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I want to hear your experiences please.

  1. Originally posted by Technologist If you only knew. It’s sad. If they don’t have a living will, the doctor uses every life saving method known. If the person has no oxygen to their brain for an extended period of time, the doctors will still bring them back, to live their life brain dead. Then the family can quite possibly go through years of bickering and court cases, just to get the plug pulled.

    No thanks. Do not want to put my family through that.

    tech will now show us her 'do not resucitate' tattoo.
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I tried to save the dog's life.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL I tried to save the dog's life.

    it never had a life.

    she never get to socialize with other dogs ans never had puppies, her life is a mere toy to her owners.
  4. Originally posted by frala You said you weren’t looking for sympathy so what does it matter if someone doesn’t meet those measures in their responses? Also, you argued for days about whether or not someone was dead without knowing if their family could see the forum or read any of the comments which could have been interpreted as insensitive. Does that mean you don’t have a son? No.

    Lol fuck sploo. I hope his parents read every last word. He was a piece of shit and so were his parents for raising him. I hope he's actually dead.

    Dogs? Dogs don't hurt anyone. None of them deserve to die or suffer. They deserve the best we can give them.

    What I'm saying here is that I care more about stray dogs than I do sploo. I care more about the rats in my attic than I do sploo. I care more about a spider in my garage than I do sploo.
  5. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by frala You said you weren’t looking for sympathy so what does it matter if someone doesn’t meet those measures in their responses? Also, you argued for days about whether or not someone was dead without knowing if their family could see the forum or read any of the comments which could have been interpreted as insensitive. Does that mean you don’t have a son? No.

    You couldn’t be more wrong on so many levels.

    Nope didn’t ask for sympathy, just stories about their experiences. And for the most part that is exactly how people responded. If you think for one split second that I’m not going to let someone know they’re a piece of shit for calling me a murderer, you’re wrong.

    Regarding Sploo. Find me one quote where I was insensitive about Sploo. Go ahead, find it; because you won’t. I have my reasons to believe it’s not true, and I’m allowed to question and ask, I argued with no one.

    I don’t know why you popped out of nowhere to give your analysis of my discussions. Don’t really care.

    But I DO challenge you to find one simple quote where I was insensitive about Sploo.

    Thanks in advance.👍🏻
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Well yeah it doesn’t surprise me you missed the point and I hate to tell you this but you are killing the dog. I’ve had to kill a dog before. Labeling the act differently to make ourselves feel better doesn’t make it something else.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That was the nice thing with Chootie Butt, we could communicate with one another and she knew how to tell me yes or no, so when I asked her if it was time and if I should end her hurts, she finally said yes, she was ready to go, and we both looked in one another's eyes and had a mutual understanding. We even smiled at each other as we kissed for the last time.
  8. Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    Love a good cat fight.
  9. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by frala Well yeah it doesn’t surprise me you missed the point and I hate to tell you this but you are killing the dog. I’ve had to kill a dog before. Labeling the act differently to make ourselves feel better doesn’t make it something else.

    Okie dokey. Get back with me when you find that quote please and thank you👍🏻
  10. There is no “quote”. The point is you’re a mother and if you’re going to sit here and preach to people about couth and tact then you should have some of your own.
  11. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by frala There is no “quote”. The point is you’re a mother and if you’re going to sit here and preach to people about couth and tact then you should have some of your own.

    Okie dokie, so what you said about me was wrong which makes your assertion of me is lacking in credibility.
  12. No my assertion is not incorrect simply bc you the lack the comprehension to understand.
  13. Technologist victim of incest
    Sounds good, thank you for your opinion.

    Until you can prove I was insensitive, you are wrong. Prove otherwise. Thanks.👍🏻
  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What if you lived in a town called Sensitive? Then when we people asked where you are youd say "I'm in Sensitive" and they'd say "ok?.. but where are you located? And then it could turn an Abbott and Costello bit.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Technologist victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yes we all know the bit. Thanks.
  17. Technologist victim of incest
    I will say that, to those who shared your experiences with me I appreciate it. Just talking about it really helped. Especially you Cig! You got me talking about her and that felt good, thanks.

    To everyone else, meh.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by mmQ Yes we all know the bit. Thanks.

  19. Originally posted by Technologist Sounds good, thank you for your opinion.

    Until you can prove I was insensitive, you are wrong. Prove otherwise. Thanks.👍🏻

    Lol you’re going to think you’re right no matter what I say or try to explain to you.

    The same way Spectral is going to think he’s right regardless of what you say to him :)
  20. Technologist victim of incest
    You said I was insensitive. Prove it. Nothing more.
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