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Are you smarter than me?

  1. #21
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I can count to ten. Nice try.

    not without taking your shoes off
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock not without taking your shoes off

  3. #23
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ 0/10

  4. #24
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock EGGzactly

    "I posted a pic on totse2 once.'

  5. #25
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I did one with math history and pattern solving and some other shit. twice I got 180. OK I would be happy to get 135.

    another one gave me a 30 IQ.

    Here is the funny thing about that one. i'm slow but my precision is fairly on. there were 80 questions and I literally did 40 (was a bit tired) and 39 of my questions were correct out of 40 with 40 not done. They said I was completely retarded. severe mental retardation for being half as fast as someone who would of finished the test in an hour or less. I got nearly every question right but 1 out of 40. and I was a IQ30.

    So these tests are fucking retarded as hell.

    I said this along time ago on here, and everyone outed me as being an idiot.. but I just hate IQ test they are so boring and hard for me to sit through.. but then again I am extremely adhd / bipolar..

    and IQ test aren't an accurate measurement for all people
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ I can count to ten. Nice try.

    funny how his whole new "shtick" besides talking about having sex with guys is calling eveyrone an idiot / retard.. he really doesn't jump too far with his insults.
  7. #27
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ "I posted a pic on totse2 once.'


    I have a video that shows me that I may or may not post some day
  8. #28
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby funny how his whole new "shtick" besides talking about having sex with guys is calling eveyrone an idiot / retard.. he really doesn't jump too far with his insults.

    stfu you retarded idiot nigger
  9. #29
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock I have a video that shows me that I may or may not post some day

    No, you don't. Let's add liar to the list of negative terms applicable to you.
  10. #30
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I said this along time ago on here, and everyone outed me as being an idiot.. but I just hate IQ test they are so boring and hard for me to sit through.. but then again I am extremely adhd / bipolar..

    and IQ test aren't an accurate measurement for all people

    you're a fucking retard.


    true story: while taking an iq test as a young child my (insert made-up psycho-neurotic defect du jour here) kicked in and in an effort to express my ire, I attempted to insert the wrong shape into the wrong hole. after pounding on it rather hard several times, and getting zero response from the test taker fag, I beat the holy living fuck out of it and was rewarded with success. as in...the piece went into the new hole I made, and it was the end of the testing for the day.
  11. #31
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ No, you don't. Let's add liar to the list of negative terms applicable to you.

    you may as well add 'faps to pics of mmq and his cat', too, you fucking faggot retard
  12. #32
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock you may as well add 'faps to pics of mmq and his cat', too, you fucking faggot retard

    No fucking shit you insecure punk bitch. I'll post them for days as I'm not embarrassed of myself like you are "retard nigger."
  13. #33
    Hey guys my name is zill the zat andi post gay rape and Bill Krozby dick on totse3 and jack off to mmQ aren't i cool? Lololololpl trolled u all

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-04-06T00:22:52.346956+00:00
  14. #34
    And we were doing so well
  15. #35
    your right thats a bad edit I will do better next tinne
  16. #36
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump your right thats a bad edit I will do better next tinne

  17. #37
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ No fucking shit you insecure punk bitch. I'll post them for days as I'm not embarrassed of myself like you are "retard nigger."

    thats because youre as retarded as Bill Krozby. normal hetero males that arent onboard the justin-bieber skin-tight-jeans fag-train know that cats are a the pets for bitches, and women. a guy with a cat is like a guy wearing a rainbow-colored item of clothing: its advertising that his asshole is up for grabs to anyone who wants to plug it with their dick.

    if youre so secure with pics doing the dragon pose.
  18. #38
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Hey guys my name is zill the zat andi post gay rape and Bill Krozby dick on totse3 and jack off to mmQ aren't i cool? Lololololpl trolled u all

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-04-06T00:22:52.346956+00:00

    youre a fucking retard
  19. #39
    zill the zat scored 68 and now he's a frothy dougler

  20. #40
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by o_o (s p l o o) zill the zat scored 68 and now he's a frothy dougler

    oh look...the retard is so retarded he has to make up nonsensical words that mean nothing.

    youre a fucking retard
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