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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Disgusted because I no longer live in a white bubble. I saw a pregnant refugee today.
  2. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Cultures can't be preserved unless there's pockets of them without diversity.
  3. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I don't want to get used to feeling unsafe.
  4. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Your government is starting the fires on purpose for their globalist handlers.

    or just kids setting off fireworks

    it's been triple digits so something as simple as the sun beating down on a broken bottle which acts like a magnifying glass at the right angle could start it or even someone riding a bike or a car driving by hitting a rock which hits another rock and caused enough for a spark could set it off.

    then there were dry lightening happening just prior. sometimes shit just smolders underground with roots smoldering.

    could be a million things. look at how the transformers were to blame but then there were antifa guys going around starting shit. memory holed. the transformers by PG&E get blamed and then the customers end up paying for the lawsuit over increased bills.
  5. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny or just kids setting off fireworks

    it's been triple digits so something as simple as the sun beating down on a broken bottle which acts like a magnifying glass at the right angle could start it or even someone riding a bike or a car driving by hitting a rock which hits another rock and caused enough for a spark could set it off.

    then there were dry lightening happening just prior. sometimes shit just smolders underground with roots smoldering.

    could be a million things. look at how the transformers were to blame but then there were antifa guys going around starting shit. memory holed. the transformers by PG&E get blamed and then the customers end up paying for the lawsuit over increased bills.

    Nah, it's the globalists and their mindless minions lighting the fires to create support for their global warming hoax.
  6. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nah, it's the globalists and their mindless minions lighting the fires to create support for their global warming hoax.

    And I'm the conspiracy nut around here for saying I witnessed the 9/11 threats 6 months prior (or what ended up happening irl on 9/11)

    You don't actually believe that shit do you?

    off topic, I was watching a video of the Islanders jumping into the ocean and someone video taping it while in the water. looked like the lakes of hell. what's fucked up way to go. better change your ways, the second death is forever.
  7. Originally posted by Dirtbag Disgusted because I no longer live in a white bubble. I saw a pregnant refugee today.

    It's gotten really miserable around here. It's very unpleasant. They just seem to have came out of no where. And it won't end, there's billions of people in the third world who'd like to move here. The only way it ends is when they force our standard of living so low there is no point moving here.
  8. The Great Replacement, using your own money to do it.
  9. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Great Replacement, using your own money to do it.

    No one even pretends the ongoing invasion benefits us in any way.

    It's "revenge" for colonialism, it's the "white man's burden" to have to be nice to all these people who openly and proudly hate us.
  10. Importing easy votes with your tax dollars is the cherry on the cake.
  11. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think I have depression. Like I didn't really notice it bcus I'm not crying or sad about anything in particular but not being interested or motivated and waking up feeling awful must mean I am.
  12. Originally posted by Dirtbag I think I have depression. Like I didn't really notice it bcus I'm not crying or sad about anything in particular but not being interested or motivated and waking up feeling awful must mean I am.

    You do have depression. That's because you put all your focus on material and cosmetic things, take bad advice from hypnosis and occult shysters, and ingest dangerous chemicals and toxic drugs.
  13. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think it's because exams are over. I haven't fully developed my business plan so that means I'm unsure of that goal. Not having a concrete purpose or goal rn and the change in routine is probably causing it.
  14. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    There's stuff I'm interested in but none of it feels like a priority. I need a priority to be happy.
  15. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Cosmetic treatments do make me feel better, it's soothing to take care of myself and when I'm depressed I take extra care of my appearance.
  16. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I think it's a control thing, like you don't have to worry about people noticing you're depressed if you're taking care of your appearance.
  17. Cosmetic treatments actually leave you feeling empty, because they are really meaningless, and your inner self knows it. Feeling empty for too long leads to depression.
  18. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I think I have depression. Like I didn't really notice it bcus I'm not crying or sad about anything in particular but not being interested or motivated and waking up feeling awful must mean I am.

    People only cry when they're in the teens and 20s or 30s even. it becomes more rare when you get close to 40s and 50s

    but once in a great great while you'll have an emotional flush and its the best Cry-High you'll ever have and then in 2 hours you're hating life all over again. Life is cruel as shit and becomes comically cruel where you just want to fucking board that bus once you realize you've past your apex moment.
  19. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    There 3was a woman friend I had some years back and I was thinking of taking up the Bass and was all excited about buying a Vox bass and learning to play because it was a teardrop shaped base and I had a moment of my youth kick in and she goes "Dude, you're in your 40s, you will never be famous. especially in this day and age" which was true. In the 1970s (before my time) and all decades earlier you would have 40-50 year olds starting bands. 28 was the average age. now it's straight out of Disney years of 16-17 year old pop singers or some bullshit street "R&B" created in some corporate office somewhere. some made up Gangsta rap. same shit that Tupac said would happen in the industry before they offed his ass. about fake ass niggas rappn and posing as if they came out of a rough neighborhood.

    shits fake. corporate shit is everywhere

    No one liked Posers when I was growing up either. you turn your back to the stage when some frilly ass leopard skin faggot in spandex tried to act Metal or Goth.

    fuck outta here with that fake shit
  20. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny People only cry when they're in the teens and 20s or 30s even. it becomes more rare when you get close to 40s and 50s

    but once in a great great while you'll have an emotional flush and its the best Cry-High you'll ever have and then in 2 hours you're hating life all over again. Life is cruel as shit and becomes comically cruel where you just want to fucking board that bus once you realize you've past your apex moment.

    Do you beleive you're washed up, over the hill, or yesterday's news??
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