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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    Alcohol is the devil
  2. Data African Astronaut
    Didn't read but pls post more pics scron that shit is gorgeous thankz
  3. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I took it 3 times a a day for 3 days, and I heard it kills your sex drive, think its permanent?

    LOSER 😂
  4. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I came here to bash this shoe but honestly it is much better than most of the shoes advertised on here.
    Id still never wear it as it looks fairly retarded.

    They're just trying to get you to click. It's not advertising
  5. Data African Astronaut
    This is retarded and not funny.
  6. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Again you're wrong Hashtag BLM was created by 3 ladies this being 1 of them and She decided to create the organization as an extension of the BLM So you're just wrong

    No it wasn't. You are retarded. Go ahead and show me their entity registration.
  7. Data African Astronaut
    Articles like this are just used to disbarage the movement.
  8. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra it's interesting how leftists use this as a defence mechanism - 'BLM was organized by a convicted terrorist but that doesn't taint them as an organization because there' s no heirarchy, antifa may be constantly seen causing violence and property damage but they're not really one group'

    but have no problem characteristing people like Richard Spencer or Gavin McAnus or whoever else as being supreme commander of all right wing groups in the country.

    Also Proud Boys as terrorists, fuck off. BOTH groups accused of organizing the riots in the capitol (protip: the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers do not have 100k+ members) were run by literal FBI assets

    Lmao. Suuuuuuure. Another conspiracy.

    Again, BLM is not an organization. No leader. Neither is 'antifa'. Literally just private citizens. If there is a group then charge them as such. You know, like they did to the proud boys?
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Nobody gets this many massively long texts. However bradley makes many massively long posts. Hmmmmmmmmm??
  10. Data African Astronaut
    Bradley wrote all of this lmao
  11. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra 1. it's 50% private
    2. who cares, western corporate media is just one degree separated
    3. don't take anything at face value you fucking idiot, look into the sources

    Doesn't really matter because there are hundreds of BLM organizations. There is no central one. The way they are framing this is the problem. There's never been a singular BLM or singular Antifa. There's never been centralization. Yet you have Russian state media fooling people like OP into thinking otherwise. This type of reporting is common in right wing circles and makes it easy to cherry pick whenever something inevitably goes wrong among the millions involved in this movement. Very easy to make them seem the same as groups like the Proud Boys who are a centralized organization that actively engaged in organized terrorism.
  12. Data African Astronaut
    Was an ex employee. Really fucked up. Why would you not just shoot your boss or higher ups? Why go for your co-workers. What a shit bag. Doesn't seem targeted at all either. Idk why you would just shoot up your work and not have it be personal in some way. Go after whoever pissed you off at least?

    Its like these shooters never think it through. The only terrorist in recent history who did it right imo was the dude who blew himself up in his van on xmas. Went right for damaging telecom offices (I think Comcast or AT&T?) and tried to avoid hurting people. Very targeted attack and not just senseless killing. Even the capitol hill insurrectionists went straight for the jugular.
  13. Data African Astronaut
    You do know that you posted literal Russian state media right? It is openly funded and run by the Russian government. Google it.

    Do you trust the Russian government to tell you the truth about American politics? I mean fucking really?
  14. Data African Astronaut
    Lol these poll results
  15. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley i don't think he knew what he was saying, this is a youtube series you don't receive that int he "mail"

    or maybe you do in poland idfk

    I just looked it up. They say email lol.
  16. Data African Astronaut
    I'm worth at least a big mac wtf
  17. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley can it be tacos or is that racist to say to a POC

    Its only racist if the tacos are bad.

    If you take me to Taco Bell I will pretend everything is good and maybe even sleep with you, then I'll come back in a few weeks to burn your house down while you dream.
  18. Data African Astronaut
    Ask your attorney if you qualify for religious exemption.
  19. Data African Astronaut
    You have to buy me dinner first
  20. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley qucik mix ready is really really upset with me everyone, he didn't like being called 2k1 the hutt, he didn't like our photos i took to remember our day, he's mad i dont want a father figure that wants to do gay stuff with me, he said im a bad person with diseases

    throw this gay old nigga a bone, i taught him how to use MS Paint but he just wants to be really upse tand confused and boomery

    lmao its true

    he used to be fairly chill (but still crazy) now he's just angry (and still crazy)
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