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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Now that sounds like a plan I can get behind. You don't want to end up like tortilla 24 years old living in a van pooping all over himself
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I know and you're right. Everything is boring to me these days; I feel like sploo. I haven't given up hope, I just keep procrastinating 'turning over the leaf' but I'm not dead yet and I honestly believe that I can get out of this rut. Some external motivation (other than not dying) would help, but I guess this is the price I pay for leading a shit-tier lifestyle for so long. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, if anything, I want them to LEARN from me, and not make the same mistakes. I'm sure most people in our community can relate, hence the rampant drug use and socially unique lifestyles many of us seem to lead. I know not everyone is a hermit but we all have obviously had our fair share of cringe-shit to deal with in life and we've all made some pretty stupid fucking choices. Anyway, I'm not going away yet, and I will be eating more salads, quitting drinking except for weekends, and once I can get the ball rolling I'm the type of person who will definitely roll with it. I need that replacement habit that I can enjoy but haven't found it yet.

    maybe you should get more into having sex, if you do it right it will make you want to take care of your body more. For the last few months I've been working out *slacked off the last couple weeks tho* and I've noticed I havent been laid at all in the last couple weeks, seems like there is some kinda correlation

    But I've been getting into it much more in general. I'm lucky that I have a high metabolism otherwise I'd be such a fat fuck especially with the way I drink. I'm actually trying to cut back drinking for mental reasons and hoping that it will help reduce my belly fat.

    I actually have high blood pressure as well, always have had it. I'm supposed to be on beta blockers, but I've noticed cycling and lifting weights has helped me a lot

    *aortic dissection* problems.

    You might want to look into taking magnesium for your blood pressure
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Com Truise streaming through the atmosphere made me laugh out loud. Also i know you were joking when you said nerd but i ain't even playing the tabletop bruh, i play the vidya games.

    NERD! lol nah I used to play the pc game years ago. I'm more of a starcraft guy tho

    my yamatoto cannon brings all the boys to the yard =)
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    check it out read it and weep bitches

    we are living in a computer generated world where nothing is real except what the media wants you to believe.

    Please stand by...
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    maybe you should take better care of yourself mq, eat salads, exercise, quit smoking, do things that are more positive. You will feel better mentally as well as physically.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Only a dumb southerner would pay 24.95 for a cheaply printed shirt that will get you beat up at the bar.

    Depends what kind of bar you go to lolool
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey Bill Krozby you could also just simply not acknowlege the thing you find annoying abour TDR and tell me your thoughts about shotguns nigger.

    All I know is that my dad used to drive to school back n the day with a shotgun mounted by the back window, as with my kids in his day. And nobody said shit. I've owned a shotgun and an ak47 ten years ago and I never went crazy and thought of hurting random people. My parents still own guns are they are far from the "gun toting redneck" stereotype that the liberal jedi media likes to portray gun owners as.

  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    This, I have not experienced sleep paralysis since before I joined the US Army in 1980. But as preteen and teenager it was common experience (3 - 4 mornings per week). I found it to be a time of self discovery. In other words inner contemplation which has to this day given me the tools to survive and thrive in this brutal world our predecessors crafted and left us to deal with.

    I don't know about all that.. yet maybe im not there yet. But I used to be really afraid of it. But now I just let it ride. When it happened last night I didn't even really think much about it after it happened until I saw this thread. I was laying down and just fell asleep , this girl put her arm over me right before I fell asleep, and I felt like my chest was being crushed, I woke up saying " get off you're killing me" and she was like "oooh" and then I just went back to sleep.

    I blame last nights event on me quitting drinking the last 2 days.

    Something else that triggers it is klonopin, which is a gaba drug, such as alcohol, and phenibut... interesting..
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I pissed my pants on a 5th grade field trip, we were camping and I decided that for the entire 3 days I was not going to use the bathrooms there since i never used them at school. I lasted one night but in the morning I pissed my pants while we were fossil hunting, which sucked, because I really wanted to go fossil hunting. My teacher was super chill about it and nobody else found out since I kinda walked away from the other kids, she just took me back to the cabins and had me change and whatnot. Really have no idea how nobody knew that I pissed my pants.

    That's terrible but I can picture it all in my head. The closest thing that happened to me like that (haven't thought about it in years until your post) was in 5th grade at a camping trip this girl and I both sat down on cactus on a hike and everyone laughed and had to go change our clothes.

    On the same camping trip which was a whole 2 and a half days Ryan foster started crying and Cody carries austrailian dad jumped out of his bed in the cabin wearing nothing but bikini briefs. And was like whats wrong son??! And ryan foster said *sniffle* " I miss my mom......"

    Cody's dad said "well write her a letter and I will mail it to her"

    And then Cody said "aaaawww you gonnnaa crryy!?"

    and Ryan started crying even more...

    Those camping field trips...
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Do i qualify for the Bill Krozby's club of enlightened gentlemen?

    I own two suits.
    I have a degree in STEM.(Associates in EE, fuck the police)
    My interests are, physics, chemistry, astronomy, information technology, philosophy, history and little girls.
    I have been known to dine at fancy places.
    I have been known to drink some literature while i read the finest cognac.

    And i am sure i can think of more pretentious little factoids to smack in the face of all you plebs.

    10/10 but still would not bang

    speaking of enlightened gentleman I saw oplus on tc last night for the first time. He's quite the strapping young lad if I do say so myself.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    this just in darth faggot is a relentlessly virgin! stayed tuned for more of his hilarious shenanigan's!

    I'm guessing this is crazy mikes alt? anyways this is while I almost never post here
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    If I take more than a gram of phenibut, I vomit profusely for at least 24 hours.

    some people weren't meant to take real drugs
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT faggots , this entire forum has became nothing but a pissing match between nigger mike, darth faggot, and spectral man. You guys really need to step up your game and quit sucking each others cocks all the time
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    everyone is too busy laughing to reply so far, ACTUALLY. You know I can't play teh bones, and I don't feel like getting rekt over and over. Bill Krozby will play with you he said.

    I'm sure he can read artard. He's looking for more than one person, dominoes can have up to 4 players sometimes even more.
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've learned to embrace it. I actually had it happen last night.
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    lol jk

    all the phillip k dick and heinlen books make me think about what it would be like to drink a bottle of bundy and wake up 55000 years in the future where com truise is streamed thru the atmosphere, robots rull the world and the only humans left beat each other with baseball bats wearing corpse paint
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Then it must suck to be you.

    Quiet you, you sound like my daughters mom with her ridiculous childish taunts, I bet you're nothing but a red faced mid-westerner who never indulgences in scientific curiosities, you've probably never even owned a suit in your life.
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    please elaborate...

    and I've never done phenibut, thought about getting some online
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    gay breaking bad daft punk and meth
    and all at the same time

    Those things tend to all go together in the meth circuits it seems. That and getting fucked in the gobble gobble
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    fuck that bitch

    hey take a chill pill you big edgelord
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