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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I'm guessing this is what you're talking about?

    but yeah tea tree oil is good stuff, the nurse has a couple "skin tag/wart" kinda things by her arm pit and I've been treating it with tea tree oil and garlic and duct tape, and its coming along nicely

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-03-22T04:41:58.984577+00:00
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 The reason I said trader joes brand TeaTree is it is mostly natural. Everything has sulfites.. I'm allergic to that shit too. or sulfur. It's cheap too.. like 4 bucks. Paul Mitchell is like what.. 16-20 bucks a bottle?

    I've never heard of trader joes. Pretty sure we don't have them here but I'll look into it
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock that made no sense.

    you should try again.

    use more effort this time

    Bill the cat, do you ever get tired of being a fucktard?
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo That's called good parenting, although they should've thrown in a beating too.

    That's called being a horrible son, although I'm surprised she still pays your rent.

    That's called yo mama ain't want you knockin up anotha ho, although it's funny you call her a racist when she chose to have a retard baby with a Mexicant.

    Um.. at 16 I never had a kid... I didn't have a kid until I was 25... and she is racist she hates black people and white women, my mom is hispanic and my daddy is a white man.
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 See.. all day today you were normal and likeable and you respond to this now. As for the shampoo.. I can relate.. Sorry, i thought youw ere a lazy hippy person who hates to shower.

    So go to Trader Joes and buy teatree shampoo or the bodywash.. the bodywash is easier on the skin.. it stings for about 5 minutes but there is no allergic reaction (at least to the bodywash) the reason it stings is it's spearmint or some shit in there. it's like a cold sting and tingle. feels awesome. removes the oil from skin without drying it out. another trick.. at night, rub toothpaste on your forghead and use baking soda to wash it off. or use zinc-oxide 2 percent instead of toothpaste and wash off in the morning with baking soda.

    takes all the dead skin cells right off.

    I wasn't posting all day until recently.. but anyways.. I have some tea tree shampoo I got a couple months ago because for the last few years I didn't use shampoo to wash my hair and my hair and skin actually became less greazy.. but this winter for some reason my scalp was itching like crazy so I broke down and got shampoo. Now that winter is over my scalp isn't driving me crazy so I can probably cut back on the shampoo again.

    My dad is a "greazy" guy too, but we both have soft hair lol

    I have a 2 in one body wash by best coast but it seems cheap..

    I honestly think I'm allergic to the sulphites in shampoos. the 3 years I went with out using shampoo my skin and hair was awesome, just couldn't take the itchiness over the winter

  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I actually know someone who was friends with Richard Linklater. or went to college with him.. Somehow they knew each other. Did he make "Everybody Wants Some" as well? I liked Dazed and confused but I can't watch 5 minutes of the newer one without wanting to turn it off. Not sure why? I guess you can't love everything

    Yeah he did everybody wants some also. I saw that one it was alright... just came off as a parody of dazed and confused but then again I was never really a fan of dazed and confused.

    He also did "boyhood" which was filmed over the course of ten years. It started out good but was lazily wrapped up I think on purpose for cheezy effect.
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I got to be straight forward here. As best as I can be. Bill Krozby, you're really weird and immature. You have sex with women and leave them with children. And though I know Texas (Especially Austin) is probably humid and hot, but you look greasy as hell. You look to have a waxy forhead. I was told I do too and to take vitamin B 3-12

    they're hard on the stomach, but give you energy. You look like I did when I had mono and mono related hepatitis which was from the drugs for having extended mono for nearly a year. they fucked my liver up. you have that waxy rhine forehead and you're sweaty looking and oily. Please grow the fuck up and take your vitamins.

    Shower twice a day or even 1 solid shower at night or day and 2 quick rinse offs. I lived in a very hot area of the Bay, far east county.. close to Texas whether and would sweat a lot. you should shower more. I think your sedentary lifestyle is making you lazy and stupid. Maybe lay off the pot, Dude.

    fuck off man I don't even smoke weed , and my forehead is greasy because I started using shampoo again and I'm allergic to it. And I shower twice a day. Showering more than that would make your skin even greasier by compensating the oil you washed off.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Jason from his show (The kid who directed Loose Change) was calling me from Alex place (before they got into a fight).. it makes me think Alex didn't want me on the show. I declined because my kids were small, my wife said no. But he was very interested in my material and evidence . And that's one of the reasons I'm on this website now ;)

    PS I think Philip K Dick is an Author from Berkeley California. Did he make this film, or is it based on a book of his?

    phillip k dick wrote the book but richard linklater the guy that did waking life directed this along with dazed and confused...
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 So what you met him. Dude, he could of shit talked you after you left. Maybe he isn't serious. Maybe he's just pretending to care. You met someone semi famous .. I'v met a lot of musicians and actors over the years. especially working at a small but famous hotel in San Francisco.

