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Kafka has rejected me

  1. #21
    Bradley Florida Man
    ya spectral will be your friend
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Bradley ya spectral will be your friend

    I don't allow myself to have friends.
  3. #23
    Bradley Florida Man
    I'm your friend, you old friendless fucker. Does that mean I"m a too?
  4. #24
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You don't allow yourself to have friends.

    I haven't found someone worthy. Take Myers for example, he could never be my friend because he once stated he wouldn't intervene if he saw a woman getting raped. Then there's the lack of respect and sexism toward women because of his culture that he seems unaware of.

    I can't form a meaningful friendship with a coward because I'm not one myself, and there is no friendship without mutual respect. I'd rather be alone than have fake friends.
  5. #25
    Bradley Florida Man
    I don't want to be mean to you, Irmy.
  6. #26
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I haven't found someone worthy. Take Myers for example, he could never be my friend because he once stated he wouldn't intervene if he saw a woman getting raped. Then there's the lack of respect and sexism toward women because of his culture that he seems unaware of.

    I can't form a meaningful friendship with a coward because I'm not one myself, and there is no friendship without mutual respect. I'd rather be alone than have fake friends.

    look at me how coward i am. i let some ukrainain whore bitch clal me fuck tlak shit and go tjumped and got my ribs broken without doing anything but throwing some beer at her.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I haven't found someone worthy. Take Myers for example, he could never be my friend because he once stated he wouldn't intervene if he saw a woman getting raped. Then there's the lack of respect and sexism toward women because of his culture that he seems unaware of.

    I can't form a meaningful friendship with a coward because I'm not one myself, and there is no friendship without mutual respect. I'd rather be alone than have fake friends.

    Everyone's a coward?
  8. #28
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i didnt relaly even try to fight those 3 guys i jsut ran back maced one got myself maxed in the proces skciekd they ddint evens top the amce did shit than stomped. and ebforehand i fought a guy one on one jsut for tlaking back to this whore tlaking shit to me for no other reason and i jsut slipped a puncha nd walke doff like a coward. michael myers is fine in my book looka t me.
  9. #29
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry i didnt relaly even try to fight those 3 guys i jsut ran back maced one got myself maxed in the proces skciekd they ddint evens top the amce did shit than stomped. and ebforehand i fought a guy one on one jsut for tlaking back to this whore tlaking shit to me for no other reason and i jsut slipped a puncha nd walke doff like a coward. michael myers is fine in my book looka t me.

    Bro, all bullshit, jokes and trolling aside you did the right thing. I've been in similar experiences where I'm fighting multiple attackers. Once it's more than 2 you can't expect to ever win. You did the best thing you could which is to escape the situation and evade them until you could get somewhere safe and assess your wounds. YOu didn't do anything wrong, bro. I normally troll the shit out of you but I'm going to affirm what you did tonight 100%. You did the right thing and I'm glad it worked out for you that you didn't get it worse.
  10. #30
    Bradley Florida Man
    And that's me being honest with your goofy ass.
  11. #31
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Everyone's a coward?

    I haven't met many people who aren't. You know when people don't stand up for someone who's being ganged up on? They're cowards.

    For comparison, my dad saw a group of youths attacking a Japanese man he didn't know. My dad got involved anyway and started fighting them. A girl tried to spray acid on him.

    Then there's the people here lol.
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Bradley Bro, all bullshit, jokes and trolling aside you did the right thing. I've been in similar experiences where I'm fighting multiple attackers. Once it's more than 2 you can't expect to ever win. You did the best thing you could which is to escape the situation and evade them until you could get somewhere safe and assess your wounds. YOu didn't do anything wrong, bro. I normally troll the shit out of you but I'm going to affirm what you did tonight 100%. You did the right thing and I'm glad it worked out for you that you didn't get it worse.

    I can take on up to ten or more opponents simultaneously.
  13. #33
    Bradley Florida Man
    I can't bro, I"LL fight 2 and I"m pulling a knife on them immediately right off the rip. ONce it's 3+ fuck that shit bro, why so one can grab an arm and one can grab your head and one can start stomping on your body? THer'es no point in trying for that point. Even fighting 3+ with a knfie is bad because one of them is gonna get it out of your hands and use it on you. Maybe cut one that's closest to you and run but that's pretty much what Wariat did, he sprayed one i assume the one closest to him and then fled while the other 3 started wondering why that guy was screaming so much/if he was okay. He did really good in my opinion.

    when you're outnumbered there's no shame or cowardice and running away.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    I have twinkletoes and I'd hop around and knock one out at a time using the two-step.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    Bradley Florida Man
  16. #36
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Pedo!

    legal in polane
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Vox What’s kinda weird is you’re trying to come off sarcastic here, but you actually did have hopes of getting with her physically/romantically at some point. Why don’t you just leave Groceries Girl if you want to be with other women

    Um it's normal for men to want to fuck other women...even average ones, regardless of their relationship status. Wanting to fuck someone isn't the same as actually fucking someone though.

    If you have zero desire for other women simply because you are in a relationship you might be 1. gay, 2. low T, 3...a simp.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #38
    Bradley Florida Man
    See I've never wanted to fuck someone and not planned on fucking them or at least making a good effort to do so.

    I support Donald Trump trying to get with Kafka but I think he needs to take a hint.

    I can't wait to visit Wisconsin. Bro I'm so excited for my life. I feel the way Wariat does when he thinks about going to the dog park.
  19. #39
    Originally posted by Bradley See I've never wanted to fuck someone and not planned on fucking them or at least making a good effort to do so.

    Really? you've never wanted to fuck say, Katie Perry because you'd have no opportunity to try it on?

    Step aside fool
  20. #40
    Bradley Florida Man
    I don't really htinka bout having sex with people unless I know them.
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