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That gas station with the good job I was excited about starting

  1. #61
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That scared me, adult.
  2. #62
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo],moment%20of%20a%20person's%20birth.
  3. #63
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Called me and asked if I was a felon, I said yeah 2011. He said you only listed 2 OWIs I said yeah the first one was a felony.

    So I didn't get the job job just like my mom said would happen a month ago when I walked to the interview in a snow storm.

    I got rid of my breederys animals last night and all my bonsai trees.

    I'm gonna get out of jail, my abandon most of my belongings, and move away to find a job somewhere warm with brown ppl and less Midwestern communal drinking.

    I had 2 beers today. Folks I'm too sad to drink.

    You need to do your time, get out, take whatever shitty regular work you can find, keep your nose clean (no interactions with law), save your money, maybe work towards a degree online at ASU for example, hire an attorney, get your record expunged, and earn a living the way you decide.

    I forget how much time you said you were sentenced but if I recall correctly it wasn't all that long. So in four years give or take your life could be on a good track if you decide that now. I mean what the hell else did you have planed for the next four years? The same shit you've been doing for the last four years? How'd that work out for you?

    Good luck.
  4. #64
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Paul did you go fight in Vietnam? I just realized that if you were a vet I'd feel really bad for making fun of your agent orange or w/e it would be.


    Yes, I was the child with a live grenade the soldiers would toss at Charlie. but I was quick to then roll off the side after landing with it and placing it in the pants of an enemy before rolling off to the side.

    they would then send a dog name sparky into my hot zone and drag me back to the troops

    when I was 27 I thought I was going to die all the time. I had a fast heart because of the Hyperthyrodism before it became Hypo.

    I think it's some kind of chemical change before we go come closer to middle age.
  5. #65
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I think it's some kind of chemical change before we go come closer to middle age.

    Nope, it's just your poor genes.
  6. #66
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Yes, I was the child with a live grenade the soldiers would toss at Charlie. but I was quick to then roll off the side after landing with it and placing it in the pants of an enemy before rolling off to the side.

    they would then send a dog name sparky into my hot zone and drag me back to the troops

    when I was 27 I thought I was going to die all the time. I had a fast heart because of the Hyperthyrodism before it became Hypo.

    I think it's some kind of chemical change before we go come closer to middle age.

    i have that i thought it was the speed but they said it's the inflamation in my chest wall which i don't really believe but when the indian guy jabs me with his fingers in my rib plate he says can you feel it and i told him "Yes i Can feel you poking me" but i went to the ER when I was doing a lot of cocaine and felt like my ehart was getting worse and smoked crack while on the EKG and they would come in all excited and shit and my friend was like his thing started going off and i'd start coughing and idk crack don't really have that much of a smell when you're high as fuck

    2 hours later they showed me this fatass stack of papers medicare paid for, gave me some corticosteroids, & refilled my EFfexxor cuz i asked them too

    I love stealing from doctors office cuz they have the coolest shit
  7. #67
    Bradley Florida Man
    i also dress like a younger social studies teacher and try my best not to use profanity infront of children, never at them, i go to goodwill for almost all my clothing ever since i found out you can get your grandpa's suit for like 10$ top, 105 back slacks, the one 20 mioes away in the rich neighborhood has so many old man suits and since i'm average size and don't give a fuck if it's tailored for me, they all fit the same :)

    free shirts with every suit purchase, they'll even exchange your dirty suit for a clean one if you put the dirty one on the hanger, combine with axe and you can live a life of sin fuck a motel

    kinda fucked when some tall good looking fit man grabs the suit i put back and it's covered in semen and smells like death l0l
  8. #68
    Bradley Florida Man
    imma be realistic everyone i loved the idea of working at the gas station but because of my inability to be honest with other people about my secrets that i poorly, explained when i was hgigh on meth and flustered and had busted a huge ass load and was like oh fuck it's 1230 cuz when i staryterd i was waiting for it to be like 9 when the manager got there.

