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5000 rockets hit Israel

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock And other sources.

    The least of which are statements given by pows…

    under ukrainian custody and duress.
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    My God. They're literally doing the Holocaust bit. Where bodies just disappear.

    the guy dont even know the difference between arxheologists and forensics.

    someone knoxked over an urn.
  3. Originally posted by Kawkasian I doubt any pain was involved.

    whoa !

    when i am 50+ i want to be just as edgy as you
  4. Originally posted by Third Temple why did Speedy even have links to that.

    fucking hell.

    He didn't. Pay attention. This is important.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple I watch CNN after FoxNews to get the FoxNews rhetoric off of me and then laugh at CNN for getting it wrong 10 fold. then MSNBC for second place to CNN Liberal bullshit and finally RT to feel guilty for being an American (Not really. RT is pure propaganda much of the time)

    Local news is getting really bad. and the nearly All Black leads in TV Commercials is a form of Racism towards black people because Hollyweird knows that they opressed them so long they're trying to Make up for it but ignore hispanic and asian and other races for leads in commercial and so 87% (random number but prolly close to facts) are still Blacks with a few whites in tv advertisements.

    FUck Hollywood

    dont forget to mention that they always have a white female anchor

    also...aljizarhea, hindustan times, and that jedirusalem post are all good alternatives for shit-tier talking heads
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny under ukrainian custody and duress.

    rape, sodomy, and deepthroating dont count as duress
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I doubt any pain was involved.

    i didnt feel a thing
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock rape, sodomy, and deepthroating dont count as duress

    for you
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny for you


    more like foreplay
  10. Loing African Astronaut
    Kike to meet you
  11. infinityshock Black Hole

  12. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    less pieces of shit on this planet. trying to force their bullshit on us. I have a problem with the fucking Karens in my building let alone to think this could be a conflict in my own backyard one day by these fucking nutcases.

    dude couldn't catch his breath drowning in his own blood. live by the sword you gonna die by it. Fuck War and dictatorships. Fuck the Piece of Shit Leftist cunts and their forced thinking into the brood

    everything I was taught as a child was a FUCKING LIE and is getting spun by these pieces of shit. UGLY CUNTS. Feel like the whole world should bleed out. Kill yourselves you war mongering Cunt fuck

    ALLAH AKBAR, JACK OFFS. Their Blood thirsty version of God of Abraham
  13. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Also GOD STOPPED ABRAHAM FROM MURKING ISSAC. God is not a Lust for Blood that the Pagan Baal worshipping cunts believed
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Third Temple Also GOD STOPPED ABRAHAM FROM MURKING ISSAC. God is not a Lust for Blood that the Pagan Baal worshipping cunts believed

    He is a God of war and ignorance.
  15. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He is a God of war and ignorance.

  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    My God. They're literally doing the Holocaust bit. Where bodies just disappear.

    the whole 'everything was burned' mythos is popular because it's way cheaper to buy some teeth and jedielry than to fake a whole body
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra

    > heritage minister

    not sure why they have such a hate-on for Ireland lately

    didn't even occur to me at the time but this is a direct admission from the israeli government that they do in fact have nuclear weapons
  18. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Why would he fucking say Ireland of all places?

    What a fucking Dickish thing to say. let alone nuking Mothers and Children. guy is a reckless piece of shit. Supporting us -Israel. they dont believe in Jesus but made sure all Christians had a little bit of jedi in them via Jesus.

    "All Whites should be bred out" and then now they need us.
    I'v always supported Israel but honestly as mentioned these people are lying scum and say some really offensive shit to their "Frens" in America and Europe.

    what a real dickish thing to pass off their problem to another country. No wonder the world is turning on them. they did it to themselves. and most of them are pieces of shit former communist from Russia. lying scum. Not even real children of Judah. Edomite Godless fucks putting on a show
  19. Loing African Astronaut
    Cuz the Irish are big on acting morally concerned about Palestine
  20. Originally posted by aldra didn't even occur to me at the time but this is a direct admission from the israeli government that they do in fact have nuclear weapons

    why does everybody jumped in on this retarded anti-semantic nonsense without even thinking just because smart people on tv said it.

    he said "its a possibility".

    like its possible your gay. everything is possible on a long enough timeline.
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