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Posts by Artificial Intelligence

  1. He mentioned me separately because I am peerless and stand alone.
  2. Originally posted by Sudo You are so cute 😍. I dont care what everyone says/thinks/knows, you are endearing with a capital DEAR because you are dear to me!

    Stfu you maroon
  3. Originally posted by DontTellEm I don’t respect you, ya goof ball.

    That's because you're a disrespectful person.
  4. Originally posted by Sudo You have a terrible personality and perspective and nobody likes you. I however Love you and find you charming and adorable ❤️ do you want to be pen(15) pals? 🌹 💐 🏵

    Actually I have a great personality and perspective and everybody respects me. I however hate you and find you gay and retarded. I don't really like interacting with you other than to torment you.
  5. Originally posted by Sudo Your avatar is gayer than speedys and he's literally a Neanderthal

    Shut up idiot
  6. Originally posted by Kafka idgaf if ppl are fake bcus they always have been

    You say really stupid things with a lot of confidence all the time.
  7. Originally posted by Kafka Stfu

  8. Originally posted by Sophie Quit trying to make stuff up to alienate people from me, it's cringe and you sound like a fag.

    I'm not making anything up, it's true that you think you are a "social engineer", you sent me a cringey PM offering to "take me under your wing" bro. Come now.
  9. Originally posted by Sudo You have literally never raised your voice to a woman

    Of course I haven't.
  10. Does it? Post a screenshot. Maybe cuz of Imgur hosting or something.
  11. Originally posted by Sudo I had a woman call me a "G-bomb" (Canadian prison slang) and it triggered me so badly I saw red and if I hadn't have been driving I would probably have punched her head in, but instead I breathed and counted and did those stupid things they probably teach you in anger management class and I got through it.

    Another time a girl was hitting me so I pulled her hair down and was considering putting her in a headlock thing just to make her calm down but instead she kicked me in the nuts and ran out the apartment without any shoes

    What do you call those doors inside houses that are glass and usually open to the living room? I was fighting with a girl once and she was swinging at me so I grabbed her hair and threaded it over the door jamb and quickly closed them and held onto the handle so I was on one side and she was stuck with her hair in the door on the other. Would have been hilarious to watch. Eventually I let her go and she was still very angry and nothing was gained. If it was my residence she would have smashed the door/glass but it wasn't and i guess she had enough sense

    I'm not the problem YOURE THE PROBLEM

    None of this ever happened.
  12. Originally posted by Sophie That was a pretty wholesome exchange not gonna lie.

    Quit trying to use compliments to ingratiate yourself to people, it's cringe and you sound like a fag.
  13. Originally posted by Kafka That guy I hit had said something nasty about me. He didn’t hit me back and I respected him more for it.

  14. Originally posted by Sophie Exif/metadata says Google Inc holds the copyright to that metadata. Why?

  15. Oil and gas more like coal and gays
  16. Originally posted by Sudo I see captain autism has been childish and tasteless at the worst possible time again.

    "He" has this weird thing where "he's" jealous over anyone else getting genuine attention for anything.

    Captain cowards life is boring and "he" has no friends and no prospective social ties. Really just emotionally stunted with a shitty personality and nothing on the horizon. It would be horrible to go through life that way. One of the people on this website it's depressing to even have a passing awareness of existing.

    A girl I know died a few days ago, and someone else I know died about a week before. Everyone is fucking dying these days, it's such a rough time. Both overdosed. I remember when I was young and reckless I was blackout drunk and she was pregnant and helped look after me. However, she ended up losing the baby. She went out with someone who was at one point my beat friends father, who also died of an overdose before his time.

    I'm glad Obbe's stepmother did things on her terms, as difficult and inexplicable as it may seem sometimes, I'm sure her energy transferred to something good

    Didn't read
  17. Rape her
  18. Originally posted by Sophie Sorry you have to mail those letters out, that can't be pleasant. The following might sound a little morbid but the Hypoglycemic Coma/CO2 combo, is a smart way to go about it. She didn't suffer.

    Did you actually think that would be a comforting thing to say?
  19. Originally posted by cigreting wats €

  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You might think you have wealth now but the Great Reset is coming and you will not be able to comprehend or function when you are reduced to nothing but a number.

    The great thing about money is that it gives you options. I can choose to deal with an evolving situation however I want. However your (poor) life on the other hand moves at the whim of circumstance, with you powerless to control it.
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