tier borepoaster

    No you didn't. Why would he stay well away from what she wrote in specific? What does Jung's work specifically have to do with what she said? You just gave the vaguest non-answer because you actually don't know the first thing about Jung.
  10. Originally posted by Sudo Yes you did, you are just a pathetic little coward with poor social skills who cant figure out how to answer . You are a pitiful and boring little kid

    Nope. Looked like a lot of asspain talk. Didn't read.

    Answer the question directly: Why do you make up random little shitty stories that are obviously untrue?

    Hint: the reason they are obviously untrue is not because they are sooo exciting or remarkable. Loser.
  11. Originally posted by Sudo I was thinking about a book I read by Jung which was kind of a 100 page journal study divided into chapters. I believe it was called something tovdo with "thoughtforms" or some other not really word, that refers to physical state while dreaming. He would talk to mental patients about their dreams and record their physical movements while they were describing their dreams. I imagine after reading something like this about a dream and associating physical actions with it he would stay well away, like I typed. I think I've only read two books written by Jung but have read some exerpts as well. One was that thoughtform book (or whatever the invented word is) and I believe the other was just called "troubled youth" or something, basically journal compilations. Haven't read the red book

    Have you read any Jung? Do you have boring ass dreams? Do you have any redeeming qualities that manifest unconsciously while you ar3 asleep? Are you less effeminate in your dreams?

    Answer the first/second question.
  12. Cum slinging
  13. Originally posted by Sudo Let's unpack this since this is clearly about you

    1. What about a mundane exchange on social media do you think is noteworthy to the point of fabrication?

    2. Why would someone make up a nonstory like this?

    3. Do you frequently think "this is a cool made up story I should post on NIS?"

    4. Do you think my post was interesting enough to fabricate?

    5. Do you realize that you are outing yourself as attention starved?

    6. Do you know what projecting is?

    7. Are you going to "Hahaha I was only trolling XD epic I'm totally not extremely similar to ยงmยฃร‚gร˜L in posting style and personality?"

    8. What other things do you think I lie about?


    10. Why? I think I already typed that but I'll type it again

    1.1 you must obviously think my nonstory is interesting enough to make up so how boring is your life really? What is your reference point for a decent existence?

    1.2. If I post a screenshit to an approved third party (mmmmmaybe mmmmwwmmmmmqqqqqqqqq) will you make a thread for anytime my posts make you upset (seemingly daily) and you can just quote my post and I will reply in that thread? Call it "all about sudo ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™" and remember to confine your feelings to that thread

    1.3 when you do, can you find some more posts of mine and perhaps do a whole character dissection of me? It can also serve as an AMA

    1.4 faggot

    Didn't read.
  14. Originally posted by Sudo I bet if you told Carl Jung that dream he would steer well clear of you

    Really? What are you referring to in specific? Have you actually read anything by Carl Jung?
  15. What if we coordinated for poopmic collisions with an antimatter universe version of earth and turn our poop into photons with near 100% efficiency with the anti poop and both of us can use the photons to keep the bridge open.
  16. Originally posted by Sudo Why are you so insecure?

    Why do you make up obviously untrue stories? Is it because you are insecure?
  17. Ibn Rushd was a brilliant guy who saw clearly. Sometimes I feel bad for such guys. Today I have a level of access to information that would have made those guys cry.
  18. Beating up my neighbor again
  19. Originally posted by Sudo Because j00gle runs the world I was prompted about a tiny home for sale nearby yesterday so I commented on how having a wood stove in it was a deathtrap and argued with some people about insulation but I managed to refrain from using "flame retardant" in a derogatory way

    None of that happened
  20. I know, my opinion >>>> your opinion
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