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So with all this opiod crisis bullshit...

  1. #1
    Item 9 African Astronaut
    Is it any easier to get prescribed benzos?
  2. #2
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]

    what is your mother's maiden name?
  3. #3
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    The "opioid crisis" is propaganda spread my the media and government.

    I would say no since benzos are scheduled too, and they're particularly worried about them due to it poteniating Opiates, thus making it easier to OD. Then again, it depends on your doctor/shrink. I know in some states, they've passed state laws where they can't prescribe benzos and Opiates together, which is retarded. That should be the prescribers discretion. Benzos are much much worse than opioids, so keep that in mind. The worst opiate wd is nothing compared to benzo wds. They can actually kill you.
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  4. #4
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone The "opioid crisis" is propaganda spread my the media and government.

    The whole fentanyl thing is what makes it a crisis.

    I'll be the first person in a room to start arguing for how harmless heroin is (NOT ACCOUNTING FOR ADDICTION AND A VARIETY OF OTHER PROBLEMS).

    But the introduction of fentanyl into heroin, and even other drugs in some locations, has resulted in a serious crisis.

    I'd call it a "fentanyl crisis" though, or an "impurities in drugs on the black market crisis".

    It's time they legalize them all, and create a set of quality standards like the FDA.

    Then, the so-called 'opiate crisis' will be over.

    Or, at least, no worse than the 'meth crisis' or 'cocaine crisis', etc.
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  5. #5
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Shitty drug crisis
  6. #6
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GGG Shitty drug crisis

    Jenkem () was a shitty drug crisis, in the most literal sense.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by hydromorphone The "opioid crisis" is propaganda spread my the media and government.

    You really are fucking retarded. Not that I'm surprised you'd say something like this.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Solstice You really are fucking retarded. Not that I'm surprised you'd say something like this.

    The below post is based on CDC statistics. NCHS is where I got the other numbers. Feel free to double check with the CDC's database:

    We have roughly 5x more overdoses than 15 years ago.

    In 2015 there were 35,000 deaths from car crashes, and 33,000 deaths from gun accidents

    28,000 deaths from opioid overdose that same year, out of 52,000 total drug overdoses.

    In 2016 that number went up to 42,000 overdoses from opioids, surpassing car crash deaths (37,000)

    2017- 40,000 car crash deaths. 47,000 opioid overdoses. Overall was like 72,000 so you can see that overdoses from OTHER drugs isn't changing much. It's the fucking fentanyl. It's killing more than homicides, suicides, and car crashes. It would've been in the top 10 causes of death for 2017 if the CDC had decided to include it, but they don't put drugs in there, just regular ol diseases. Would be at the number 10 spot, in front of suicides (40,000) but below kidney disease (48,000)

    Is that not fucking insane? I mean the top 3 causes of death make up 50% of all total overdoses apparently, but this is still a whole fuck of a lot. In 2002 there was 12,000 opioid overdose deaths.

    Earlier this year I spent a little while in this opiate addict chatroom. Wasn't using opiates but the people in there were cool. They were always talking about how they missed so and so. I witnessed two people die during my time I was there, including one girl I was talking to daily for like three weeks. We actually had a bit of a spark and then she just died. I never got mega close or anything but holy shit did that hit hard. She was there one day and then just... gone. If you go anywhere on the opioid using internet you will find similar stories of how people are dropping like flies. We've even had several of our own members here die of opioid use. Mark is the most recent that comes to mind.

    But yeah, "propaganda."
  9. #9
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    It looks like numbers will be a little lower this year. CDC has like 60 something thousand total overdoses for this year so far. They keep a running track of their estimate.
  10. #10
    Ghost Black Hole
    I can get benzos but I have said I wanted to kill myself to psychologists so they know I'm crazy
  11. #11
    Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by gadzooks The whole fentanyl thing is what makes it a crisis.

    I'll be the first person in a room to start arguing for how harmless heroin is (NOT ACCOUNTING FOR ADDICTION AND A VARIETY OF OTHER PROBLEMS).

    But the introduction of fentanyl into heroin, and even other drugs in some locations, has resulted in a serious crisis.

    I'd call it a "fentanyl crisis" though, or an "impurities in drugs on the black market crisis".

    It's time they legalize them all, and create a set of quality standards like the FDA.

    Then, the so-called 'opiate crisis' will be over.

    Or, at least, no worse than the 'meth crisis' or 'cocaine crisis', etc.

    legalize opium, no one will even care about heroin. would really like to just throw a little opium in a bowl of weed.

    but that's basically free painkillers and cuts out billions and billions of dollars

    I mean, you'd still have needle freak junkies shooting grams of skag into their eyeballs but a huge swath of opiate users would be well served by just having their own opium garden. no more withdrawals either, just go for a walk and make sure to smell the flowers.
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  12. #12
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box legalize opium, no one will even care about heroin. would really like to just throw a little opium in a bowl of weed.

    but that's basically free painkillers and cuts out billions and billions of dollars

    I mean, you'd still have needle freak junkies shooting grams of skag into their eyeballs but a huge swath of opiate users would be well served by just having their own opium garden. no more withdrawals either, just go for a walk and make sure to smell the flowers.

    i always thought both straight up morphine and poppy seed tea had a better buzz than heroin
  13. #13
    Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i always thought both straight up morphine and poppy seed tea had a better buzz than heroin

