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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Data Can't wait to find the bias source of your article as has been the case with 100% of the stuff you post
  2. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo You're probably the type of faggotman who jerks it to gangbangs

    So what if I was?
  3. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ^ This is the average intelligence of the common man, folks.

    ^Believes in God

  4. Data African Astronaut
  5. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai I might, tbh. Imagine dying for someone else. smh

    This honestly tho

    What kind of idiot signs their life away for shit like that.

    All the cool people stay inside.
  6. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe POF is the best whore market, I use to fuck so many girls off there.

    You still use it?
  7. Data African Astronaut

    Fucking lol
  8. Data African Astronaut
    First right move in 4years
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai I don't think they can, legally, when the vaccine is only available to the public via an emergency use authorization. Might be wrong about that. Probably wrong. Shouldn't be wrong though.

    Lol its publicly available here

  10. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by livingelegy I like black people

    I like black people but not this one
  11. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I guess the grass isn't greener on your side bitches. Kind of seems like white people are eating shit. LOL

    Specifically the Britwits, their lass gets her Monty python'ed by Muhammed.


    Fuck Vinny the chinaman and non-binary isn't a real thing. Fuck off. 2 genders. Capitalism is the best thing for humanity and China needs to suck dick for the next 20 years to make up for the shit they did.

  12. Data African Astronaut
    So we're just okay with CP now here? Okay.
  13. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby §m£ÂgØL is a really closed minded person, he's one of those people that's a denier of climate change and synchronicity. Just because it didn't happen to him, It must not be real..

    obvious troll bait by a weak little man with no power to change his future
  14. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley I can read really fast and thought you could too, tbh.


    Ok i believe you I take it back Bradley
  15. Data African Astronaut
    You lose, I win.

    I fucked your mom and I will fuck her again this Tuesday.

    After that, maybe I will fuck your dad.

    We'll see.

    he has to buy me ice cream
  16. Data African Astronaut
    the correct response was: faggot
  17. Data African Astronaut
    X Incorrect X
  18. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ciggar cutter is only good for beheading heads (domes).

    Literally what he was saying you eucalyptus eating fuck
  19. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley OK i Like u as a poster. Don't ruin this by telling me Russian State Media isn't owned by the Russian State. Like this isn't a conspiracy theory like covid or the size of a user's titties. It's fuckin fact.

    That is what these people can't wrap their head around. They don't trust FBI reports. They don't trust the investigations. They don't trust anything except right wing propaganda that stems from Murdoch and Putin and gets propagated by 'independent media' who are not actual journalists, but mouth pieces that just repeat what they hear.

    Most of them don't understand that Russia did meddle in elections. They did hack western private and government systems. They used the data gained on westerners to advertise on social media like Facebook and Youtube, and people like soy/aldra/spectral/etc all eat it up. The Russian government DID collude with the Trump admin. This is known fact and people are in prison for it. Yet you still have people believing otherwise even as investigations are ongoing and releasing new information about the issue constantly.

    "Witch hunt" is what they think, because that's what the Russians have pushed right wing 'independent media' to think. It's what they've advertised.

    It's crazy actually considering how the whole red scare shit was pushed by the right. Trump spent 4 years without passing any kind of security law because passing one would've been detrimental to him in the 2020 elections. Russians want the right to win. They've shown that repeatedly. Whether it's Trump or some other puppet, it's always going to be the same shit.

    Like seriously what are you going to do to regulate 'BLM' or 'Antifa'? What does it accomplish to take a stance against activists? There is almost always violence when you have any movement big enough, but that doesn't mean the message isn't a good message. People have gotten so fucked in the head as to think BLM is actually anti-white or racist in some way, when all people want is for the police to be less militarized and be held accountable for their actions, which basically fucking everybody agrees on.

    It's actually ludicrous how much everybody just agrees on politics when it comes down to it. Everybody is rational and using a logical line of thinking, but come to different conclusions based on the reality they've been shown.

    If Antifa was an actual organization planning crimes, then yeah, I would say go ahead and arrest their leaders. Lock all terrorists up. Left or right or middle or purple, IDGAF. But you can't do that, because they are not an organization. We CAN do something to at least quell the issues that people are rioting about in the first place.

    Meanwhile on the right you have actual terrorism being planned by leaders and enacted by its members. We can and have arrested them and gone after their organization. This is why the FBI has made all its statements about white supremacy and right wing nationalism being a threat. It's because those are the groups they're arresting, and the ones worth investigating. But nah. Somehow people are so twisted that think the FBI is actually full of lefties or some shit. It's all the 'deep state' making up investigations for no reason. Russia is innocent. Antifa is the real threat.
  20. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost the tolerance is better i hate smoking with no tolerance it's fucking devastating

    Yeah I get way more anxious. Tolerance is essential. Rome wasn't built in a day.
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