    I can't really stand for more than a couple hours if i'm walking, about 20 minutes if i'm standing in your bedroom , i always have to sit down or move my joints, kinda sucks but what the fuck are you supposed to do so i like to try as hard as i can and last awhile and then use that money to invest in myself in this case florida.

    When I get out i'm still gonna take advantage of that 9 month right ot work program where you get a free 500$ to your fulltime income and just go to seek and tell them i need a temp job for 14 , my mom has clean piss always , cuz im kinda depressed with my life and imma goi to jail and i'mma turn up and not think about my life alll day and night and have a lot of fun cuz i earned a vacation.

    I used to secretly like going to Juvie cuz my mom wasn't there and there were other kids to play games with ona thursday night in winter till 9pm lol basic televusion same as my crib i knew hte schedule and got institutionalized before my little mind realized it, every couple of years i enjoy just going back to the box and then doing like 5 days in the hole at some point and get that meditation self awareness crazy feeling for awhile, i enjoy fighting and then meditating but never knew not only does thathappen in childhoods but also in your local jails and im not that strong i just know no one's finna stab me over me slapping him if he cheats on cards and i see it, f8ck itttt every0ne in the pod will think im the shit if i do it to the one no 0one lieks so i play cards with thim and slap him for cheating, that's an instant shoe in fuck if he was cheating this is a great idea~~~~~
  9. #69
    Bradley Florida Man
    i only drank 3 beers today and i still have the half the third left, i think this meth shits really good for me, had me evaluating my life i reaffirmed my decision to to quit dirnking because of my new found liver disease symptoms till i realized the lamp bulb is yellow and i'm white, skins white, and my toes and hands were red because i'm cold and dehydrated, and i saw 2 pimples on my thights and i was liike OMG that's the third , so jamming my fingers pointed into my abdomen i tried to feel for tenderness soreness o r pain, so then i really started jabbing it at the liver and my fingers just hurt so i'm happy with my self check up a i think a lot of people are jgonna die and i wanna live forever or at least like as soon as my arthritis gets so bad i can't walk or type, then i'm out but that's not till my 50s-60s if i take care of myself so im thinking 52 simply cuz i eat healthy, walk, but have a toxic life both in behavior and in chemical
  10. #70
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Would you say you're an alcoholic?
  11. #71
    Bradley Florida Man
    imma keep trying like 5 months ago

    I applied to the local community college in milwaukee trying to get into the EMT 2 year course so i could get an easy ass job that peoiple respect me for, practice medicine on people for stabilization, and be able to better wichdoctor my friends if they get hurt fighting, oh and they get a good hourly wage obv and i figured it's a lot of sitting and reading books or driving and jump out medic gang

    they said felons can't get certification to practice and while im welcome to take it, that should be pointed out to me. So i said fuck paying 2000$ to have some lady dumber than i probably am teach me some shit i could learn faster with the book and syllabus

    plus there was nothing tha tinterested me
  12. #72
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    you could always become an unlicensed medic

  13. #73
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Would you say you're an alcoholic?
  14. #74
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Next time say "no"…if they don't do a background check you get the job…if they do, well you wasn't getting it anyway so it doesn't matter if you say NO.

    Yeah they will because in Wisconsin you need a liquor license to work at a gas station, and the state board will absolutely do a background check.

    Shit, I got background checked to change oil for the local Chevy dealer.
  15. #75
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Would you say you're an alcoholic?

    absolutely i am a pretty bad alcoholic but as i get older, i have a lot more control over my impulsiveness,

    buy one four back or two once a day and it's a 6 block walk with the dog, not a bottle of liqu0or, not taking my mom's car at 8:58, blacking out and meeting strangers, going to the bar and being obnoxious to people i recognize from high school

    you know, shit like that i stopped

    I also would piss myself sometimes if i drank 14 times of hard liquuor after drinking beer all day. that happens often enough that i won't buy a liter of alcohol.

