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I'm sorry, Fox

  1. Ok but have you ever had Japanese gin
  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by frala Ok but have you ever had Japanese gin


    but suffice it to say

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    my Anfechtungen hurts
  4. Originally posted by frala Ok but have you ever had Japanese gin

    Yeah Roku gin is fine. I like Hendricks. I prefer japanese whiskey if anything
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I like Roku, I think I’ll keep a bottle around. It don’t put hair on your chest like Gordon’s tho
  7. I don’t need anymore hair on my nipples
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by Fôques Yeah Roku gin is fine. I like Hendricks. I prefer japanese whiskey if anything

    I get this Nikka coffey grain whiskey n its pretty good
  9. Originally posted by Fôques Yeah Roku gin is fine. I like Hendricks. I prefer japanese whiskey if anything

    acknoleging those liquids as japanese gins and whiskeys is like acknoledging that butthole of the man you fucked as his vagina.
  10. Originally posted by Fôques I keep hitting the post limit. This should be the last one I use, its always a variation on the same name.

    I just think it's funny how you 2 think I have all these alts, tbh I cant even be fucked doing this many god damn captchas for every post. They dont just make you do like one or two I have to do like 18 fucking captchas ever single time. It's maddening . no wonder scrons insane half his existence is filling out captcha requests

    Akshually we just pay Chinese to solve them fo us using a browser plugin
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I think angryiver just sent me a tracking pixel in DMs. I'm using a vpn on my phone but why would he do that?
  12. Originally posted by Kafka Yeah he's not gonna get anywhere.

    What the fuck kind of satisfaction do you get over harassing a child on the internet? Grow the fuck up and move on and leave already like you've been saying since you got in your very first fight here.
  13. Originally posted by Kafka I think angryiver just sent me a tracking pixel in DMs. I'm using a vpn on my phone but why would he do that?

    Because you're a paranoid spastic who thinks people give enough of a shit to do something like that to you but they don't because you are wholly unimportant and worthless.
  14. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I get this Nikka coffey grain whiskey n its pretty good

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kafka I think angryiver just sent me a tracking pixel in DMs. I'm using a vpn on my phone but why would he do that?

    Wats tracking pixel
  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Both OpenSea and Metamask have logged cases of IP address leaks associated with transferring nonfungible tokens (NFTs), according to researchers at Convex Labs and OMNIA protocol.

    Nick Bax, head of research at NFT organization Convex Labs tested out how NFT marketplaces like OpenSea allow vendors or attackers to harvest IP addresses. He created a listing for a Simpsons and South Park crossover image, entitling it “I just right click + saved your IP address” to prove that when the NFT listing is viewed, it loads custom code that logs the viewer's IP address and shares it with the vendor.
    In a Twitter thread, Bax admitted that he "does not consider my OpenSea IP logging NFT to be a vulnerability" because that is simply "the way it works." It's important to remember that NFTs are, at their core, a piece of software code or digital data that can be pushed or pulled. It is quite common for the actual image or asset to be stored on a remote server, while only the asset's URL is on-chain. When an NFT is transferred to a blockchain address, the receiving crypto wallet fetches the remote image from the URL associated with the NFT.

    Bax further explained the technical details in a Convex Labs Medium post that OpenSea allows NFT creators to add additional metadata that enables file extensions for HTML pages. If the metadata is stored as a json file on a decentralized storage network, such as IPFS or on remote centralized cloud servers, then OpenSea can download the image as well as an “invisible image” pixel logger and host it on its own server. Thus, when a potential buyer views the NFT on OpenSea, it loads the HTML page and fetches the invisible pixel that reveals a user’s IP address and other data like geolocation, browser version and operating system.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Whatever happened to peon woodchoppers?

    It's acceptable

    Just don't peon a sparkplug
  18. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Føx God you're insufferable. You are such a two-faced worm. Out of the like 5 DMs we exchanged, you asked ME if I had any info on Lanny. It’s very public knowledge he lives in Alabama so I literally just typed that in the search bar and it came up with him talking about some restaurant of which there are only like 2 in the state. Then I never thought about it again. Something very simple that anyone could have done but you were too stupid to so you ask others to do your dirty work for you.

    This is your problem, you obsess over people but have literally zero follow-thru. You are so worthless and ineffectual all you can do is DM Sophie for the 8,000th time then down another half a bottle of liquor and cry about it and get fatter.

    I don’t have that problem. When I say I’m going to do something, it fucking happens

    Can you just DM me and tell me who tf you are lol? I won’t share I’m just really curious what your stake is in this or why you give a fuck.

    If it’s just because you’re worried about the kid, she’s improved a lot in the last couple months. She’s not endangering herself to strangers or hurting herself anymore. I’d rather she not be here but posting occasionally on this dumb site is not going to kill her, and she’s most likely going to get bored of it and leave soon

    Edit: I got it! You’re HDL. Shilling for your gay new totse discord gave it away

    I hope crisolis blocked you and you aren’t still trying to endear yourself to her talking about animal crossing

    I did this also, i was able to track Lil Sporty back to a Krusty Krab in Prichard, where he was recorded on black and white CCTV wearing his very convincing blonde Woman disguise. I had HTSes crackerjacker dad gain access to their POS system and found that xhe paid for hhis Sailor's Surprise with an American Express card that's on a business account of an LLC in Wyoming which sells home warranties to little old ladies, called Lil Sporty's HomeLife. I have a contact at the Bureau who was aable to pierce the corporation in Vail, CO and determined one of the trustees is one Jeff Hunter, of Huntsville. Lil Sporty's address is an office of the Italian Embassy which has put a wrench in the investigation. When my team tries to work with the italians thhey are always given the run around and told that the Diplomats are unavailable as they have just gone on Expresso or Cigarette break. Just thought I would sharre that , this account will self destruct inn 5 hours do with it what you will. Stay thirsty my friends.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Fred Fox

  20. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man That's not why you're turned on and you fuckin know it. I can read you like a book. But like I said that ship has sailed. It'll take a lot for you to get back into my good graces. You can start with writing my name on your FUPA.

    Better yet, carve it with a knife

    This is incredibly ironic.
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