    I think that one problem that you see when you get more and more powerful drugs is that that it can be pretty hit/miss on the specific results you wanted but it's going to be strong regardless. heroin is pretty nice but it is stronger and it really fucks with you, your hormones, your normal state of being, you get a prolactin hangover. maybe you didn't really need to be THAT high though. maybe just a little to make you feel more comfortable, make up for the lack of natural options get the endorphins flowing in the modern world.

    fentanyl isn't even fun. it's fucking shitty, you get all the negative effects (itchy, dumb & drowsy, nauseous, etc) and barely any of the euphoria. sure, if you're an addict it's better than suicide or whatever - but this is NOT better living through chemistry. this is mass produced poison.

    why can't I have my own garden with some opium, peyote, coca, tobacco, weed, whatever else? The natural forms are not necessarily "safe" in some absolute sense, but compared to these ridiculous synthetic drugs that are hundreds and thousands times more potent than anything found in nature...I dunno. Heroin use would drop like 60% if opium was legal to grow and use in small amounts.

    of course you get problems like well then people could just make their own heroin...that's true, those people already can, and we also have general rules against doing potentially dangerous or toxic shit with chemicals regardless of the nature of the project. I think the few people making their own dope would pale in comparison to sad 19 year old junkies using needles suddenly harvesting a little neighborhood garden opium to put in their smoke session with friends.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box I think that one problem that you see when you get more and more powerful drugs is that that it can be pretty hit/miss on the specific results you wanted but it's going to be strong regardless. heroin is pretty nice but it is stronger and it really fucks with you, your hormones, your normal state of being, you get a prolactin hangover. maybe you didn't really need to be THAT high though. maybe just a little to make you feel more comfortable, make up for the lack of natural options get the endorphins flowing in the modern world.

    fentanyl isn't even fun. it's fucking shitty, you get all the negative effects (itchy, dumb & drowsy, nauseous, etc) and barely any of the euphoria. sure, if you're an addict it's better than suicide or whatever - but this is NOT better living through chemistry. this is mass produced poison.

    why can't I have my own garden with some opium, peyote, coca, tobacco, weed, whatever else? The natural forms are not necessarily "safe" in some absolute sense, but compared to these ridiculous synthetic drugs that are hundreds and thousands times more potent than anything found in nature…I dunno. Heroin use would drop like 60% if opium was legal to grow and use in small amounts.

    of course you get problems like well then people could just make their own heroin…that's true, those people already can, and we also have general rules against doing potentially dangerous or toxic shit with chemicals regardless of the nature of the project. I think the few people making their own dope would pale in comparison to sad 19 year old junkies using needles suddenly harvesting a little neighborhood garden opium to put in their smoke session with friends.

    i agree. i don't have a huge opiate tolerance and i think h is just a little too strong for me. for some reason i totally lose control of myself whenever i do it. i start acting like a crazy tweaker and threatening people and punching myself and trying to kill myself. no other opiate or drug has the same effect on me. even if im super high on morphine i'm always chill
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
    Smoking fentanyl is super euphoric
  16. #16
    Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by Ghost Smoking fentanyl is super euphoric

    it's nowhere near any morphone, heroin, or oxycodone.
  17. #17
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Solstice You really are fucking retarded. Not that I'm surprised you'd say something like this.

    Retarded how?

    You don't believe the media exaggerate about drugs?

  18. #18
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Narc Retarded how?

    You don't believe the media exaggerate about drugs?


    Did you even read my post?

    Anyway this is something a lot of us have experienced first hand. One of my bestest friends would've died twice over from fent were it not for narcan. I have a hs friend who dropped a few years ago, along with others I didn't know.

    It's probably the one honest thing the government says about drugs. It's not like its to their advantage to shittalk it anyway. It's already illegal and people already hate it. I mean you dont see them reporting on meth or crack or even heroin. They dont need to scare anyone over them. Fentanyl is the same, its just the deaths are staggeringly high.

    Its also beginning to get a foothold in Europe, so maybe you'll be seeing some people drop like flies soon. I mean there are stories where one bad batch kills like 30 people in a town. You think they just fabricate all these deaths over and over and over? You can confirm the deaths yourself. Its public record.
  19. #19
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box it's nowhere near any morphone, heroin, or oxycodone.

    I never smoked heroin because I can only get #4 but yeah H is way better but fentanyl is also very good in its own way. I also smoked opium once and it felt like the first time I smoked weed
  20. #20
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by GGG Did you even read my post?

    Anyway this is something a lot of us have experienced first hand. One of my bestest friends would've died twice over from fent were it not for narcan. I have a hs friend who dropped a few years ago, along with others I didn't know.

    It's probably the one honest thing the government says about drugs. It's not like its to their advantage to shittalk it anyway. It's already illegal and people already hate it. I mean you dont see them reporting on meth or crack or even heroin. They dont need to scare anyone over them. Fentanyl is the same, its just the deaths are staggeringly high.

    Its also beginning to get a foothold in Europe, so maybe you'll be seeing some people drop like flies soon. I mean there are stories where one bad batch kills like 30 people in a town. You think they just fabricate all these deaths over and over and over? You can confirm the deaths yourself. Its public record.

    My god you really are so dumb and ignorant. Your problem, you think everybody else are all dumb nobodies who've never done or seen shit. The thing is you're the dumb fuck who hasn't lived. I constantly read your posts talking about the most mundane everyday shit like you think its something fucking amazing. Just like how you was talking yesterday about being stuck in a strange city. Fucking hell get real you stupid little boy. You don't know shit about this world.

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