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Posts by Tyrant

  1. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie You keep saying i rape children, actually i don't. Also, could this be projection on your part since Pakistan trained the Taliban and they got a thing for little boys? Is that acceptable in Pakistani culture? Like grooming gangs in the UK, almost 100% Pakistani. You feel some kind of blood guilt by being related t these people? Is that why you're so obsessed with it?

    Also, Aleister/Oct has no moral high ground here, i'm just telling this to you because at least you won't have a retarded reply ready that doesn't help anyone. Oct tried to take advantage of a suicidal girl, that's arguably worse than having some pictures some might take offense to, nigga.

    Also Muhammad was a Nonce, the Qur'an and hadithes attest to this, and if he is your paragon of virtue, i don't think you have any leg to stand on when you're trying to lecture me on pedophilia.

    Nice social studies retort, idiot.

    You, personally, rape children. It has nothing to do with your nationality nor your race, it is because you are a mentally sick individual. How do you justify your disgusting behaviour?
  2. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny by typing more words to avoid explaining what the phrase means than it would take to explain the term ?

    dalit logic.

    Sure, and you've typed more words about trying to linger on this stupid diversion than it would take to Google it and get to your actual point. What do you think I said that was wrong?
  3. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I wanna get our dicks warm and wet and stick them to flagpoles and see who can pull it off first, really separate then men from the boys if you know what I mean

    Pee on one another's leg till it freezes mid piss and see who can pull the icicle out of their dick with the least damage?
  4. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lame dalit joke.

    Gay mongoloid criticism
  5. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I'd be willing to bet that more people like me on here and IRL than they like you. Besides i don't need everyone to like me, it'd be nice but there's always going to be people like you that dislike me no matter what i do. And that's fine. You're entitled to your judgements.

    Only a couple of fellow pedophiles like you, everyone else hates you because you rape children.
  6. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie No one asked anyone anything. I'll speak whenever it so pleases me, try and stop me.

    No one likes you.
  7. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny still can explain what a "market cap" is.

    and the only one who will jerk you off here is oct, a someone who cant even kill himself correctly if his life depends on it.

    I don't have to explain what a market cap is because it is a very basic term. You are using this as a gay method of avoiding saying what your point is because you are gay and a mongoloid.
  8. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Niggerboo Niggerson
  9. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Anyone want to come to my house and fight? Afterwards we can go 4 wheeling or something, you can sleep in the basement if you want and maybe fight again tomorrow

    You wanna suck each others dicks together?
  10. Tyrant African Astronaut
    A gathering of snails
    Appeared above my snail
    They sang to me this snail of hope
    And this is what they snailed
    They snailed, come snail away, come snail away
    Come snail away with me
  11. Tyrant African Astronaut
    That's not true, all snails have great teeth and it's customary to admire their teeth upon receiving one as a gift. Basic snail gifting etiquette really. You're just so wrong.
  12. Tyrant African Astronaut
  13. Tyrant African Astronaut
    That's just being human nigga. You don't have any control. You've never had any control. You are a wave on a thin surface of a vast ocean.
  14. Tyrant African Astronaut
    I could list 10 games off the top of my head and you would go "that's it? Just 10?" I don't care but you are retarded for getting a Wii U thinking you would be getting any active online games.
  15. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Eh whatever caspman. You didn't do shit wrong. Their problems are theirs. You wouldn't even have been "wrong" to slam her pussy.
  16. Tyrant African Astronaut
    It was better for offline multiplayer by far though.
  17. Tyrant African Astronaut
    For some games like Mario Kart sure.
  18. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat this is why teenagers are better or as a coping echanis for guys like him to find a teenager.

    Kill yourself
  19. Tyrant African Astronaut
    It is but it's also a story you'll probably laugh about in time.
  20. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra what sort of acid was it, drain cleaner?

    Lysergic diethylamide
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