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Posts That Were Thanked by Cowboy2013

  1. CandyRein Black Hole

    Omggg... I can’t wait! 🎃
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. the best has already been said.

    Originally posted by benny vader you cant take away what wasnt there to begin with in the first place. americans hadnt have a 2nd amendment for a very loong time, since like a hundred years ago.

    whens the last time you see americans freely going around the town with real firearms like RPGs,

    free to mine their lawns with claymore and a variety of other anti personal and material mines ???

    free to mount anti aircraft machine gunns on the back of their truck ??? or a howitzer in tow maybe ????

    dont any of you have internet access ???

    havent you all seen just how free are people, the good people of afghan, pakisthan, iraq and levant, syria, lebanon egypt and even saudi arabia are free to bear arms despite not having any amendment at all ????

    Originally posted by benny vader this is ahmeed,

    he is free to bear arms.

    Originally posted by benny vader this is freedom to bear arms.

    Originally posted by benny vader these are ahmeeds.

    they too, are free to bear arms.

    Originally posted by benny vader this is also ahmeed.

    he too, is too is free to bear arms.
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  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    My EDC btw:

    I could carry a gun, but these are just as illegal (presumably because they're just as deadly).
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  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by stl1 It will need to be southern at that time of the year.

    I'm thinking Houston.

    Let's all meet at Jiggly's place!

    You're not invited.
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  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    your heart
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  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Meanwhile there have been ammo shortages across north America. SWIM was in a large department store last night and someone else came in who could not find buckshot. Literally no buckshot and a clear shortage of .22 LR as well. Banning affordable imports is ridiculous, especially since the USGOV bought up 2 billion rounds for themselves. What a brave new world we live in
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  7. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump


    Blacks get to literally shoot up a school, and get together to celebrate it.

    Get it together whitey.


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  8. Ghost Black Hole

    But who will fix the robots that fix the robots that fix the robots?

    I don't care I will be in the woods rubbing two sticks together. Every problem in the world can be traced back to MACHINES and the slavery to them. You are all slaves

    I am truly free. My mission is to destroy all computers and erase the technology from the minds of humanity
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  9. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    I wonder if tacho is still taking vyvanse
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  10. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    I know a lot of niggers that twist the pipe
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  11. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 If those stupid pig fucks had arrested the crazy bitch like she had a cock she probably wouldn’t be dead.

    “She said it wasn’t her intent to harm you when she was hitting you so I can’t charge her with anything”

    I heard it happened in one of those states where the law is that in domestic disputes one or the other party has to be arrested too.
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  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Have you found comfort in God Christ Jesus? Maybe that will help you
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood aren't you a notorious hypochondriac? Post pics

    hypochondriac sounds like heroin addict but they're actually totally different
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  14. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Stop injecting fuxking Chinese fentanyl that got transported in a donkeys ass literally then dumped in ocean salt water and picked up by the cartel then hector had to piss and some American was getting drunk at the bar last night so he decided it was a good idea to piss on the product, gets smacked by poncho and drips a slight amount of blood into the product as well, no one notices so they continue to manufacture the product because el chapos nephew personally told big boss Alejandro that the shipment must be sent tomorrow or to behead the entire crew so no one cares just get the product to America, then they create 3 products, one being “white fentanyl” which is just fentanyl cut with diphenhydramine, brown “east coast powder, which is a slight amount of heroin with much more fentanyl and diphen for cut, and black tar cut with fent because the cartel still has 73.4 tons of black tar and 352.8 tons of raw opium stored in a random cave that sometimes get molded and water damaged, contains no heroin and just 6 mono morphine and fent and random plant material because the idiot that helped them do a simple acid base extraction on the product 5 years ago was a junky and had to be beheaded also.

    The product you decided to inject in your arm was also swallowed by an hiv positive Orphaned sex worker that sees no way out of the cartel and has a gigantic circumference of an asshole and can fit 1.3 lbs of product in his colon, not counting what he can swallow into his stomach also.

    Product is slightly moist when removed from his asshole but no one gives a shit and it continues up the line.

    Big Mack from 17th street finally makes the purchase and sells 2 products, “raw” which is still just cut heroin containing fentanyl and diphenhydramine, and stamp bags or capsules, which he took the raw and spun it in a blender with some dormin (diphen) himself and sells them for 2-5 dollars a pill or stamp( depending what city we’re in)

    Stop before you lose your other arm/leg/ anything else

    I did this bullshit for fuxking years and am so glad I made it out alive and I literally wanted to suicide every single day of my life

    If you can afford drugs you can afford methadone or some other form of treatment

    I literally entered jail with 300$ dollar a day habit of fentanyl easy, some days more, most days not less, and have never been sicker in my life

    If your a straight boss do a full blown detox (which we know you aren’t) or go get on medical assisted treatment

    There are so many treatment for opioid addicts now adays there is absolutely no fucking reason someone using these drugs shouldn’t be in treatment

    And if you use coke or meth or something like that then you are just a fucking fool because there is literally no physical addiction with these it’s all mental

    For fucke sake I would have absolutely loved to be able to just sleep for a week and be clean like meth heads and not have to deal with vomiting and diarrhea and restless legs and everything else for weeks

    How I see it even if you lost a limb you aren’t fuxking dead

    Now apply for disability and move on with your fuxking life, shit I know multiple people with one arm and they are literally employed so it can be done Easy

    Shit I’m a felon but don’t let that stop me with what I want to do in life, I wanted to get clean and live a better life so I entered college and am a semester from my associates, which I should have gotten years ago.. I didn’t want to work in a bar anymore even though I was making well over 1700 a week most weeks

    Anything you set your mind to can be done as you literally have the power to manifest your own destiny. Your mind is the most powerful thing you have and you better start using it because we all know these flesh bodies do not last, so stop abusing your body and get to work, we all know there is a shit ton of it to be done.

    Good luck and much love, no one wants to see another totsean struggle her, and I literally cringe thinking about how you are living knowing the fact that that round thing between your ears contains the power to change that for you.
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  15. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Yes? If it got rid of severe infection, osteomyelitis in both radius and ulna and made the pain go away?

    This is. What’s going down this week for me

    Suicide is stilll very much an option I’m considering

    Get it done. AI or robotic assisted prosthetics technology is growing fast. Even connecting nerves not far off. I got all my front teeth removed, after a month of shitty discomfort, something as simple as a bridge (which are prosthetic partials) starts to feel like my own.

    The brain will rewire nerve endings to mimic sensitivity. Like 80-90 percent of feeling real.

    Whatever saves your life. Stick around, the world will get worse with age but easier to deal with the stress. Take gabapentin and some Lexapro cocktail with Caffien and you'll breeze through problems better. It's good to care for others, however care for children, adults you can have tough love for but "Not my problem" is because you have your own issues to deal with.

    Take care Hydro
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  16. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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  18. Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Bill Krozby isnt dead, just got re assigned somewhere else.

    But speaking as though hes dead, he did have a sort of pedo smile as described by maddox, where the smile goes up more on one side.

    Why else would it be possible to trick someone into suicide like that.

    If he didnt have kiddy porn there would be no reason to panic or freak out.

    The way hed be a total dick out of the blue after wed be getting along hinted he wasnt all there.

    Reminds me of the time Army psypps tricked me into thinking my friends house was about to get raided and his dogs would be sent to the pound and i freaked out and destroyed like 200 weed plants.
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  19. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Jamie, pull that up.
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  20. WellHung Black Hole
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