    But that doesn't mean they're mean because I had a weird experience or that they were nice all the time because they smiled and spoke to me for a moment. you never know how people really are. If you argue this fact, then you're just glowing from meeting some local celeb.. well a known celeb now. I did like his rotoscope scene in "Awaken Life"

    its called "waking life" but I digress... I liked his scene in a scanner darkly. I'm a huge phillip k dick fan and the movie was very similar to how I imagined the book.

    And I don't think alex jones is that kind of guy to talk behind your back like that. One of my best friends used to do a show with him back in the day and I know several other close friends that know him.

    But I digress...

  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    This thread makes me so fucking pissed the fuck off, my mom and dad would come in my room after I was suspended for having marijauna at school and would throw a glass of water in my face to wake me up and just start screaming at me calling me a drug head while crying.

    Then last summer my mom had the gull to call me crying telling me she's going blind and she wants me to get her some marijuana when she comes through town. I told her no fucking way. Get one of your redneck nieces in your town to do that.

    And my mom is also racist, she would call my first girlfriend when i was 16 (she was 14) a fat white bitch whore and make fun of me in front of her. When I moved out she even sent the pigs over to her house and when I told the pigs I was an adult and to leave me alone my parents came over and my mom started calling my gf's a mom a fucking fat bitch whore. It was so embarassing

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-03-22T03:34:33.923728+00:00
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo Even I say the pledge you piece of shit. And lol 'analytical tears'.

    He froze your account because although you had a job at the time, he and mommy were still paying your rent and whatnot, so they didn't want you blowing your cash on fast food and drugz, fuccboi.

    "even i say the pledge..." what are you insinuating that you're a piece of shit?
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock everyone hates jedis

    not true my parents who are cuckservatives love the jedis, they plan on going to visit Israel. My dad said he wants to go there because it was where jesus was born (he's a minister) and the israely jedis are muricas best ally.

    I don't personally agree with that... but some people think that way

    my dad is basically hank hill from king of the hill

    My dad is a smart guy in a lot of ways, but he's globalist all the way, he believes free masonry is good and that george bush was a murican hero

    I got fucking grounded for a month because I wouldn't stand up and say the pledge of allegiance and my teacher had my dad on speed dial and he came to my school and made me clean my locker and girls were smirking and laughing at me while I was about to basically break into analytical tears. And then he even froze my bank account because I was taking out "too much money" so I could buy hamburgers and xtc, when It was my money I earned at my job

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-03-22T02:38:05.371853+00:00
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I tend to only see white/hispanic/jedi women. Asians and arabs despise me.

    Over the summer i saw this Palestinian lady. And when i first met her he was afraid of me. We just drove around in her car for awhile and talked.

    She ent up liking me but she said her brotger couldnt find out about me because im basically a nigger man to her race.

    That and she would cuss at my cat and when id leave to go get a brew in the morning shed be wide awake when id get back saying how she hates my cat.. And i kinda felt like she had the capability to abuse my pet.

    Funny thing though being from palestine. She would rant about the jedis. She was a true to life jedi hater lol
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I'v never got along with one. I'v dated some very beautiful white chicks when I was younger. but I'v only am able to get along with Black Women, Asian Women and a few Hispanic women and once, a Native American who actually was 100 percent.

    Why are White women so difficult? I can be friends but they're too complicated for white men. If I was black.. it seems like the novelty or perhaps a real attraction can happen fast. Asian and Black women find me attractive but white women seem to like Dark haired guys. if you're White, you better be tan and have dark skin.

    Sup with that? And I wonder how you guys feel about this

    Do you post on f169?
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Superbad was good.

    I liked Road Trip too.

    Road trip is good. Pretty much like animal house
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Alex jones is a good guy I met him and he's very humble, I also met doug stanhope and any friend of doug stanhope is a friend of mine.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by aldra is that an APC cover or did APC do the cover

    apc covered failure, tool used to tour with failure in the 90's
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-03-21T09:42:50.841096+00:00
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Thats a zimmy post. The triangles are with you tonight Bill Krozby. keep doing whatever you doing beautiful and your life will be blessed with many scronaldos and happiness. Soon you will be free Bill Krozbyzie boy, soon. this next bowl of tek and weed and sip of beer and ciggaarette goes out to you.

    thanks bud I was thinking the same thing, I'm trying to stay on the right path
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

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