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Alex Jones is a Theif

  1. #21
    bling bling Dark Matter
  2. #22
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Their

    or they're
  3. #23
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist or they're

    only they're
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Their

    They Are They're. Their is possessive.
  5. #25
    This Nigga is either a double agent or he got scared and turned by CIA or both or He started off a good person with intent to inform with truth and turned into a Snake Oil Salesman Shill because the lost of interest in helping and figured he is just doing it as a form of Income to support his family. If it's the latter, I wish he would just normal out and join CNN.

    Originally posted by bling bling
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Alex jones is a good guy I met him and he's very humble, I also met doug stanhope and any friend of doug stanhope is a friend of mine.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Alex jones is a good guy I met him and he's very humble, I also met doug stanhope and any friend of doug stanhope is a friend of mine.

    So what you met him. Dude, he could of shit talked you after you left. Maybe he isn't serious. Maybe he's just pretending to care. You met someone semi famous .. I'v met a lot of musicians and actors over the years. especially working at a small but famous hotel in San Francisco.

    But that doesn't mean they're mean because I had a weird experience or that they were nice all the time because they smiled and spoke to me for a moment. you never know how people really are. If you argue this fact, then you're just glowing from meeting some local celeb.. well a known celeb now. I did like his rotoscope scene in "Awaken Life"
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 So what you met him. Dude, he could of shit talked you after you left. Maybe he isn't serious. Maybe he's just pretending to care. You met someone semi famous .. I'v met a lot of musicians and actors over the years. especially working at a small but famous hotel in San Francisco.

    But that doesn't mean they're mean because I had a weird experience or that they were nice all the time because they smiled and spoke to me for a moment. you never know how people really are. If you argue this fact, then you're just glowing from meeting some local celeb.. well a known celeb now. I did like his rotoscope scene in "Awaken Life"

    its called "waking life" but I digress... I liked his scene in a scanner darkly. I'm a huge phillip k dick fan and the movie was very similar to how I imagined the book.

    And I don't think alex jones is that kind of guy to talk behind your back like that. One of my best friends used to do a show with him back in the day and I know several other close friends that know him.

    But I digress...

  9. #29
    Jason from his show (The kid who directed Loose Change) was calling me from Alex place (before they got into a fight).. it makes me think Alex didn't want me on the show. I declined because my kids were small, my wife said no. But he was very interested in my material and evidence . And that's one of the reasons I'm on this website now ;)

    PS I think Philip K Dick is an Author from Berkeley California. Did he make this film, or is it based on a book of his?

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its called "waking life" but I digress… I liked his scene in a scanner darkly. I'm a huge phillip k dick fan and the movie was very similar to how I imagined the book.

    And I don't think alex jones is that kind of guy to talk behind your back like that. One of my best friends used to do a show with him back in the day and I know several other close friends that know him.

    But I digress…

  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Jason from his show (The kid who directed Loose Change) was calling me from Alex place (before they got into a fight).. it makes me think Alex didn't want me on the show. I declined because my kids were small, my wife said no. But he was very interested in my material and evidence . And that's one of the reasons I'm on this website now ;)

    PS I think Philip K Dick is an Author from Berkeley California. Did he make this film, or is it based on a book of his?

    phillip k dick wrote the book but richard linklater the guy that did waking life directed this along with dazed and confused...
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby phillip k dick wrote the book but richard linklater the guy that did waking life directed this along with dazed and confused…

    I actually know someone who was friends with Richard Linklater. or went to college with him.. Somehow they knew each other. Did he make "Everybody Wants Some" as well? I liked Dazed and confused but I can't watch 5 minutes of the newer one without wanting to turn it off. Not sure why? I guess you can't love everything
  12. #32
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I actually know someone who was friends with Richard Linklater. or went to college with him.. Somehow they knew each other. Did he make "Everybody Wants Some" as well? I liked Dazed and confused but I can't watch 5 minutes of the newer one without wanting to turn it off. Not sure why? I guess you can't love everything

    Yeah he did everybody wants some also. I saw that one it was alright... just came off as a parody of dazed and confused but then again I was never really a fan of dazed and confused.

    He also did "boyhood" which was filmed over the course of ten years. It started out good but was lazily wrapped up I think on purpose for cheezy effect.
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