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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I walked uphill 5 minutes in the snow to buy weed from a traditional marijuana dealer who didn't have change for a 40 so next time I get better deals I'm soooooooo cool
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Also bic lighters are selling these faggot lighters with the long extension at my store . Garbage I hate them
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle

    Am I supposed to shove that extender up my ass? What's the bit? What's the gimmick?
  4. DontTellEm Black Hole
    What did u dump all that pepper flake seasoning on ur FLOOR! FUCK! U piss me off sometimes bud.
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DontTellEm What did u dump all that pepper flake seasoning on ur FLOOR! FUCK! U piss me off sometimes bud.

    That's not my floor jeez lew eez April 20th
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by troon LA gets a bit nippy this time of year, you know that. But he's a fucking pretentious faggot, so lol morrissey, hope he has to pay their money back.

    I know LA gets cold. its a wet windy cold not a dry cold that makes snow in the midwest and is 0 degrees. sure it's zero but its calm unless a wind-chill kicks up. but wet cold hits you way fucking faster.

    fog mist and then it drops to 38 is real fun when you still have 2 miles of a walk on the way home or to the train station
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I walked uphill 5 minutes in the snow to buy weed from a traditional marijuana dealer who didn't have change for a 40 so next time I get better deals I'm soooooooo cool

    thats hardcore you are like a pioneer
  8. Originally posted by Ghost I am not even sure if my thoughts are real sometimes . We are nothing but waves in the cosmic scale of time and the universe

    You are nothing but a working collection of subatomic particles sailing through waves of dark energy.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    I feel like I’m dying
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Sometimes I think my thoughts are on a loop or I am a loop. It bothers me I only think of things I’m reminded of.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Gonna snap
  12. Kafka sweaty
    I feel like my heart will give you or ill collapse but it’s pjust sleep deprivation
  13. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Calm down and drink another Monster
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Haxxor Space Nigga
    I know a person who was made fun of most of her life. Most of the time, if someone was complimenting her or flirting, it was as a joke.

    It made her life hell and she learned to always answer in a worse way. She had to be more intimitating and more brutal than the person faking the compliment.

    When people came to do such jokes on school, they would learn quickly that she was mean and it was too much trouble.

    When someone would flirt with her at parties, she would look around, identify the “bros” laughing at the friend’s joke. Then, she would destroy that guy. He wouldn’t be smiling when he returned to his friend’s circle.

    Eventually, it became a habit. An automatic response.

    People grew up, and fake-complimenting is not an acceptable behavior for adults. But now it became a habit - an automatic response.

    She has been rude to her parents, boyfriend, friends — everyone she knows, loves, and never wanted to be rude with.

    Breaking an old habit — especially one that is so emotionally charged — is a really hard thing to do.
  15. A bit farty
  16. Originally posted by Haxxor I know a person who was made fun of most of her life. Most of the time, if someone was complimenting her or flirting, it was as a joke.

    It made her life hell and she learned to always answer in a worse way. She had to be more intimitating and more brutal than the person faking the compliment.

    When people came to do such jokes on school, they would learn quickly that she was mean and it was too much trouble.

    When someone would flirt with her at parties, she would look around, identify the “bros” laughing at the friend’s joke. Then, she would destroy that guy. He wouldn’t be smiling when he returned to his friend’s circle.

    Eventually, it became a habit. An automatic response.

    People grew up, and fake-complimenting is not an acceptable behavior for adults. But now it became a habit - an automatic response.

    She has been rude to her parents, boyfriend, friends — everyone she knows, loves, and never wanted to be rude with.

    Breaking an old habit — especially one that is so emotionally charged — is a really hard thing to do.

    And that person.. is you.
  17. Incessant African Astronaut
    Pretty swell. Slept in. No meetings today so I can just get stoned and work without being bothered to look presentable or be on time to anything.
  18. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And that person.. is you.


    But honestly no one gives a fuck anyway 😑
  19. Kafka sweaty
    I got a lot done today even though I was sleep deprived, constant yawning but still reading at a fast speed. My eyes felt like they weren’t focused and I could see black at the edges but still managed to read, so I’m inspired my what I can do on my worst day. I did take stimulants and have shortness of breath now and feel like death in general.
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    horny but cba to do nothing about it
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