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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by 1337 She's not hot anymore now that she's legal.

    jedi DETECTED
  2. RestStop Space Nigga
    Ehh I'd definitely still hit it daily if possible.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by RestStop Ehh I'd definitely still hit it daily if possible.

    That's because you never get your dick wet outside of when you shower nigga.

    Jk. I'd tap it, in a time of desperation. To tap it every day, I'd need a paper bag over her head with a picture of Sofia Vergara on it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon That's because you never get your dick wet outside of when you shower nigga.

    Jk. I'd tap it, in a time of desperation. To tap it every day, I'd need a paper bag over her head with a picture of Sofia Vergara on it.

    My fantasies get a little elaborate I guess. I just imagine her being the perfect girlfriend/wife as far as I know she doesn't do drugs and that's a huge thing with me even though I'm a shard head myself I just don't like girls who do drugs because with maybe a few exceptions and literally mean 2 or 3 in my entire lifetime girls who have any addiction beyond alcohol or weed never ever have any fucking money and it comes to a point where they will literally fuck/blow for a bag of their drug of choice.

    I don't see her being the fucks black guys for heroin type so that's def a bonus here sad as it sounds.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Quickly jotting down an idea: Infiltrate protest at UC Berkeley attended by incendiary figure, such as Milo, Ann Coulter, or Alex Jones. Bring portable loudspeaker system and at optimum location and time hold up large sign reading "HE WILL NOT INCITE US". Use loudspeaker to start chant. This would fit particularly well with Milo's coming arrival. After some time you done a troll face mask, put on a MAGA hat, and then take down the top paper, revealing one that says, "HE WILL NUT INSIDE US". The back of the paper you pulled down, which you will hold up with your other hand, or using a length of string attached along the bottom so you can support it with your neck, will simply read "Problem?"

    On the back you could putt something incredibly incendiary, or possibly my previous approach as The Klansman of a mass stream of white supremacist and neo-nazi slogans intended to be as provocative as possible. You could also toss out pamphlets, and finish it off with either a verbalization of the above or a prepared speech about whatever subject you wish to address.

    I will call it "Operation Jimmies Rustled". A call will be sent out to /pol/ on both 4 and 8chan for a supporting team, although of course the details won't be given out. Just that an infiltrator will eventually need assistance for escaping, although it won't be apparent who he is for a few minutes, and to gather near any large crowd ready to help him get away by blocking others.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ahahahahaha, came across another good one from the "He Will Not Divide Us" trolling.

    This nigger genuinely tried to argue that drinking milk was hate speech. It's hilarious to watch it unfold.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hey, you know how there are regimes to make your sleep as efficient as possible?

    What if you created a well laid out guide for "speed socializing". A method to have your emotional/psychological need for human interaction filled as efficiently as possible, so you could maximize your time spent alone indoors, mostly using electronics, without an excessive detrimental effect.

    We could set up meetings where people, either one on one or in groups, all have the same goal. Of course they'll all be incredibly unsociable and disproportionately autistic, due to a strong self-selection bias, but for a moment we could set that aside (Certain drugs would be recommended to facilitate the process) and work toward a greater good, improving over time.

    We could also have certain special events throughout the year as this would also fulfill other psychological needs. A replacement for official holidays we don't care about, religion, Christmas, just any major event that we don't actually care about. Of course these would be rationally designed and far better.

    Maximize the positive benefits gained from social interaction so you can minimize the amount of time you need to engage in it. It reminds me of the finding, that, in some ways, 20 minutes of high intensity interval training may be as effective as an hour of jogging (excessive steady state running is terrible exercise, strength training with weights provides nearly all the cardio you need, if you have a proper routine.).

    We could create an autistic revolution and monetize on it. Together Alone.
  8. RestStop Space Nigga
    ^include 20-30mg meth and I think your plan would work.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    It just dawned on me that I once literally spent an hour prostrating myself with my forehead against the filthy cluttered hiki floor as an expression of gratitude mainly towards Buddha, Schopenhauer, Nietzche, and Benatar for the suffering they had endured in their pursuit of truth, reason.

    The thing is, the main things that will impact my life are essentially, what I particularly had in mind was: Avoiding the evils of women, marriage, and children/the creation of facilitation of life.

    It wasn't until I stood back and thought of that I thought, "My god that's ____". Lanny could fill in the appropriate adjective, if there is one. Or a new one could need to be invented.
  10. RestStop Space Nigga
    ^ Man I get that you don't want kids or to get married...I don't give single fuck about doing either, either. It's kinda ludicrous to completely swear off any interaction with women what so ever though. I have a few female friends I do nothing physical with aside from maybe laying close to and watching movie/Netflix(of course) with and I'm cool with that if I wanted to smash I'd have tried ages ago you know?

    There's a huge difference between getting "cucked" and just wanting to chill with a female and do whatever..snort shard and talk about nothing for 18 hours watch a movie, fuck even go through Mcdonald's drive through and then sit in the truck while you both bitch about people/things that annoy you(okay, perhaps that's a bit feminine) but you get the idea. There are women who are evil and will take advantage of you but you would have to be retarded, nice, and have a respectable amount of expendable income all three of which not one single poster here posses all three traits so you're in the clear on that one..just something to think about.
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    wtf is a redbone
  12. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra wtf is a redbone

    redbone. Light skinned female/male mixed with black and another race.
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    isn't that like a... mulatto or quadroon or something?
  14. RestStop Space Nigga
    Yeah it's pretty much a mulatto. A half white/half black girl would be the most common one.
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm not necessarily against platonic relationships with highly selected women, I simply believe they should be treated with immense suspicion and kept at a distance due to their predispositions, their general nature.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hahaha, a guy actually played Moon Man right in front of them.

  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Malice I'm not necessarily against platonic relationships with highly selected women, I simply believe they should be treated with immense suspicion and kept at a distance due to their predispositions, their general nature.

    you should really wait until you've met more people before passing judgement like that
  18. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Malice I'm not necessarily against platonic relationships with highly selected women, I simply believe they should be treated with immense suspicion and kept at a distance due to their predispositions, their general nature.

    Hmm fair enough. I'd say go ahead and take that precaution with any new person you meet in general though. Not that everyone is out to get you but be smart, alert etc..
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Damn, the dope is beat.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. RestStop Space Nigga
    This shit go hard FAM

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