    Also aside from my mother for like an hour and with my girlfriend i drink all day everyday, when i wake up if i have it i crack a tall boy, if i don't and it's 4-5am (alcoholics wake up very early for some reason) I just chug a glass of water and have coffee, then go get alcohol when the sun comes up.

    I used to wait at the door type shit when i was in my early 20s and showing my weiner in tinychat, and riding my girlfriends ppurple bicycle the mile to get there and then drink 2 tall boys on my ride back, chug 1, hide 1, and then show her the 4 pack i only got, and then get black out drunk and wanna fuck 4 times before i go to sleep and she's 18 and loves me and her mom's int he other room,

    Shit like that is why when something bad befalls me like liver cancer or my girlfriend destroying my fish tanks and bonsai trees i just think, you know, bradley, you're not a very good person and attract this chaotic energy.

    Then i sometimes get more bitter but i'm really thinking not drinking would make me a lot less violent/angry especially the fact that I enjoy being cruel to people sometimes and watching them like hear what i'm saying to them, and i don't feel that way when i say mean things to people when i'm sober, but i enjoy it when i'm drinking and i thionk this website and being hurt during my development by people who were good at insulting produced like the same enjoyment in me. ]]'\
  16. #76
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Yeah they will because in Wisconsin you need a liquor license to work at a gas station, and the state board will absolutely do a background check.

    Shit, I got background checked to change oil for the local Chevy dealer.

    that's fucked. They don't sell alcohol at corner stores or gas stations in my country so it's pretty normal for teenagers to work at those places.

    Having to get a license to work at a gas station is probably why poor rural communities like Wisconsin stay poor.
  17. #77
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Yeah it's pretty fucked that a state known for it's drinking wouldn't allow everyone to sell booze.

    Also I'm dying at the idea of some hoodrat from Milwaukee being called rural. Like lol
  18. #78
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Yeah they will because in Wisconsin you need a liquor license to work at a gas station, and the state board will absolutely do a background check.

    Shit, I got background checked to change oil for the local Chevy dealer.

    i was applying to do third shift bakery for 16$ an hour. It's ok, i stumbled on the phone cuz i have like 6 cases and my understanding was lime theg majority of oyou guys suggested they dind't give a fuck, i took a piss test, and had a start date and it hihnkn idk i think quick mix ready called them to ruin my life!!!!


    nah i just didn't want to tell them about my felony owi for my underage friend being injured, revocatiopn to prison of my parole, charged with trafficking research cghemicals 3 felonies with destri bution no deliveries, that got mesent to prison, the case that disappears because the judge agreed i was too crazy at the time to be punished and i was sent to a psych prison, a weed ticket that shows up, a landlord tried to sue me and lost but i never asked for it to be removed to inspire any haters who can CCAP me like that fag did, oh i got a battery & disorderly conduct, i get sentenced for that on Friday, i think thee're dropping one probably the battery or maybe the lesser one, idgaf & my wsecond OWI where i tested positive not for alcohol but for DRUGS & a straw tesitng positive for DRUGS

    ya let me just tell that to the old pissed off manager dude while im kinda high and have no idea why i need to call him when i start next month and tells me "There's more on here than your two duis"

    yea i'm a fucking criminal bro like what the fuck i tried being nice as i could and thanked him for letting me know and the opportunity and i dk like if you lie to someone you don't care about, and they catch you, you're so fucked as a liar or a thief or whatever you did that you might as well just continue the lie, they wont' think anything of you keeping your story but if you agree to them and apologize to their great overlordiness you kinda a bitch why wrong them in the first place just to be a coward over the words

    so fuck it imma go to the seek place and tell them i really would please like a 15$ or higher job on the phone in a desk i'm disabled and tell them about my ccap i'll print it out fo rthem so i don't need to make up dates, and hopefully i get a job htat's easy neough i can shit post while i tell relieved customers that yes i am from america when ppl call the bank
  19. #79
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Brad you should watch Leaving Las Vegas with Nicolas Cage.

    Good film about an alcoholic. He actually got an Oscar for his performance which was well deserved.
  20. #80
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I thought wisconsin was one big cheese farm
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