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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. therrere goes my heart im actuallly dying no jokes
  2. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump youre acute *blush*

    that was obtuse
  3. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump therrere goes my heart im actuallly dying no jokes

  4. i might just b tripping out rly hRDF
  5. You guys are lame as fuck during the weekends
  6. Always.
  7. bling bling Dark Matter
    daat feel wen u trade kpins for bud buyt tell them its xanax
  8. bling bling Dark Matter
    ami a g yet
  9. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher You guys are lame as fuck during the weekends

    I just talked to god
  10. That was a coool bundy trip I thought it was world war 3
  11. ui am the original trt that is all
  12. Daily reminder that I got the first front page flush on the new site layout
  13. daily reminder gonts that i fpf during wporldw roodpm 3 3pe trumpnaldo scronsw a zimmmy
  14. Originally posted by Malice My brain went haywire and I pretty much effectively PTSD'd myself, so even if I did change my mind it would be extremely difficult. Instead I've doubled down and retreated into isolation and sedation.

    You were a fun opponent at times but in the end just as weak as the rest. You should have never tried to be hostile to me. You are to egotistical to ever admit it but it wasn't you who gave you PTSD. I destroyed you. I am the devil on your shoulder and you didn't even realize it. Hahahaha...

    You are welcome.

  15. I listened to starboy like 20 times during that trip
  16. You are dogshit.
  17. putin
  18. Shut the fuck up.
  19. To siberia with yoou communist jedis ascunm
  20. russia strongk russia capitali9st$$

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