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  1. #41
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um it's normal for men to want to fuck other women…even average ones, regardless of their relationship status. Wanting to fuck someone isn't the same as actually fucking someone though.

    If you have zero desire for other women simply because you are in a relationship you might be 1. gay, 2. low T, 3…a simp.

    This is proof that Joseph Smith was right and MAN CAN BECOME GOD by upgrading his heart to be so bountiful that he can love 100 women
  2. #42
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    I'm not a Mormon but for the love of God when she goes to get an education to become a teacher they will push that fucking Liberal Anti God shit into her head. little bit at a time. she will be poisoned.

    stick to traditions. just send different Mormon women to master different fields of study and stick to your Christian Values and isolated, come back and then start a school and get the proper credentials to be state certified and educate at home and every now and then send younger blood to study the modern updates to keep up to date.

    She's going to get rekt.
  3. #43
    Originally posted by Bradley I don't really htinka bout having sex with people unless I know them.

  4. #44
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This is proof that Joseph Smith was right and MAN CAN BECOME GOD by upgrading his heart to be so bountiful that he can love 100 women

    It's nature, males are designed to spread their seed as far and wide as is the driving force behind everything, power, war,'s all ultimately about getting more poon through those things.

    If you are walking down the street and are not in your head saying "I'd fuck that, I'd fuck that, not that, that...yes that one, no not fatty" as you pass women by then you're not a man, you're probably a zoomer of millenial who has the testosterone level of a female preschool teacher.
  5. #45
    Bradley Florida Man
    kinda, I think it's bizarre when people have fantasies about famous people. I know it's common but it just strikes me as bizarre. I don't consider them real people, to me real people are the people around me. People with jobs and scars and that are tired and have wrinkles and normal looking. That's what I find it most attractive, people with some form of faults.
  6. #46
    Originally posted by Bradley kinda, I think it's bizarre when people have fantasies about famous people.

    The famous person was an example dumb dumb...if I said Helen Anderson you wouldn't know who the fuck that was or how she looked etc...the bottom line is wanting to fuck a lot of women is NORMAL...NOT wanting to or thinking about it is ABNORMAL.
  7. #47
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Idk why I assumed Donald didn't want sex from me. Maybe because he already has GG and knows we're incompatible as I'm a feminist. But ik if I had jumped to that conclusion and not met him bcus of it y'all would be whining about that instead. I'm not meeting anyone from here now I know they just want sex.
  8. #48
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    This is why men shouldn't rule. They're only driven by sex.
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Dirtbag This is why men shouldn't rule. They're only driven by sex.

    What else is there to be driven by? Peach cobbler?
  10. #50
    Bradley Florida Man
    Irma you're right.
  11. #51
    Originally posted by Dirtbag and knows we're incompatible as I'm a feminist.

    It's amazing to me that women don't understand the basics of men's sexual desires...your politics, job, thoughts, loves, hates, dreams don't matter...if you look good a normal man will want to fuck you...he doesn't have to like you as a person to want to fuck you.

    It's not "YOU" he's fucking, it's your body.

    As me old dad used to say "I don't fancy it but I'd fuck it"
  12. #52
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What else is there to be driven by? Peach cobbler?

    THe answer to this is typically an impossible "invisible hand" esque concept.

    THe ideal ruler is a man who has no desire for power, who is working for the greatest interest of everyone, who has no motivations himself or draw to any particular group and instead just does the right thing with this infinite pool of wisdom.

    It's unrealistic and never going to happen but that's who the ideal ruler is.

    I think technoocracies are particularly great but representative democracies seem to be working aight.
  13. #53
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    its funny how u braldey think uc an give advice on maen to women relaitons to anyone when ur a flamer.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #54
    Somebody read Plato’s Republic
  15. #55
    Originally posted by Bradley THe ideal ruler is a man who has no desire for power, who is working for the greatest interest of everyone

    Lol no, that's not an ideal leader, an ideal leader is a ruthless business man who knows how to deal with people and get the best from them...I didn't get where I am today by being a nice guy.

    Stop watching CNN and voting dem ya big girls blouse.
  16. #56
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lol no, that's not an ideal leader, an ideal leader is a ruthless business man who knows how to deal with people and get the best from them…I didn't get where I am today by being a nice guy.

    Stop watching CNN and voting dem ya big girls blouse.

    All of our leaders already are ruthless businessmen and jedi lawyers and look where it got us
  17. #57
    Why do you think everyone in politics is a millionaire you moron
  18. #58
    Originally posted by Vox All of our leaders already are ruthless businessmen and jedi lawyers and look where it got us

    Imagine what it would look like if you had Richard Simmons running the show then...
  19. #59
    Originally posted by Vox Why do you think everyone in politics is a millionaire you moron

    Did you even pay attention to what I was responding to ya dumb prick?

    Go back and look....
  20. #60
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Vox Why do you think everyone in politics is a millionaire you moron

    They're not going in but it seems they hook up and it's always profitable. they can write books and get huge pay offs from book companies and they can figure out ways to loophole around shit or get contracts in. meet the right people, get paid for speaking at events. etc etc.

    its very lucrative.
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