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Posts That Were Thanked by Cowboy2013

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Yes but my point is these people getting all patriotic over shitty Western countries being destroyed over random social justice shit. Just because it’s niggers doing it. They’re finally doing something positive and honkies just want to hate.

    its bittersweet but welcome. if i had my way, russia would bomb the fuck out of the pentagon, our ZOG government and any brainwashed fuckface that wants to die for it.

    in the meantime, let the niggers kill a bunch of a retarded self hating white soymales, im not gonna lose any sleep over that.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Fuck it
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  3. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I’m pretty sure totse and zoklet had a couple serial killers…that were caught and I remember a weird situation on zoklet where this guy posted saying he was about to go on a shooting spree and a picture of him with an ak and like an hour later there was a mass shooting where the guy used an ak but the guys race was wrong. I don’t remember if the poster was black or white but the supposed shooter was the opposite. Weird.

    Totse was better though. They had a shitload of entertaining text files even if a lot of it didn’t work.

    I think every offshoot besides this one has had text files and a full archive of the OG text files.

    The erotica section was TOP NOTCH back before video sites were common place.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    We have some increasing new recruist on this forum however, I think we're rstill desperately lacking compared to where we'd be if we went after users who have left our site, combined our resources (I.e. you sending me their/your PI) we can bring back such favorites as

    Semisazas bitch ass
    Pimp C

    But I can't do this without you (i will but at a slower pace) and just reach out to these niggas with me and fondle em up, tell em t hey're really missed. Make em feel important/desired.

    I have been successful in bringing Roshambo back just by telling him how a tonne of people here love watching his youtube videos but wish they could interact with him.

    It's easy to lie to horny men and everyone wants to be wanted. No homo.

    Also I am interested in gang stalking and wish there were more than those 3 videos on youtube about it.
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  5. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    name one friend this nigga got that don't straight up feel bad for him
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  6. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Really. Cant you guys be nicer to each other and to yourselves

    If you think people here are mean you'd have never lasted a day on Totse.

    People here are pussies if anything.
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  7. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What about neighbor dogs? one of my neighbors has a pitbull and it growled when I walked passed it a few days ago…would you die to defend me?

    nah i put down so many dogs they started callin me B the Vet

    Put so many niggers underground they started callin me harriet tubamn
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  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra lol

    how do you know her? I 've seen her post like once since you guys showed up

    The pallet house thread ...

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny *Cooks Canines*
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  9. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    I come from a racist, white, working class broken home. I grew up practicing and believing in racial hatred. However something changed in me, I have been pinned against the ground, held without charge, hit with batons, tazed, maced (With reason) as a child tho.

    That dont' sit right with me amigo. I was with this nigga one time and he was driving and we were in a two door car (not sure what they're called) and we had two girls in the backseat.

    They pulled the white girl (The other was my girlfriend mexican) and asked her if we were holding her against her will.

    What typa shit is that? Didn't ask me or my girlfriend or the nigga driving if anything was up.

    This is racism.

    Unfortunately, I am a constitutional libertarian. I believe all men are created equal. I believe we all have inherent, unalienable rights as citizens of the united states. I support the law of the land before I support racial hatred.

    They have a right to organize and protest, a right that is not inclusive to white people or black people, the allowance of this right by the constitution is extended to all people.

    And for that reason I support black lives matter, despite not supporting blacks, lives, or mattering.

    I hope other White citizens can see the position I am coming from and see that the rights of few are the rights of us all.

    o and fuck the jedis.
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  10. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    To answer your question; after doing large amounts of methamphetamene (code named "tek") he convinced himself Austin Police Department was outside with a dog and a raid was incoming, and tortilla-style blocked off his doorway, in a delerium he decided "Fuck BradleyB and everyone else who cares about me" and decided to use a kitchen knife to open himself up in the wrist and stomach, at some point he decided "Wow this really hurts and I might die" and attempted to undo some of the barricade. There were two pools of blood, one located at the door barricade & one located next to the bed where he was to my knowledge found dead.

    It is what it is. Another dead friend, I took it really badly and started drinking again (not because of Bill Krozby but because I wanted to) then got "sober" where I smoked an eighth, did half a dab cart, and a quarter gram of speed a day.

    I even had a minor freak out where i incorrectly convinced myself that my roommate had someone over and was colluding to kill me. So I did what any reasonable person does when expecting to meet death on his own terms, I beat on her door until she answered and then barehanded sought to fight my oppositional adversary. Unfortunately it was just her, and I apologized, did two ambien and went to sleep.

    But we're not all as cool as I am.

    RIP Kr0zd0g, I knew you'd never work.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Hey hydromorphone, I am interested in moving to the deep south. I understand you're old and white, are you looking for a roommate? Where do you stay in Florida? I can pay you in cash, pipe, weed, and am afraid of calling the cops.
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  12. Just turn Safe Search back on and pretend you never saw anything
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  13. Originally posted by Cowboy2013 So you still see it locally for less than like 5x what it is online?

    locally no, online yes. I don't know of any place that will sell locally the same quantities that I usually get. They will just order it online and have you pick it up; might as well cut them out of the thing altogether.

    look at my dick for only "like 2x what it" was before(4th of july special)
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  14. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    I know he’ll get out earlier on good behaviour but won’t he get shanked up or bummed in there
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  15. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready and so it has begun!

    Prep now. or not. prolly nothing will happen. seriously. you have no chance. he's coming for your guns. what can you do. you have no F-15s nor Nukes

    The freedom fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan did OK liberating themselves without F15s or nuclear weapons. America's army is an army of slaves.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. On the left , running higher pressure which shows that shit pussy has more miles left before rebuild
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  17. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready No however that wasn't the question. but thanks for answering before followup with your obvious closeted curiosities.

    Spoken like a true homosexual.
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  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    He has never seen her butthole, she won't even let him look at it.
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    TOR was invented by the US Navy

    it is the rainbow net and it's backdoored by the nSA ALWAYS HAS BEEN

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  20. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I’ve made posts about these childless menopausal dog fuckers before but this is a common theme with them. Some that I’ve seen on social media calling men who are probably younger than them “creepy old white men”. Recently I’ve noticed it in satire so has this always been a thing?

    They are just man haters. Especially of white men
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