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Thanked Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    I always thought my aunt and uncle were twisted, let’s call them J and D. J once gave me a pair of size 14 pyjamas for Christmas and I’m size 8. She also drunkenly trashed my room, long time ago.

    I had to stay at their house one night, I was throwing up codeine in the bathroom and J just would not leave me alone. I told her I was overwhelmed and needed to be alone. She said she wouldn’t leave until I told her why I was throwing up. How could I explain anything while I’m throwing up and I was an adult at the time so should have privacy. She was trying to trigger me. She also said she was in charge of me now because I have autism and that I couldn’t leave. Note I’ve been diagnosed with aspergers. I left and went to stay with a friend.

    Next year I went to find my ex-British army dad in England, he told me that J and D were very twisted, they were IRA fascists, and that his friend was killed by a bomb supplied by D. He also said D tried to kill his sister, my aunt, by putting a bomb under her car. He said the IRA were after him and he’d been packing a gun for 30 years.

    At a family gathering D suggests putting me in a psych ward.

    2020, at my dad’s wake, J and D show up and there’s a scene, my aunt accuses him of putting a bomb under her car, so they don’t go to the funeral. The fucking nerve showing up to a man’s wake when you tried to kill his sister and want to put his daughter in a psych ward. They hate me because they hate my dad.
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  2. Kafka sweaty
    In Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, he has his own suicide hotline, puts posters out for it in places so people call him at night so he isn’t lonely, then he tells them to kill themselves. You see where my train of thought is going. I tried it but didn’t get calls, you should have seen the looks I got in the Internet cafe though.
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  3. Kafka sweaty
    Is it true guys look at each other’s dicks in the urinal? Even straight ones?
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  4. Kafka sweaty
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Kafka sweaty
    So you’re anti women’s rights?
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  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I don't know you but 12 step bullshit is like the actual worst thing for me.

    "OH hey let's turn not having an addiction anymore into an addiction itself!"


    "Ya I'm just here cuz my mom would give me 20 bucks to come cuz I made up some shit about them selling something or having food here, sorry I was 20 min late I definitely didn't score before this and I'm really tired but I'm not nodding off I promise. Did you have the first cig break yet? Where's the coffee?"

    Fuck that

    I remember a looney tunes poster, the bunny dangling from a crane, just it’s hand holding onto it. It said “Let Go. Let God”. Like what just fall to your death?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Kafka sweaty
    It’s hard to find decent people. I could go to an AA meeting tonight and make friends but I doubt they’d be good for me. I stopped going after this woman put her hand on my leg.
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  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley I think youre a wonderful intelligent girlfriend and any man who doesn't see that isn't worth your time. Find men who read, who have been through a lot, and live in the Midwest United States. I think you'd be a lot happier.

    No thanks.
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  9. Kafka sweaty
    I have to get the vaccine today and don’t want to. I can’t spend the rest of my life unable to travel though. I can’t put that stick up my nose for the pcr test. I’m worried how it will affect me psychologically doing something I believe is risking my health. I can’t just have no life for years though because of vaccine hesitancy, that could mess me up in as well. I’ve already put off travel for one year.
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  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo The audacity of hope

    Reminds me of Murakami saying where there’s hope there’s a trial and you can’t live without hope. That the hope may be abstract but the trial is always concrete.
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  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo You need to be a superho to make him jealous. Cuddle his dad and best friend. Find a better partner for his girlfriend then fuck him too. When he breaks down and cries for you again, tie him to the bed and cut his dick off. Win/win/win situation

    He does get jealous tbh and probably thinks I won’t be with anyone else, I’m super-picky. I think sleeping around is the right thing to do though, even if it doesn’t make him jealous, I’ll be glad he wasn’t the last person I slept with and he never even made me cum. He was talking about going on vacation with me but now he’s taking his girlfriend instead, so I will just go places by myself.
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  12. Kafka sweaty
    Okay so sitting at the edge of your chair, one foot flat on the ground, your other foot under the chair on the ball of your foot, don’t set it flat. You can do it with both feet eventually.

    Stand up straight and stretch your arms up above your head like people do yawning.

    Don’t sleep on your side or use too many pillows.

    Stand up straight then lean backwards as far as you can without falling over to strengthen your spine.
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  13. Kafka sweaty
    It used to be knifeplay in the graveyard but I didn’t factor in that I’d be drunk and almost poked his eye out, and it was a kitchen knife which turned me off. Now I think a gangbang in a Munich sex cinema when life goes back to normal.
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  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Wow ladies these are some exciting replies.

    couple questions
    a scotch bonnet (or a hab i guess)

    are you talking about peppers HTS?


    what are bacon lardons? Is that like the fat that's on bacon like "Bacon Lard-On"a

    how do you know when the inside of a potato is done without cutting it in half (real question)

    I eat potatos about 4-5 times a month as fries and almost never eat a mushy earth nugget as a mushy earth nugget.

    Bacon lardons are like fat and bacon cut up into little cubes. The potatoes should be done after 15 mins, I do 20 mins but people tell me that’s too long, also stick a fork in the middle of them, that’s how I take them out and know they’re ready. Sometimes I’ll dump them into cold water so I can peel the skins without getting burnt, if I’m lazy and don’t really care then they just go in the pan.
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  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If only that was true.

    Also notice how anyone who actually does anything about social problems (like kneecapping drug dealers) gets called a fascist now?

    Unlike Britain Germany has always been friendly to Ireland. Why wouldn't we support our gallant allies in Europe?

    They were only pretending to be Ireland’s ally and ended up bombing Dublin.

    I can’t talk about this anymore without being triggered because all I can think about is my other IRA uncle whom is also a Trump supporter shouting Up The Ra every get together and continuing to send me political videos when I’ve asked him to stop.
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  16. Kafka sweaty
    My simplist recipe is boil baby potatoes, in a pan fry red onion, bacon lardons and garlic. Add the potatoes to the pan along with peppercorn and mixed herbs, steam for 5-10 mins.
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  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat my answer to her would be:

    "as long as I feel like it bitch. as long as that 30 something yr old cock had enough of your little 15 yr old teenage pussy and ass."

    Is this a pedo ring?
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  18. Kafka sweaty
    In the past, cocaine was used as a cure for alcoholism, along with change in environment.
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  19. Kafka sweaty
    I’ve had some ideas that might help:

    1. Start a hostel, rent a building, add bunk beds, volunteers run it.
    2. Corner shop.
    3. Make steel garden sculptures to sell. Could start small with metal flowers.
    4. Small idea, reselling antique books from charity shops on Etsy.
    5. I make Hungarian water and haven’t found it for sale anywhere in the UK, also have recipes for a lot of skincare products from antique books. Could sell them on Etsy.

    I have a diploma in business studies.
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